new transitioner needs Major help!


New Member
i just decided to go natural a few weeks ago and i finally put the plan into motion but i am now completely confused about running into so much information and im hearing conflicting reviews on prodicts to hair care tips.i have no idea what to buy and i dont know where to start.heres a few things about my hair last perm was december 13 2010.since then ive been braiding my hair under stockingcap glue ins.i dont want to chop all my hair off agin and i dont know how to take care of my hair with braids under glueins.about 5months ago my hair was cut like this
now its a few inches from chin length on the sides and back of my head where the hair was cut off.ladies what do i do?!when my hair shrinks its waaay shoter than chin length and i dont like that,i dont know of any cute styles.ive already bought products but not sure if they were the right ones to buy.i bought shea moisture moisture retention shampoo,shea moisture deep treatment masque,and motions moisture plus.any tips on a regime and hair styles or how to care for braided hair under stockingcap glueins.sorry for being so lengthy :)
Hi there! Just a few basic will get many, many more in the transitioners' thread and hopefully in your thread, too.

1) Please, PLEASE ensure that the glue is not getting on your hair. Even though your hair is braided, make sure you are keeping it moisturized and CLEAN underneath the stocking cap. Wash it every 1-2 weeks and moisturize once a day or whenever your braids feel extra dry. There are threads on hair care under weaves and wigs as well.

2) A tip that helped me when I was transitioning back in 2007-08: wear your hair out towards the end of your transition to help you get more accustomed to dealing with your hair texture. I am not sure if you have been natural as a teen or adult and thus have taken care of your natural hair, but it is important, I feel, to do this before you BC so you don't encounter that "now what?" feeling after you are completely natural.

3) Don't buy everything just because you see it here! The thousands of members here are fans of thousands of products, and chances are there is something you are already using that is working fine or can be great with a few tweaks, like using it differently, adding oil to it, etc. There aren't necessarily any "right" or "wrong" products. Be more mindful of the ingredients in products and how the products can work for your hair rather than just a name.

4) In addition to the hair board, Youtube will be your friend, too! If you haven't yet, do a search on YT for styles that you can do on both your transitioning and natural hair at varying lengths. Seeing how someone going through your situation, regardless of whether they are the same hair type or not, can show you how to deal with problems you have yet to encounter, get you thinking about the look you want to achieve now and in the future, and introduce you to even more terminology, products, and fellow hair care lovers.

5) It will take a while for you to build a regimen that works for you 100%. Heck, some people have been here for YEARS and don't have one or keep changing it. As a matter of fact, I just changed my staple cowash and leave-in conditioner about a month or two ago. Experiment with things as you try them and keep something if it works for you.

Good luck with your transition!
welcome girl! you did right by asking for help. i'm transitioning too and i'm trying out a few things, working on a solid regimen. whenever i get confused or stuck, i search this site and a couple others for whatever it is that i need...

Some things that I've learned so far are:

1. Conditioner is really important (i'm co-washing 5 days a week)
2. De-tangling in the shower is easier
3. Sectioning your hair for EVERYTHING makes transitioning a lot easier
4. Proper hair growing takes research and caution

be patient and don't give up, everything will be just fine...:grin:
thanks you guys,i will keep everything u said in mind.ive seen some beautiful hair on this site so i want to know your secrets!i havent been able to find the transitioner section but i probably overlooked it,lol
A few things that I wish I would have known in the beginning of my transition are:

1. My relaxed hair and natural new growth are two different people, totally. The products I have been loving and using for years suddenly stopped giving me the same results because the new growth hated it (& vice versa) Keep that in mind as you run out to purchase natural hair products geared toward curly hair, and try to use them on your relaxed hair. It may not give you the same results.

2. Even though a certain product keeps getting rave reviews doesn't mean I have to buy it. If what I am doing works just fine, then that's all that matters. I write down all the names of the products that had great reviews along with the regimens that a majority of people say work and then refer back to them ONLY if my own regimen/products start to fail.

Congrats on your journey