Hello Ladies,
I am new to this site and I am so glad I found it. You ladies just don't know what a blessing you have been to me and my hair. I am thankful to you all
. I am currently wearing a twa due to some extensive damage
. It's all good, because with the information that you ladies have provided, I know that my long term long hair goal is definitely within reach, and that I can go back to relaxing, if I choose. I am still trying to find a good moisturizer, one that will keep my hair moisturized for at least half a day. I am taking a multi, I have yet, however, to add all the other goodies.
This is just a side note: I've learned that just because one is a "hair stylist", does not mean that they have been educated on "hair care"; what it takes to achieve and maintain a healthy head of hair. You must first learn your hair before entrusting it's care into the hands of another.
I am new to this site and I am so glad I found it. You ladies just don't know what a blessing you have been to me and my hair. I am thankful to you all
This is just a side note: I've learned that just because one is a "hair stylist", does not mean that they have been educated on "hair care"; what it takes to achieve and maintain a healthy head of hair. You must first learn your hair before entrusting it's care into the hands of another.