New to the Forum

so so chic

Active Member
I have been lurking for about 1 month now. Hair care is something that I've always been really into. It is such a great feeling to have found so many other woman who are just as interested in their hair as I am :D . There are so many things that I have learned so far, and there are many things that I still have questions about.
I am not quite sure what my hair type is :confused: . I am natural, and almost brastrap length. I go to the Dominicans and have been going there for about 3 years.
I'm very happy to have joined, and look forward to learning and sharing many things.
Welcome Im new too joined 2 weeks ago but been lurcking since july lol there what a thread on how to find out hair types just do a search or the other menbers should be able to post a link 4 u-happy hair growing & i wish u the best
Welcome to the forum! I'm a fellow newbie...I do have a question, do the Dominican blowouts work well on your natural hair... They are my primary styling salons and they are always quick to tell me (and others) that I need a perm at the slightest bit of new growth...
How often do you shampoo & condition?
How do you wear your hair everyday?
Do you get yor hair trimmed, How often?
I love the Dominican salons. This is the only salon that I will go to. The first time that I went to them, I did not think they would be able to style my hair, but my hair looks better than it has ever looked. They can get it really straight, or with body or curls. And my hair has been healthier than when I was getting it blowdried, pressed, and flat ironed.
hairmaster said:
How often do you shampoo & condition?
How do you wear your hair everyday?
Do you get yor hair trimmed, How often?

Well, I have not always been natural. I got my last relaxer about 4 1/2- 5 years ago. Going back natural was the best thing that I could have ever done :) .

I never really wash my hair myself. I haven't mastered the technique yet. The last time I tried to wash it, it was a disaster, and a lot of hair came out. I guess I don't know what I'm doing, but hopefully now that I'm with you guys I will learn how to do my own hair sometimes.

Anyways, I get my hair washed every two weeks...sometimes once a week. Everyday I wear my hair down and straight. Every now and then, I wear it in curls and I will pincurl it at night. Otherwise, I wrap it at night with a scarf. For the last few days though, I have been wearing a bun ( something that I rarely ever do).

I get my hair trimmed at a different salon about every 6-8 weeks. I like going to this stylist because she ONLY trims my hair. This is the first stylist that I have ever been to that does not over do it.
Welcome so so chic and Temp101. So glad you could join us.

If that's you in the avatar so so chic you and your hair are both very pretty.