New To Site Need Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


New Member
Hello Ladies :newbie:

There is so much information on this site, I really have no clue where to start. I did the big chop in January and have been wearing sew ins for the last few months. Now that my hair has grown out some, I want to start paying attention to what I am putting on it and prepare for the big reveal sometime next year. I am going to get rid of the sew in and do the half wig so I can really start conditioning every week. This is where you come in. I need some advice on conditioners that work, and if someone could point me in the direction of a list of terms that would be great! I have no idea what a pre poo and a poo is, or the benefits of co washing. As you can see I really need help..... I will appreciate all regimens that have worked with conditioning, growing, adding shine, managability etc. So as you can see I need alot of HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for your time and patience. Oh and by the way how do I determine my hair type?

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Hi Pinc..welcome to the board. Now before I start ...I just want to let you know....whatever you do or want to achieve K.I.S.S (Keep it simple sista) . So What you should do first is have a good shampoo , conditioner, Deep conditioner, and a leave in.
Now remember what may works for someone may not work you and vice versa. So if I was you I would try to look at fotkis and see who's very close to your hair texture and see what products they use. Now ...IMO(in my opinion) I recommend that your try cheapies first such as Suave , V05 especially if you plan on co-washing( which is basically using a conditionner as if it was a shampoo).Plus it wont hurt your wallet ...youre better off finding if they work for you now than to go for expensive products right away to only find out in a year that v05 conditioners are your best friends in example. Now Pre Poo is basically before you shampoo you can add oil to your hair so that your hair doesnt feel stripped after the shampoo. If you decide to shampoo remember to focus on your scalp . Now if you plan on keeping your hair in cornrowsunder the halfwig I would suggest a good leave in so that your hair stays moisturized..(butter, creme, spray)

Hope I help ,


Hello Ladies :newbie:

There is so much information on this site, I really have no clue where to start. I did the big chop in January and have been wearing sew ins for the last few months. Now that my hair has grown out some, I want to start paying attention to what I am putting on it and prepare for the big reveal sometime next year. I am going to get rid of the sew in and do the half wig so I can really start conditioning every week. This is where you come in. I need some advice on conditioners that work, and if someone could point me in the direction of a list of terms that would be great! I have no idea what a pre poo and a poo is, or the benefits of co washing. As you can see I really need help..... I will appreciate all regimens that have worked with conditioning, growing, adding shine, managability etc. So as you can see I need alot of HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for your time and patience. Oh and by the way how do I determine my hair type?


Definitely check out the newcomer's guide. It's a good place to start to find out the basics.

Happy Hair Growing!
Hey there, and welcome!

Search through the threads you will find so much more info!

ITA with Casarala, there will be things that do/don't work for you, it can be very easy to want to buy something new that has given somebody else great results! I hold my hands up, i am guilty of that lol!

Enjoy your hair journey!

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Thanks you for the advise I will check out the link and I will take my time and find what works for me. I am thinking about not braiding my hair under the half wig that way I can have ease with washing and co washing and less stress on my hair. Please keep the comments coming........ I am an empty vessel yearning to be filled with hair care knowledge :)
Hi Pinc..welcome to the board. Now before I start ...I just want to let you know....whatever you do or want to achieve K.I.S.S (Keep it simple sista) . So What you should do first is have a good shampoo , conditioner, Deep conditioner, and a leave in.
Now remember what may works for someone may not work you and vice versa. So if I was you I would try to look at fotkis and see who's very close to your hair texture and see what products they use. Now ...IMO(in my opinion) I recommend that your try cheapies first such as Suave , V05 especially if you plan on co-washing( which is basically using a conditionner as if it was a shampoo).Plus it wont hurt your wallet ...youre better off finding if they work for you now than to go for expensive products right away to only find out in a year that v05 conditioners are your best friends in example. Now Pre Poo is basically before you shampoo you can add oil to your hair so that your hair doesnt feel stripped after the shampoo. If you decide to shampoo remember to focus on your scalp . Now if you plan on keeping your hair in cornrowsunder the halfwig I would suggest a good leave in so that your hair stays moisturized..(butter, creme, spray)

Hope I help ,


ITA............ I could not have put it better. I made a lot of mistakes when I joined by jumping on bandwagons and not checking if the peoples regimen I was following had similiar hair to mine.
You've already got nice pointers, but I'd also suggest searching weave related threads. There's much info very specific about caring for them and your hair underneath that you'll find useful.

Pre poo is just something (oil/conditioner) which people put on either wet or dry hair before washing. It's a way of detangling and has the added benefit of adding another layer of conditioning. There are many variations on how to do's just about trying and seeing what works.