New Kid on the Block...(long..with a pic)


Well-Known Member
Hi guys!...After approx 2 months of lurking from a far (and stalking in some cases) I finally decided make an account. First and foremost I just want to thank all of you for the great tips and advice that you guys so graciously share, it’s beautiful to see such camaraderie.
Now for a quick history on my hair…I’ve always had a little longer than shoulder length hair. I never thought about “longer hair” because hair wasn’t an issue for me growing up…I was protective styling before I knew what the heck that was. As I got older I discovered “tub-o-perm”…don’t play like you don’t know what I’m talking about…you know…you take yourself to the beauty supply store and buy the big tub of super perm because your actually convinced that you need that hundred gallon barrel sitting under your bathroom sink.
As I got to college…I was the girl that relaxed..dyed..and relaxed again in the matter of weeks because my relaxer “wore off.” After all this madness (because God looks after babes and fools) I still had hair on my head. When I left school I was a regular at the salon and transitioned without a problem. Then one dark and cloudy day I asked my stylist for a trim…dum dum dum…and my almost APL hair went to ear length…I looked like a soccer mom! So I slapped in a weave as fast as I could and ignored my hair for 3 years…literally. Every 3-4 months I would take it down, wash…barely condition and slap in that weave again (my weave stayed fly though).
So, Oct of this year rolls around and I can’t wait to see Chris Rock’s movie, “Good Hair.” Man…I left that theater pissed as heck. I left with the impression that women of color “must” perm their hair or slap in a weave because we can’t grow naturally manageable hair ourselves. He didn’t show 1 minority women with long healthy hair…so if I thought this…what are other races thinking?!? As soon as I got home I looked up “African American Hair Care” and it led me here. I a little research and bought some staple products first then the following week I took my weave out.
To my surprise..after 3 years of absolutely no trims..or sealing my ends I was a little past BSL!..I did a 2 inch trim to even things up a bit, but now I’m motivated as ever. I’m hungry ya’ll…like Kobe in the 4th quarter…I want to prove that African American women can grow a beautiful healthy long head of hair!

So...the following pic is from goal is WL


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GORGEOUS! Thank you for will get there! Remeber to stay positive in life and on the forum.
Welcome to the forum!
I have feeling you're going to reach WL very quickly. It sounds like you have some tough hair! Lucky lady.
Awe guys..(tear)...thank you so much!...seriously...all of you guys have been a friend in my head for the past 2 months now! feels great embarking on this journey with other positive lovely ladies..I know we all will reach the common goal of a healthy head of hair.
Welcome, whilst i was reading i thought you were gonna say you slapped your hairdresser instead of weave. Ha ha ha