**~~!! NEW KID ON THE BLOCK!!~~** (In this case, on the FORUM)


New Member

HIII everyone!!! I just wanted to introduce myself onto the board! I'm new (well, technically.) I have been literally stalking this site :detective: since i did my BC in March and I always wanted to suscribe but never brought myself to do it....

UNTIL NOW... :busted: LOL

But i'm very excited to finally post on my own and i want to personally thank you all for endless INSPIRATIONS!!!

Welcome to LHCF. This site has so much info so don't forget to check out the other forums as well!!!!
My sis recently BC around the same time that you did! Her hair looks gorgeous right now, but mine....:look:
Welcome to the forum!! It is always good to come out of lurkdom.
Congrats on your BC!
6.50 is a small price to pay...(it is still 6.50 right:lachen:?)
Thanks everyone! Appreciate the love!:rolleyes:

And Beaux, 6.50 is def a small price but it's worth it! Congrats on your sis and her hair. And your hair is probably gorgeous, you better put a smile on! lol:yep:
Hi, & Welcome!!!
Welcome to the forum!! :) You'll be very glad you joined. You have access to so much more help that way. And congrats on your BC.