New Here


Hello all:

My name is Natasha and i am new here .I have been lurking for 2 weeks and i loved what i saw so i joined.Haircare is important to me and i am so eager to learn from all of you.I have neck length hair right now and i have to cry i had 3 back to back weaves and it left my hair very thin and i lost length as well.Oh well i wont continue to cry over it i am here now and i will watch,learn and as questions you are all inspirations to me just because i can learn from you .I will be here as long as i can :)

Oh forgot to mention my hair is relaxed
Hey! welcome :newbie:

Where is everyonw going for these bad weaves?:perplexed I think they can definitely grow your hair back, so don't rebuke them as a protective option, 'kay?
Welcome :D. There is a wealth of knowledge here and I'm sure that your hair will be flourishing in no time. :)
Hi :wave: you're going to spend a whole lot of time here - I never thought I would be hooked to a hair site;)- there's sooo much info so don't forget to use the search button, have fun and ask as many questions as you like:)