New Hair Style: What do you think?


Well-Known Member
Pictures added. Just got back from the salon. I wanted to give myself a hair break, so I went and consulted with a stylist yesterday. She showed me a book with some braid styles. I picked one. She told me the price, and I thought it was reasonable. Now, I have the end result, and it's definitely not like the style in the book. Was I too optimistic to think she was that skilled or would put that much time into my hair? I wonder if the style (corn rows with extensions) was worth $100, too. I'll post pics later. Right now I'm going to Steak 'n Shake.

When I went for the consultation, she told me it would take an hour and a half. Well, it probably did between all the other heads she was doing. I got there at 10:00, waited for two hours for her to get started on me and left after 4:00. She gave 3 people perms, hair cuts, flatironing while I was there, and I was always the last to be worked on. This was my first salon braiding experince. Is that customary? Even the girl who came in after she started on my hair was sitting, waiting for like 30 minutes for her mom to pick her up after her hair was done.

Also, if you're natural do you need to get your hair flatironed before braiding? I wasn't too thrilled about that part.
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Just got back from the salon. I wanted to give myself a hair break, so I went and consulted with a stylist yesterday. She showed me a book with some braid styles. I picked one. She told me the price, and I thought it was reasonable. Now, I have the end result, and it's definitely not like the style in the book. Was I too optimistic to think she was that skilled or would put that much time into my hair? I wonder if the style (corn rows with extensions) was worth $100, too. I'll post pics later. Right now I'm going to Steak 'n Shake.

When I went for the consultation, she told me it would take an hour and a half. Well, it probably did between all the other heads he was doing. I got there at 10:00, waited for two hours for her to get started on me and left after 4:00. She gave 3 people perms, hair cuts, flatironing while I was there, and I was always the last to be worked on. This was my first salon braiding experince. Is that customary? Even the girl who came in after she started on my hair was sitting, waiting for like 30 minutes for her mom to pick her up after her hair was done.

Also, if you're natural do you need to get your hair flatironed before braiding? I wasn't too thrilled about that part.

No I am not natural but I braid hair all the time and kinkier the better. That wait time seems crazy for corn rolls. All that time you could have had micros done. I would love to see these braids though and I hope that you are satisfied. Truly not CUSTOMARY for a set of braids.

Post Pics soon.
My evil self would have gotten up and walked out.
I have done that before just b/c the pic I picked out she started braiding my hair totally different after about 13 braids I told them enough is enough and I was leaving. They begged me to stay saying they would call someone else in that knows how to do the style. My question was if you knew you couldn't do it why waste my time. And all this was the day before my grandma funeral so you know I WAS SUPPEEERRR PISSED wasting my time.
You did the right thing by walking out, and I'm sure you didn't want to be bothered with any nonsense being that you had a funeral to go to. :nono:

Now that I think about it more, that lady told me yesterday when I went for the consultation that I would need 6 bags of hair. I went out and bought them. When I was leaving today, she told me I have enough hair for the next time. I just looked to see how much hair was left in the bag. Lo and behold there are 3 and 1/2 bags of hair still left. :shocked: I think she knew what she was supposed to be doing with my hair but just didn't want to do it once I got there. I doubt if that was just a drastic overestimation.

Here goes (Please ignore the braces. They mess up my smile.) What do y'all think?
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Aw Miss J, you look really pretty! Don't be discouraged!

That stylist did you dirty for real. The problem isn't you and your expectations, it is her and her poor business acumen and customer service.

I know that you are newly natural, right? I had to learn the hard way (after cutting off 3 inches of hair earlier this year) that you should not have to have your hair straightened for a stylist to be able to manage it. I used to frequent a natural hair stylist who twisted my hair. I would spend hours blow drying it - not bone straight, but just enough for it to be looser. I realized, after going to other stylists, that such things are not necessary when you're with someone who knows what they're doing!
MissJ! What a little cutie you are! Such a fresh face! Love your smile! :yep:
Your hair looks great before and after! Rock it Girl!
naijiamerican, not that newly natural but still learning about my natural hair.

I mean I guess it looks good, but it's not exactly what I wanted. Plus, does it look like it's worth $100? :huh: Especially since the people who got relaxed, washed, dried, rollerset, curled, flatironed only cost $55. Then she didn't even bother to wash my hair. She didn't want to. Good thing it was already stretched. She just ran a flatiron through it.

Thanks for the compliments. I guess the style will grow on me. I'm not sure if I want to go back to her, though.
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Miss J....your hair looks great...both b4 and after! but yes...thats one thing i dont miss about going 2 the salon...juggling 20 people's hair in addition to urs....a hairstyle that should take 1.5-2hrs ended up taking 6hrs....whew!:nono::nono::nono:
Pictures added. Just got back from the salon. I wanted to give myself a hair break, so I went and consulted with a stylist yesterday. She showed me a book with some braid styles. I picked one. She told me the price, and I thought it was reasonable. Now, I have the end result, and it's definitely not like the style in the book. Was I too optimistic to think she was that skilled or would put that much time into my hair? I wonder if the style (corn rows with extensions) was worth $100, too. I'll post pics later. Right now I'm going to Steak 'n Shake.

When I went for the consultation, she told me it would take an hour and a half. Well, it probably did between all the other heads he was doing. I got there at 10:00, waited for two hours for her to get started on me and left after 4:00. She gave 3 people perms, hair cuts, flatironing while I was there, and I was always the last to be worked on. This was my first salon braiding experince. Is that customary? Even the girl who came in after she started on my hair was sitting, waiting for like 30 minutes for her mom to pick her up after her hair was done.

Also, if you're natural do you need to get your hair flatironed before braiding? I wasn't too thrilled about that part.

this is what I am worried about too. I am getting braids in 1-2 weeks and I do not want my hair flatironed before it is braided(my hair is very tightly curled).

Your style is cute btw.
It looks good...

But to answer your question she did get wasnt worth $100 for your time and she did everybody and their mama's hair in between yours. Not to mention is wasnt what you asked for.

Next time I would go to someone who braids exclusively or make sure that your stylist does one person at a time.

I hate that she did that to you being greedy!
Flat iron before braiding? Oh he double hockey sticks NO!

You need to find a stylist that knows how to care and maintain natural hair. She will prove to be detrimental to your hair b/c she is applying practices that are unnecessary for braiding.

Who is this person? We need to put her on blast b/c that just doesnt make any sense! :nono:
Miss J, you are a sweetie:). You look so cute in your before and after pictures. I know it's frustrating paying money and not getting exactly what you want, but the style does look nice on you.

You should not have to have your hair flatironed in order to get braids. I have never heard of this. Something was strange about them telling you to bring 6 packages of hair. I guess they didn't want you to run out? Well, at least you got the left overs back. Some braiders try to keep the excess hair.

A $100 sounds a little steep to me, idk, maybe I'm a little cheap. But then again it's been a long time since I had my hair professionally braided.
Flat iron before braiding? Oh he double hockey sticks NO!

You need to find a stylist that knows how to care and maintain natural hair. She will prove to be detrimental to your hair b/c she is applying practices that are unnecessary for braiding.

Who is this person? We need to put her on blast b/c that just doesnt make any sense! :nono:

Aww, you look so cute!

Smitge is right- next time go to a braider. They will be able to work with your hair the way it is.

Not only that but you probably won't be in there as long as you were at this place.

And $100 is waaaay too much for that style. :nono: I'm gonna chalk that one up to going to a regular salon as well. They tend to charge more for weaves, braids, etc., probably because they take so much time.
That is very cute style! I think it was worth maybe $60-70. At least that is what they charge around here. She should have took some money off since she kept you waiting for so long.
Aww, you look so cute!

Smitge is right- next time go to a braider. They will be able to work with your hair the way it is.

Not only that but you probably won't be in there as long as you were at this place.

And $100 is waaaay too much for that style. :nono: I'm gonna chalk that one up to going to a regular salon as well. They tend to charge more for weaves, braids, etc., probably because they take so much time.

I agree, and I also think that sometimes, if you don't go to someone who is specifically a natural stylist, they will penalize you for having natural hair. I know this happens in Dominican salons where if your hair is a bit more kinky they charge you more (at least here in Baltimore). That's why I go to specifically natural stylists, who will work on me and only me and won't charge an arm and a leg and a kidney to do so.
Hey MissJ glad you posted pics. It looks very nice on you but I agree with the other ladies that is not a 100 braid style. Just my opinion though. I wear braids alot. The style does fit you I also think your before shot was very pretty.

Here is a pic I got my hair braided and this style cost 90 bucks and I had 2 layers.


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Hey MissJ glad you posted pics. It looks very nice on you but I agree with the other ladies that is not a 100 braid style. Just my opinion though. I wear braids alot. The style does fit you I also think your before shot was very pretty.

Here is a pic I got my hair braided and this style cost 90 bucks and I had 2 layers.
I could see paying $90 for those, especially if it was the style you wanted. Those are a lot more braids. They're smaller, and it looks like the person took her time on them. My stylist, I guess, didn't have time for me. Well, I guess she did have the time since I was the last customer left in the shop. She just didn't want to do what I asked for.

For the people who want to be warned about her, I would put her on blast, but I think she's a single mom with two kids.

The problem is I was looking for another stylist. I'm new in the area, and she did my twists in August. They weren't anything special, so I wanted to try someone else. One of my friends went to this salon and brought me a card back. It was the same lady, so I tried her again. I don't know of anyone else to go to.
I'm sorry you didnt get the results you wanted but the style does suit you well. I'm glad I go to a HBCU because there are girls here that would do your hair like that for about $25.

And I'm the only one digging the cherubic shower curtain?
MissJ you are so pretty! The style suits your face/features but $100 was maybe a little too much. I hope you didn't tip her after all the waiting and overcharging and not getting what you want!

Being a single mom with two kids is no excuse for not giving you what you paid for. If anything, that seems as if it would be even more reason to make sure that all of her clients are happy and satisfied and coming back. I wouldn't go back to her. I would start stopping people in the streets with styles that I like and ask them who did their hair...and keep asking until I found someone that gave me an answer besides that lady.

Good luck finding someone new...but she (or he, I suppose) is out there.
MissJ you are so pretty! The style suits your face/features but $100 was maybe a little too much. I hope you didn't tip her after all the waiting and overcharging and not getting what you want!

Being a single mom with two kids is no excuse for not giving you what you paid for. If anything, that seems as if it would be even more reason to make sure that all of her clients are happy and satisfied and coming back. I wouldn't go back to her. I would start stopping people in the streets with styles that I like and ask them who did their hair...and keep asking until I found someone that gave me an answer besides that lady.

Good luck finding someone new...but she (or he, I suppose) is out there.


There is no place of employment that takes in consideration if you have children to feed at home or not. You do your job or you get fired. Period. I would care more about the fact that she was greedy and took my money and left alot to be desired, rather than the fact that she has 2 kids at home. She didnt think about you and your bills when she TOOK your money! :rolleyes:

But you are a sweet girl for considering it. :grin:

I would do as Kimberly suggested in regards to you being a new resident. The more people you "survey" the varied responses you will get.

Fool me once, shame on you
Food me twice, shame on me

You know better now. Run with it....
Didn't read all the posts. Actually I just looked at your pics. :look: You are a cutie FO SHO'!!!! I love your hair w/o the braids. Your braids are cute but...:rolleyes: I understand needing a break though.
Thanks for the advice y'all. I'm starting to like my hair more. The only problems I still have are:

-She didn't do what I asked for, even though there pictures at every angle of the style I wanted.
-She made it clear that she didn't want to wash my hair.
-She ran a flatiron through it instead. (Would she do it again? Would she be offended if I asked her not to?)
-I waited for so long.
-I would wear this style again but not if I have to shell out $100 for it; it's not worth it.
Thanks for the advice y'all. I'm starting to like my hair more. The only problems I still have are:

-She didn't do what I asked for, even though there pictures at every angle of the style I wanted.
-She made it clear that she didn't want to wash my hair.
-She ran a flatiron through it instead. (Would she do it again? Would she be offended if I asked her not to?)
-I waited for so long.
-I would wear this style again but not if I have to shell out $100 for it; it's not worth it.

I soooo undertand...:wallbash:

these are the exact reasons I started learning how to braid, twist my own hair...

It doesnt seem to matter how explanatory I am, they(so called-stylists) always slip in some ish, that I did not want or nor asked for...:rolleyes:

MissJ, you are a cutie !!