New growth while transitioning (another one..)

Sui Topi

New Member
I'm in a love hate relationship with my new growth. I'm 2 months post with (thanks to MN) 2 inches of new growth in some areas and as little as 1 inch in others and its getting nuts. I can't help keeping my hands up in my head massaging and caressing my curls, and I'm noticing while the conditioner washes and natural oils are keeping my permed ends soft and silky, my new growth isn't really getting moisturized. Is there any other way to get product down to the roots other than using an applicator brush?
i mean unless you wanna just section and apply with your fingers. but honestly for me the best bet WAS the applicator brush. I noticed that my NG stayed moisturized longer when the conditioner was put on my ng with the brush.
what ^she said. The newgrowth might also require a little more product and be worked through more with a brush or fingers.
lol I do my deep conditioning with the applicator brush and I was getting tired just imagining doing this nearly every day with moisturizer..oh Well I guess more effort=better results...
well i'll be honest. when i was 10-12 weeks post my ng dried up so easily. after like 2 days from my wash day my ng was straw. and i really got tired of applying my moisturizer to my ng section by section everrrry day. so what i did was on wash day i mixed conditioner and honey together. a lot more honey than conditioner. applied it to my ng like i would a relaxer. then proceeded with the rest of my wash routine. And let me tell u..i hardly had to touch my NG for the rest of the week. i mean i still had to moisturize but not as often as b4. it's like the honey just helped retain moisture in my ng better. so i continued to do this treatment along with that caramel/molasses treatment and i was just fine. I don't know how well it will work on ur hair but it helped me stretch to 12 weeks and felt confident enuff to stretch longer.
I think I will try that next I put this concoction on my dry hair and then continue washing as usual, trying not to disturb the new growth too much right?
My new growth is too thick now to be sectioning it off every night for moisturizing. I co-wash once or twice a week and use a cheapie conditioner, like VO5, and apply it straight to the new growth on dry hair. I leave it on for a while and then jump in the shower and rinse it off. My relaxed hair doesn't like the VO5, so I follow with Paul Mitchell's Super Charged Moisturizer and apply that to just the straight hair. My natural hair doesn't like that stuff, and all the more reason to go natural because I'd rather pay a dollar than 10 dollars. :lol:
My new growth is so much I had to put my hair back in twists. Im 25 weeks post relaxer. I had twists from October till the end of November. Now I cannot manage it anymore. I just put twists in myself. I also use MN. Boy that stuff makes your hair grow.
I think I will try that next I put this concoction on my dry hair and then continue washing as usual, trying not to disturb the new growth too much right?

...if ur talking about the concoction i made, yea u just put it on ur dry ng and let it sit for about half hour. it will start to dry up. then u just wash regularly. u can disturb the ng all u want. I used to think that if i washed the ng too much with that concoction in it then it wouldn't work. but it still works. i actually clarified that day i did it and it still kept my ng moisturized afterwards surprisingly. if the honey's not strong enuff then i'd suggest to replace that with molasses. the molasses worked better on mine anyway