New Growth = Tender Scalp?


New Member
Hey ladies

Last few weeks my scalp has been kinda tender. It's not flaking or looking raw or anything it's just kinda tender especially where I have the most new growth.

Last month I was concerned cause I wasn't seeing a lot of new growth then all fo the sudden it's just popping up everywhere. I know hair grows in spurts so perhaps that's what I'm experiencing.

Could the new growth be the reason my scalp is tender? I used Suave Clarifier for my first poo the last couple of washes so I'm wondering if maybe that might have something to do with it...maybe it's got too much soap in it. I'm going to try just washing with the Nexxus and skipping the clarifying poo. Hopefully it's just growth and not the start of some weird scalp problem.

I just googled sore scalp and I found an interesting quote about sore scalp and anxiety:

Your scalp feels sore, has shooting pains, or that the back of your neck and head are very tense. You may also experience burning scalp or skin on your head, neck or any other place on your body.
These sensations may come and go on a few times, may come and go regularly, or may be persistent and very strong. You may also experience shooting pains in the head, face, neck, or any other part of the body.

This could be the cause as that I've been worried with school, finances, and family of late.
Funny friend was complaining to me the other day that her scalp was sore and she's currently stretching. She (and I) both thought she was crazy for saying her "new growth hurts." You may be onto something. I'm sure this will make her feel more normal as well! You're not alone:D
My head get very sore, itchy and hot during growth spurts. Lasts maybe 3 days then its gone. I don't get it all the time and usually in the summer. I just had another growth spurt not long ago...could have been because the weather was quite warm for most of the winter though. Its been 12 weeks since I last relaxed and I got 2 inches of growth in most places on my scalp. (I'm relaxing this stuff TOMORROW!!!) That growth is not very normal for me within that time frame. STill don't know where it all came from and doubt I could replicate that on a consistent basis.

That's scalp gets tender when my growth is faster than normal but only in the crown will I experience this. I have a coarser texture in the top and I just attributed it to that.:ohwell:
That's scalp gets tender when my growth is faster than normal but only in the crown will I experience this. I have a coarser texture in the top and I just attributed it to that.:ohwell:

Yea...mine is on the sides of my crown and one place in the bag. The NG is thicker in those spots too. I don't notice in shedding when I run my fingers through that area so I'm really thinking it's the NG.

It seems like it feels better when I'm outside in the sun but starts to get sore again when I'm inside in the airconditioning. Weird huh.
