New Beginnings


New Member
Hi everyone I just joined today. I've been reading some the past posts and there is alot of information here.

I found this site by accident I suppose. My hair is breaking at the ends in spots and the roots in others. It makes me cry to look at it now. It looks dull and is very soft and fragile looking. I've never had long hair, used a relaxer for about 12 years. I just want healthy looking hair again, and I don't know where to start. I've been contemplating cutting it real short and trying to grow it back, but I really don't want to do that. Its not even chin length now.

Can anyone recommend a good place to start? My current regimen is a relaxer every 4-6 wks (Motions or Precise), shampoo and regular condition once a week, and use hair grease almost daily.

Thanks in advance for any advice
Hi, I just wanted to say welcome. I'm sure that ladies who relax will have plenty of info for you. Can you give some more info? Like the type of relaxers you get(lye or no-lye, shampoos? It sounds like you may be getting realxers to close together. I relax my niece's hair every 8 to 10 weeks and her hair is 4/b and very very thick...and thanks to me(as she puts it) it's growing...along with my advise of no heat. She rollersets(which I taught her) once a week.
Welcome Ahottmess. You did not find this site by accident. It was meant for you to find it. It sounds like you are going through some rough hair times right now. I just want to encourage you and tell you:
Don't speak defeat over your hair. Any hair problem is able to be solved. It will just take time and patience. It sounds to me like you are relaxing a little too soon. the relaxed girls around here have found different ways to extend ther relaxer time so they can avoid overprocessing the hair. It sounds like there might be some relaxer overlapping going on. Do you apply your own relaxer? It is important not to comb through to the ends this will definitly cause breakage. You probably will need to start with a really good deep conditioning that will halt the breakage. I have used the Aphogee in the past. Not sure what the name is because I only buy it when needed. But it makes your hair hard when dried. It will stop any breakage going on. I am sure there are others. Although around here we only trim as needed. It sounds like you need a trim to get rid of the dead hair on the ends. Thats really up to you though. I am not sure how far up the breakage is so maybe you need to cut at least an inch. I wish I had some pictures to see. I do a weekly deep condition I don't use grease everyday. It is too heavy and weighs your hair down. I use a light oil on the ends of my hair and I massage it through. I am sure there are others out there that can give you more advice. Good luck because I know your situation. I have been there before.
Hi Ahottmess. Welcome to the board. I agree with DSD; you may be relaxing your hair too often. I have really thick, coarse 4b hair and relax every 8-10 weeks. If I can go that long, trust me girlie, you can too. I have found that weekly deep conditions and hot oil treatments softens my new growth which allows me to go longer between retouches.

You didn't mention what type of shampoo or conditioner you use. A lot of ladies on the board (including myself) love Creme of Nature shampoo. It is very moisturizing, which it sounds like your hair needs. Since you are somewhat familiar with the Motions line, the Motions Moisture Plus is a good moisturizing conditioner.

I would stay away from the hair grease. As DSD said, it is heavy and weighs down the hair. Try using a light oil on your hair, such as Kemi or Hot Six. I would also recommend a good trim to get rid of the irrepairable (if that's a word) ends.

Basically, you want to moisturize your ends with water and seal in the moisture with an oil. This will allow you to keep the length that you already have.

Along your hair journey, there will unforseen set backs. For example, this week I experienced a lot of breakage due to too much protein. So to fix it, I've been doing deep moisturizing conditions.

Fortunately, you have found this board and everyone here is very supportive. Please let us know when you encounter a problem so that we can assist you. I hope I was able to provide some helpful information.

Again, welcome to the board!! Be sure to read some of the old posts. They are full of great advice.
hey girl,
i have some issues with breakage to. if your hair is moisturized then you might want to look at protein treatments. like dsd look into aphogee, the helped me girl! i used the treatment for damaged hair and the balancing moisturizer. FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS!! and try not to get it on your face cuz i think it made me break out. try to run some searches aon breakage, protein treatments and moisturizers on this site for more info. good luck!!!
...I feel funny calling you a hottmess

Anyways, don't be discouraged. Read, read, read AND read. Find a regimine that works for you and stick to it. I agree that you should relax less often, and make sure it is not overlapped.

If you don't want to cut your hair to short all at once give it a good trim and keep the ends moisturized, then trim a little at a time. Remember grease does not = moisture, grease will clog your pores. If you can, shampoo and moisturize 2-3 times a week and find an Essential Oil that works for you.
SherryLove couldn't have said it better....patience, patience, patience mixed with consistency!! LHCF is priceless with all of the information, advice, tips, and stories that the ladies here share.

Thanks for the welcome and the advice.
My question to those who suggested a trim, there are patches of my hair where it has practically broken down to the scalp (like fuzz) , should I shave all that off or will it grow?
I will take some pictures can I post them here or should I start an online album?
Dont all of the old posts. Moisture, moisture, moisture...lose the 'grease' - - it clogs the pores and makes hair dull and dirty. Wash every few days with a shampoo that doesnt have SLS or ALS in the ingredients. Deep condition at least once a week. First, do a protein treatment to stop breakage. Only do this occasionally. Moisten and oil your ends. Be patient and good luck!
No, I wouldn't shave anything. The advice given is good, follow it. Castor is a good oil to use for growth. "Grease" your scalp with that, it shouldn't clog your pores. Mostly stay away from vaseline (petroleum) and mineral oil which clog pores. However, putting this on the ends of you hair is fine for protecting the ends. And yes you can post pics here.
All the advice given here has been good. A few things i would suggest:

Wash weekly with Creme of nature shampoo (with green writing)

deep condition with a good moisturizer like, Lekair cholesterol , Motions moisture plus

do protein treatments as needed every 4-6 weeks (aphogee is a good choice) MAKE SURE TO FOLLOW THAT WIOTH A MOISTURIZING CONDIT!!!!!!

use a detangling leAVe in like motions nourish or infusium, and let hair either airdry or rollerset.

a good oil for the scalp is wild growth oil, it doesn't smell the best but its doesn't clog the pores (hence preventing growth) and keeps the hair moisturized. It makes my hair very shiny as well.

If you feel you can wash more often then try it, I would suggest you look up conditioner washes if you plan to increase.