New and Need Help


New Member
Hello all,
Just joined today! I will open with a background on me then a question.

I have relaxed hair which I am thinking is a 4A or the highest 3 grade. It was about an inch past shoulder and I got it cut in layers (I wanted body as I have fine hair). It is pretty good to me considering that I dont take good care of it. It is not right at shoulder length, layered, and super dry even after moisturizing ! I have to do freq updos so it is always in a bun. I do not comb it everyday, just kinda slap on some conditioner and rebun it from the shape it keeps. I sleep on a satin pillowcase.

I would like to know a few things please
1. why are my ends getting so dry and crispy when i keep it in a bun
2. I keep my hair trimmed and i dont have split ends, but they look so dry and flyaway kinda like they are split but they arent... any suggestions?
3. When I do comb it after a wash condition and blowdry i have tons of breakage all over my bathroom.

when i have time i will post pics but i am currently at 16 inches and i want to be at 19 or 20 by Jan 2007 (or armpit length)
1. With your bun, are you bagging the ends before bunnung?? The moisture is probably being abosorbed quickly and bagging can stop that. (search baggie method if you don't know what it is)
2. I'm not sure about your ends, but if you are relaxed you should have protein and moisturizer. Also, these ends are probably old and damaged if you have been relaxing for a long time and not taking good care of your hair. You might have to cut more than you think.
3. Comb you hair BEFORE you blowdry. Or when it is full of conditioner in the shower. Dry hair can break eaiser than wet.
HTH, welcome again.
yasjencon2 said:
Hello all,
Just joined today! I will open with a background on me then a question.

I have relaxed hair which I am thinking is a 4A or the highest 3 grade. It was about an inch past shoulder and I got it cut in layers (I wanted body as I have fine hair). It is pretty good to me considering that I dont take good care of it. It is not right at shoulder length, layered, and super dry even after moisturizing ! I have to do freq updos so it is always in a bun. I do not comb it everyday, just kinda slap on some conditioner and rebun it from the shape it keeps. I sleep on a satin pillowcase.

I would like to know a few things please
1. why are my ends getting so dry and crispy when i keep it in a bun
2. I keep my hair trimmed and i dont have split ends, but they look so dry and flyaway kinda like they are split but they arent... any suggestions?
3. When I do comb it after a wash condition and blowdry i have tons of breakage all over my bathroom.

when i have time i will post pics but i am currently at 16 inches and i want to be at 19 or 20 by Jan 2007 (or armpit length)

i had the same prob, i think we have the same hair type aswell?

basically i think the bun theory is wrong wrong wrong. put ur hair in a pony tail (wen damp) add a big of moisturizer and then CLIp the ends under. this will eliminate the dryness and breakage! thank me later xXx ps. the next day, spray some water on your hair and add the same moisturizer. its good you dont comb often VERY good. the trick is to keep your hair as damp as possible for longer. also never put a band, scrunchie around ur ends, bad news, my ends were smushed ands crumbling and dry. now EVERY SINGLE TIME i "bun" i clip the ends under(bobby pin) and its alll good. give it a try!
Candy_C you are amazing. Great advice.

Welcome to LHCF!!!! I wear buns all the time and the trick to great ends is simply moisturize, moisturize, moisturize