New *2009* Transitioners Support Thread!


New Member
I thought I would start another one,because the old one is too long,I am not Transitioning but my Daughter is, so I need support on that as well!
I can't access the old 1 so I'm not complaining!! Thanks!! I'm at week 49 .. I'm not finding it too hard, in fact its getting easier..
How long has your daughter been transitioning?

For about 4 months and I ain't looking forward to the next Several months,LOL!! Her hair is so thick, I mean it is so hard to get water to her scalp, so this past washing I told her we would wash in sections so I done her hair in 4 sections and she washed it in the shower with CON original shampoo! I think I might need to get a Fotki on her, Her hair is just really big, not long, but big. thick but fragile!
I am three months now. It is hard b/c I don't know how to properly detangle my hair. I would like to hold on and I just ordered paid for a stand up steamer on ebay today. I'm hoping it will get easier for me b/c I like my natural hair. We'll see.
Just a quick update for myself. I am 22 weeks post which equates to 5 months or so. So far its been pretty good. I'm just still trying to find some good products and good transitioning regiment and really take the time to learn about my hair.
Right now, I'm 57 weeks post, and it's going pretty good. I'm mainly wearing my hair straight (to keep both textures alike). I have about 5 inches of relaxed hair. I will continue to slowly trim it away. I also wash my hair in sections. I was doing 4 sections, and then I started doing 3 sections. Last week, I washed my hair in 2 sections, and it wasn't too bad.
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My last relaxer was in May 08-so thats like 29 weeks post. I plan on BCing in May 09 if I have alot of length but if I don't I'll just do it in November 09. But what I'm struggling with the most is how to style my hair without it being so time consuming-so as of now I just slick it back with KCCC and wrap up the back in a bun.
I am 3 months post as of today, not a real stretch since I go about 4 months between relaxers. Right now I am pretty much bunning ALL the time so I don't have to manipulate it as much. I am going to wear it out twice this month for my work holiday party and new years eve so I am very excited about that! I think if I get frustrated down the line, I will cornrow, and wear wigs. I am on the hunt for a wig now. I won't cut unless I have to, or when I can put my natural hair in a little puff. Good luck ladies!
I'm new transition 10 weeks post and planning to hang in for the long haul without doing the BC. I've done that twice before and did not like managing short hair but after reading the success of others here I'm going to work it out with protective styles and lots of TLC.
I'm 14 weeks post my last relaxer and have found it quite difficult, i have never tried to go natural before and usually relax my hair every 6-8 weeks. I have been doing weaves (which i'm still trying to learn to deal with the itchiness), i'm thinking of trying braids for a while tho as i feel i'll be able to do more with it and they will last longer.

Still trying to get a transition regime so have been living on lhcf, i already have over an inch of new growth and i can see and feel the curls already. I'm trying to transition for as long as possible but have a feeling i may do the big chop a lot sooner than i thought. Maybe once i get it to a lenght that i could still cornrow and have out and style at times (about 4-5inches) I'll do my big chop....
I am 38 weeks post and transitioning from texlaxed to natural. My last "texlax" session was in March 08. I texlaxed to 25% straight so my texlaxed hair and natural hair aren't too different in textures. I still have about 1 inch of bone straight hair left on the ends.

The experience has been going pretty well *no jinx*. I have been wearing sew-ins with curly synthetic hair for 3-4 weeks at a time. I bun when I'm not in a sew-in. I flat iron once every 3-4 months to check progress and dust no more than .25'' tri-annually.

I don't plan on doing a BC...just gradually trim til I reach my goal.

Keeping it simple!
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I am 38 weeks post and transitioning from texlaxed to natural. My last "texlax" session was in March 08. I texlaxed to 25% straight so my texlaxed hair and natural hair aren't too different in textures. I still have about 1 inch of bone straight hair left on the ends.

The experience has been going pretty well *no jinx*. I have been wearing sew-ins with curly synthetic hair for 3-4 weeks at a time. I bun when I'm not in a sew-in. I flat iron once every 3-4 months to check progress and dust no more than .25'' tri-annually.

I don't plan on doing a BC...just gradually trim til I reach my goal.

Keeping it simple!

Hey Malibu, I didn't realize we had that much in common! I'm 55 wks post and quite happy right now, especially with henna.
I'm so glad a new one was started. I am 32 weeks post and loving it. I just ordered Emu oil to help with my crown and edges. Hope it does the trick.
Transitioners: How much relaxed hair do you have left (if any)?
I'm not even sure anymore :ohwell:. It's like certain parts of my hair doesn't appear to have any (my right side), then there are other parts where I still have straight ends...just a ball of confusion! My right has always been curlier than my left and the back, so maybe that's why. Am I making it too difficult? :giggle:
By the way, do any transitioners use Henna? I ordered the Cassia from and then realized I think only relaxed heads are using Henna. I can't really remember. Anyway, I was wondering if it matters that I have 2 textures.

Last night while detangling I noticed that my new growth is pretty strong. It's the relaxed ends that are weak and fragile. They snap like twigs so I try to be very careful.

Any advice??

So I've been officially transitioning since July 2008. I had a mishap the last relaxer I tried to put in where my hair pretty much rejected it and "told" me it wanted to stay I felt the least I could do was just go natural. :lachen:

I am going on 6 months now which I find has been easy so far due to bunning. I'll hold out for as long as possible without really BC-ing this time but intstead just cutting a bit at a time.

I am not sure how much relaxed hair I still have, especially since it is "texlaxed" and very similar in texture to my natural hair. That's the main reason why I plan on cutting only a little at a time b/c this time I can't tell my natural from my relaxed! So after about a year or when I reach Full SL, I'll start cutting off about 1 inch every other month or so (keeping it at Full SL) for about another year and by then I figure I'll be mostly if not 100% natural...right? :spinning:

Happy Trasitioning Ladies!!!
By the way, do any transitioners use Henna? I ordered the Cassia from and then realized I think only relaxed heads are using Henna. I can't really remember. Anyway, I was wondering if it matters that I have 2 textures.

Last night while detangling I noticed that my new growth is pretty strong. It's the relaxed ends that are weak and fragile. They snap like twigs so I try to be very careful.

Any advice??
I use henna, it doesn't matter if you have two textures. I think it's actually beneficial as a transitioner. There are a LOT of naturals/transitioners who use henna :yep:. The henna and adding a dash of MT to my moisturizing DC's has actually helped me a lot with my breakage. It's very minimal now.
how do you ladies plan on wearing your hair once you're fully natural?
im going back and forth about transitioning but i dont really see myself rockin the curly look lol.
how do you ladies plan on wearing your hair once you're fully natural?
im going back and forth about transitioning but i dont really see myself rockin the curly look lol.
I'll probably be like my avatar, twists (If I can get them to look right), buns and WnG's-much like now. I'll straighten when the mood hits me. I don't see myself really changing up my styles too much. I like to wear creative updo's and the like already so...I just think natural hair gives you more options.
Allandra, you said that you mostly wear you hair straight, are you pressing or flat ironing or something else?
Thanks for the new thread! I'm currently only 4 months post so I have ways to go. So far so good. Hoping for a smooth journey throughout the whole process. I've been wearing a bun faithfully except maybe 1x a wk for a few hrs then it goes back in a bun. Keeping my hair moisturized and cowashing is helping me a lot.
Hey everyone!! Glad there's a new thread! I am 7 months post right now. Everything is going okay so far. I do have a lot of breakage though but can easily hide it right now. I wash/dc and detangle in sections once a week and usually do cowashes every other day. I started off at apl and now I am just past shoulder length when I flat iron which is usually once a week. In some places like towards my nape I have about an inch of relaxed hair left but in others it's more like 4 to 5 inches. I pretty much just wear my hair up in a french roll everyday. I am so thankful for this thread cause some days I just want to chop it off...I don't think about relaxing anymore, but sometimes I just want to take scissors to my hair and hack it. But knowing that you all are there and going thru the same thing keeps me going! I don't have a timeline for when I will BC but hopefully I can make it 12 months and then I will re-evaluate then.
Hello Ladies

I am 10-11 weeks post now I believe....this is a stretch for me lol.

I plan on no BC'ing but I will wear my hair in buns, braids and eventually weaves until it gets to a lenght I am comfortable with.