Need to trim? Yea or nay??

I usually get my ends trimmed every 8 weeks (after each relaxer). But I decided, in the intrests of retaining a little more length, to skip the trim. This is the first time i decided to do this. I always keep my hair in protectives styles so there's little manipulation in my routine. It's been 8+ weeks since i've had it trimmed. How can i tell if i'm in dire need of a trim? Looking at my ends now, they look kinda fuzzy... does that mean it needs a little moisture or should i chop off those old ends? I have heard the term "dusting" mentioned here. What's that supposed to mean?
Are your ends airdried? Mine always look like crap when I airdry them loose. I don't think you MUST trim your hair every 8 wks. if you keep your ends healthy you should only need to dust your ends every so often a year. A "dusting" is taking off the very tips of your hair, usu. for just a fresh look to the ends, it would be about a centimeter or two cutting.
I only trim when needed and that is just to neaten up my ends. Lately I have been getting an itty-bitty trim every 12 weeks or so but my ends are really holding up since I figured out how to roller set my hair. So now I'm going for six months and even then only if they are looking kind of scraggly.

I have a friend who hasn't trimmed her hair in 3 or 4 years and has waist length hair. So it's not really necessary to trim every 6-8 weeks...
You don't need to trim every 8 weeks (that's just cutting off any length you gain). if ur ends r dry, i say try keeping them moist at all times... keep them protected. Maybe try a protective style for 2 weeks (moistening ends daily - ie. vaseline, conditioner, profectiv healthy ends, etc.) and see how ur ends fair. Sometimes the air can be brutal on our hair :mad:
If your hair is usually in protective styles and not manipulated much, I can't see how it could possibly need to be trimmed that often.