Need help....


New Member
Hi ladies I am new to the board and have been reading your post for a past couple of days and decides to register... I noticed after reading most of the post we share a few things in common like I also use Biotin(GNC)and WGO but I noticed that no one mentioned the hair care line that I use which is Rene Furterer which is making me think am I using the wrong products on my hair so I was wondering if anyone is familiar with that line can I get some opinion/advice...

My hair is thick and just above my shoulder blades and never really had any trouble with it until recently after I had my baby around the 4th month after my delivery I woke up to find to bald spots on each side of my head and my hair was shedding in long strands like crazy everytime I combed my hair or even just running my fingers through my hair, I got to the point where I stopped combing my hair( I was really scared that I was going to be bald) and kept it in a ponytail much of the time until someone told me about Aphogee I used the shampoo/treatment/balancing moisturizer/leave in and I notice some change but I was still shedding but not as much... for my bald spots I have a friend who is from Haiti and she was telling me that in Haiti they sell small bottles of Minoxidil(2%)which works wonders all I have to do is put a few drops and rub it in my bald spots every nite well she got it for me and it worked my hair grew back in problem solved... Now Aphogee and I forgot to mention Profectiv Break-free did help a lot but then I was told about RF-80 which is by Rene Furterer it's good for temporary hair loss due to medication and pregnancy etc so I purchased the RF-80 and shampoo/conditioner/leave in and I must say that the shedding has stopped (not completely)but I could live now and my hair feels good but the line is so expensive and you don't get much for your money so I was wondering should I continue with it being that my doctor told me that I should be alright after a year or can someone recommend something else that's really good for shedding...

I have heard wonderful things about Rene's products but as you said they are so expensive and what I use works well for me right now. A friend of mine uses her whole line and her hair is beautiful. Is is possible that your ponytail is too tight and causing stress on your hair? I noticed my hair was not growing as much in certain spots and it was because of the stress from my pony tail holder. Pay very close attention to everything you do and see if you can pinpoint any habits that may be damaging to your hair. If not it may me something physical within your body.

Oh as for shedding I was on the pill and stopped taking it about 3 months ago and virtually have NO shedding. So for me the pill was causing all my shedding.
Thanks for the reply Sky, some people say the shedding could be side effetcs from the anesthesia (c-section)some say that my hormones might still be off from having the baby... Rene's line I think is good but I was wondering if there was anything else just as good but for less money...
wanted to say welcome. I don't have an answer about the line you are using...but I do agree with your Dr. once your hormones are under control and the shedding shouldn't need anything specifically for shedding...unless of course it happens again...or for another reason... which you won't know until then.