Neck length hair


New Member
Hey guys...I need help! I just joined this forum about 2 weeks ago I'm at a loss as to what to do to my hair. I have bought KeraCare shampoo,CON, MTG< NTM leave in ,Biolage leave in, Qp Mnago butter and other stuff but my hair is a mess! Ive tried the twist out and it looks a mess. Ive tried the caruso and my hair is a thick puffy mess. I tried tying my hair tight with a scarf but it is a pain mess because the ends a then puffy...Im also 12weeks post perm..ladies please help?

What did you use on your hair when you did your twistout?
When I was about 12 weeks into my transition I wore braidouts. I used Hollywood beauty's Carrot Creme mixed with Africa's Best Herbal Oil. I'd then set the braids on small perm rods- light pink. Then finger style. I hope that helps.

ETA: Have you tried conditioner washes yet?
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When I first joined the board, I was just as overwhelmed as you are and I tried almost every product mentioned here. What I had to do eventually is braid my hair so that is what I recommend. Give your hair a break by braiding it for a while. During this time, try to find someone here that has your hair type and follow their regimen - that might help you understand your hair better and you will be able to see which product works better with your hair type.
Thanks for the suggestions ladies. Is there anyone with neck length 4a/b hair that have a journal or sight with their regime and styling ideas. I really dont wna to get braid...Any other suggetion would help...Thanks
well i have 4a/b hair which is just past collarbone length and i've been too lazy to get my journal started. but i just wanted to tell you that i'm 12 weeks post also. the only thing thats keeping me sane is using CON poo and any moisturizing conditioner will work, after CON. Also, I blow out my roots, or otherwise i'll have a tangled mess of hard, wirey hair. it really softens my roots and i let my hair airdry and then i'll flat-iron it once. alot of people fear heat, but it helps me. you can search for a few of my posts if you want further instructions.

good luck!
Brinasia said:
Thanks for the suggestions ladies. Is there anyone with neck length 4a/b hair that have a journal or sight with their regime and styling ideas. I really dont wna to get braid...Any other suggetion would help...Thanks

I have a journal. i have not been good at updating it lately but it has a few ideas. Take a look. HTH
Brinasia said:
Hey guys...I need help! I just joined this forum about 2 weeks ago I'm at a loss as to what to do to my hair. I have bought KeraCare shampoo,CON, MTG< NTM leave in ,Biolage leave in, Qp Mnago butter and other stuff but my hair is a mess! Ive tried the twist out and it looks a mess. Ive tried the caruso and my hair is a thick puffy mess. I tried tying my hair tight with a scarf but it is a pain mess because the ends a then puffy...Im also 12weeks post perm..ladies please help?

Hey, Brinasia! I started out neck length too. I am now approaching armpit length. My hair is longer now than it's ever been in my life. A couple words of advice for you:

1) Stay with your research on LHCF. Read the boards regularly. View people's albums, read the monthly hair feature articles. Be encouraged, you WILL get past this point. Don't give up. When you feel weak, logon to LHCF.

2) Do buns and the baggie method and shake the need to always look "FLY". This is about a process and you have a PLAN. Don't worry about always having to keep up with the Joneses about your hair because you are focused on the big picture. IT WILL PAY OFF. Minimize HEAT. I minimized mine to twice a month or less and wore buns all the rest of the month.

3) Wash your hair more frequently using the co-wash method.

4) Get some MTG. Use it like your life depends on it.

5) Continue to stretch. It's that damaging chemical treatment that has caused your length to be where it is now. Stretching is good. You'll have more space to work with and avoid overlapping when you DO touchup if you stay faithful to the stretch. MANGO BUTTER by Elasta QP and stay sof fro both do WONDERS with new growth blues.

6) Baby your ends. Treat your hair like a child and pay attention to what it is asking for from day to day and give it that.

7) Have faith. YOU WILL get past neck length. Stay true to your regimen. It WILL happen. The ladies here can help you through the rough times.

Happy GROWING! :)
Hello :wave: Welcome to LHCF

First of all congrats on making it to 12 weeks post relaxer!!

The tips Cantbecopied are great! I would also suggest you begin with weekly deep conditioning treatments by using products that moisturize my personal favorites are:

Miss Key 10 en 1
Mizani Moisturefuse
Dudley's Hair Mask

By Moisturizing with heat, the products will soften your new growth and make it easier to manage. I have also heard a lot of ladies speak highly of S-Curl. I have yet to try it but it is next on my list.

Everyone on this board will stress the importance of daily moisturising with a prouct that has water listed as the first ingredient. You want to pamper your ends with moisturizer because your ends have suffered the most damage and are soooooo fragile. My personal fav moisturizer is:

Dudley PCA Moisturizer

The reason why hair never seems like it is getting anywhere is because it breaks off faster than it grows. So retaining your ends by reducing heat and moisturizing will help you notice your growth.

Try airdrying your hair and using a 1/2 inch flat iron (can be bought at Sally's) and ONLY press the new growth. Resist the tempation to flat iron the rest.

As far as the Caurso Rollers try using paper ends on your hair to reduce frizzing and a tad bit of oil. There was a recent post on where everyone gave loads of advise on reducing frizz. I will look for it and post!

Good Luck Your hair will be growing in no time!!
Mizani_Mrs said:
well i have 4a/b hair which is just past collarbone length and i've been too lazy to get my journal started. but i just wanted to tell you that i'm 12 weeks post also. the only thing thats keeping me sane is using CON poo and any moisturizing conditioner will work, after CON. Also, I blow out my roots, or otherwise i'll have a tangled mess of hard, wirey hair. it really softens my roots and i let my hair airdry and then i'll flat-iron it once. alot of people fear heat, but it helps me. you can search for a few of my posts if you want further instructions.

good luck!

I use CON Moisturising Shampoo. I also use VO5 Strawberries and Cream of Blueberries and Cream Conditioner which are God-sends for softening and detangling the hair in the shower (w/a shower comb). I also tried a new product this morning when I washed my hair (because my hair looked a HAWT MESS (a hot mess to the extreme!) It was Matrix Extreme Styling Cream, a part of the Matrix Sleek Look Smoothing System. Before, I put this on I put on NTM Leave in Conditioner. Both did wonders but I really think it was the Matrix that smoothed the frizz and made my hair pliable. I am on a journey to stretch for 6 months. Currently I am almost half way through. My 6 months end the latter part of January. I am just experiementing. I am doing pretty good so far. If I do well I may continue this practice. A former collegue of mine only get relaxers every 6 months and her hair is very healthy and has always been long. She has hair about 3-4 inches past bra strap and her sisters have waist length hair and they are all have extremely thick 4a/ 4b hair from root to tip. They are my hair inspiration. :)

BTW. The Matrix works well when flat ironing new growth.
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