Naturals: Would You Wear a "Natural Tee-Shirt"


A True Soldier Never Dies
Hey everyone. This is a question geered toward naturals. Would you ever sport a t-shirt with sayings like "Natural goddess" or "relaxers = $65. Flat iron - $55. Natural = PRICELESS" and the like? T-shirts that highlight the fact you are natural in general?

I don't know if I ever would. Do you ever feel it is a bit extra sometimes? Why or why not?
Yes, I would.
I'm still looking for an inexpensive t-shirt that says: Happy 2 B Nappy or Happy To Be Nappy.
I refuse to pay $20 plus shipping for a t-shirt.
I would. I am not much in to ordering clothes online, and I never see them being sold in stores, that's the only reason I don't have one yet.
I like natural goddess. If it were really inexpensive. In general, I'm not much of a sayings shirt or even t-shirt kind of girl.
Yes I would (especially at the start of my natural look) but I never wanted ones that were very obvious or were negative about someone else's look (like an anti-relaxer shirt). I got a simple sweatshirt once from Esprit that had a woman with an Afro on it...and that was not so obvious. Occasionally I still look for a shirt, but the balance I'm looking for is hard to find.
When my hair is longer I'd consider it. I'm not trying to draw more attention than necessary to my short do :look:.
Yes and no.

There is a specific one I've seen that I want. It's green and it says "don't touch my hair" or something like that. It has a black woman kicking a white one. I thought it was funny.

No because I wouldn't wear one that downs relaxers. I have no issue with relaxers, I'd just never wear one again.
Yes and no.

There is a specific one I've seen that I want. It's green and it says "don't touch my hair" or something like that. It has a black woman kicking a white one. I thought it was funny.

No because I wouldn't wear one that downs relaxers. I have no issue with relaxers, I'd just never wear one again.

Would it be funny tho if it were a white little girl kicking a black one saying the same thing. As a teacher I see black girls always touching others' hair. They are not the onlyones of course, but I think we have to be careful about what we see as acceptable.
No I wouldn't, as it's not that deep. It's just a preference and if you look at my head you can see I'm natural. Some of them are a bit much and snide IMO, and just create more division. No one's choice is any better than the other.
Would it be funny tho if it were a white little girl kicking a black one saying the same thing. As a teacher I see black girls always touching others' hair. They are not the onlyones of course, but I think we have to be careful about what we see as acceptable.

Good point, but in the new Karate Kid movie they have two different scenes where the Chinese keep touching the AA hair.

Yes OP, I would wear a natural tee shirt, but I wouldn't want it to be offensive, so I would be careful with the slogan.
When i was newly natural i really wanted one. I do have a tee shirt that says " I <3 my hair". It's written in the font and style of the "I <3 NY" tees.
I see alot of new natural around here rocking t-shirts now that they are natural. I have to find one that suits me if I do choose to wear one.
No I wouldn't. Anyone can see that I'm natural (I'm sporting a twa now). Plus I'm not into t-shirts with sayings and things.
I would if the price was right. I found a few online but they always seemed pricey to me. I have 2 buttons, One that says "KINKY - Keep it natural know yourself" and another one that says something about loving my natural self. I wouldn't wear one that puts down relaxers. I wore a relaxer (and love it) for many years and there are many women that work them well here and IRL. It was a personal decision when I went natural.
I would. I absolutely love afro tees...looking at some now. I don't need for it to SHOUT, I am natural feel my fro or anything like that...but I do like shirts that promote "soul" loving..
I would because I am really into tshirts with sayings....and I am very pro-Black and Pro-Black Girl, AND Pro-Natural hair so any shirts that promote that I am all over
Hey everyone. This is a question geered toward naturals. Would you ever sport a t-shirt with sayings like "Natural goddess" or "relaxers = $65. Flat iron - $55. Natural = PRICELESS" and the like? T-shirts that highlight the fact you are natural in general?

I don't know if I ever would. Do you ever feel it is a bit extra sometimes? Why or why not?

No. Not with any sayings on them such as what you wrote or "black is beautiful".

I would most definitely wear a T-shirt of a drawing of an exotic woman with a BAA w/some hoop earrings or something.

I think something like that speaks louder than having to say it per se. But this is how I roll. I don't like drawing unnecessary attention to myself or want to look desperate or appear to be a nap militant. There are subtle ways to get my beliefs across without having to say them or look like I'm forcing folks to accept my message.

Kinda like how Monique, Starr Jones and JHud would be proud of their "curves" and tell you how beautiful big girls are, etc. Like, if you really believed that you wouldn't have to tell us all the time.

Now every last one of those chicks are headed towards a size 6. What happened to the big beautiful goddess you guys were raving about a year or two ago? Yeah, thought so.
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