Naturals who trim/dust/S&D their own hair...please share your methods


New Member
I'm noticing some SPLITS in my hair :sad::sad::sad: and I'm going to do something about it this weekend. I have trimmed my hair before....a couple of times in the past I just trimmed the very ends off of dry twists. Once I actually unraveled each twist one by one, stretched it out by wetting it completely, and just trimmed off the very ends while wet. This time I am hoping to just dust, or do a "search and destroy", depending on how bad it is.

To those naturals who trim/dust, or do "search and destroys" on their own hair, what is your method? How long does it take you and do you do it on wet or dry hair? If you do it on dry hair, is it on dry natural hair, or pressed or "blown out" hair?

What kind of scissors/shears do you use? What tips do you have for other naturals wanting to trim/dust their own hair?

Sorry for all the questions LOL...TIA! :drunk::drunk::drunk:
I trim in twists, when I need to - taking a little bit off of the top. Takes me about 10 minutes, because I just - snip a little. Mind you, I haven't done this since I was trimming off the color, so I wasn't trying to be super precise about it.
I trim in twists, when I need to - taking a little bit off of the top. Takes me about 10 minutes, because I just - snip a little. Mind you, I haven't done this since I was trimming off the color, so I wasn't trying to be super precise about it.

I was considering doing this again but I'm not sure if I'm getting all the splits that way...which is why I am considering doing a S& hair isn't straight right now...nor is it in twists, so I am at a slight loss as to just how I should go about doing it this time, ya know?
I have a pretty similar method. I trim when my hair is in really small braids. That way I know that I am getting most of the ends.
I just grab some hair, hold it up to the light and snip the split ends I see. I have no method really, its just seek and find. I usually do it outside on a sunny day while my boys are playing outside:grin:
I was considering doing this again but I'm not sure if I'm getting all the splits that way...which is why I am considering doing a S& hair isn't straight right now...nor is it in twists, so I am at a slight loss as to just how I should go about doing it this time, ya know?

If you are doing a S&D, rather than dusting/trimming, you are going through your hair roughly strand by strand anyhow - so I think it has to be 'loose' to do it, and I don't think it has to be straight, either, as long as you can see the ends. I haven't started S&D'ing yet, as my hair isn't long enough.....
If you are doing a S&D, rather than dusting/trimming, you are going through your hair roughly strand by strand anyhow - so I think it has to be 'loose' to do it, and I don't think it has to be straight, either, as long as you can see the ends. I haven't started S&D'ing yet, as my hair isn't long enough.....

Yeah, that's what I do. It takes a long time. I don't do it often, but thank goodness I rarely find splits.
I usually snip the ends off my twists.

But since I straightened my hair, I summarily cut off 2 inches to get rid of spilt ends.

I found that this did not get all of my splits, so now I will do a S&D after I wash, condition, and press it again. I'm thinking of doing a Henna.
I trim in small braids usually. However i've been S & D ing since last Oct and don't see a major trim anywhere in sight although i'm planning one just for over all health in April.
first off let me just say i envy your hair like crazy!!!

i did my first S&D last month. i had pressed my hair out and noticed some of my ends were split, so i just put all my hair in a ponytail and took out small sections at a time. i literally went hair by hair, snipping off the split ends as i went. then i put the previously searched and snipped hair in another ponytail, and started on a new section.

i think it is easier to do on long hair cuz i could pull it around front and see what i was doing. i used shears from Sally's. it took me several hours, sorry i didn't really keep track of the time... :look:
I s &d every time I do my hair. As I take down my twists before the wash and as I comb the hair while twisting after washing, I s&d. I get more knots than splits. I use a pair of hair clipping shears from sally's. I used to trim the bottom off of my twists, but I was scared of cutting off too much and it was never really even, so I stopped. I've cut down on the number of times a year I trim, so the s&d will have to do.
first off let me just say i envy your hair like crazy!!!

i did my first S&D last month. i had pressed my hair out and noticed some of my ends were split, so i just put all my hair in a ponytail and took out small sections at a time. i literally went hair by hair, snipping off the split ends as i went. then i put the previously searched and snipped hair in another ponytail, and started on a new section.

i think it is easier to do on long hair cuz i could pull it around front and see what i was doing. i used shears from Sally's. it took me several hours, sorry i didn't really keep track of the time... :look:

Thanks LL!

It's really lookin like I will do a S&D...I think my hair might have to be wet though because when it's dry it shrinks up soooo much. So I might not be able to pull it far enough to the front to see what I'm doing if it's dry.

Hhhmmmm...I wonder if it's harder to see the splits on wet hair than on dry hair though??? Anybody know?
Hmmm. I don't know. I would think it MIGHT be easier to see on dry hair, just because there is nothing that would help the split 'stick' together...... but otherwise.... hrm, that's a good question....
bumping for replies. i need to do something about splits and I have natural hair. It's just so darn curly, I can't tell. Help!!!!
I trim in twists, when I need to - taking a little bit off of the top. Takes me about 10 minutes, because I just - snip a little. Mind you, I haven't done this since I was trimming off the color, so I wasn't trying to be super precise about it.

Ditto the bold. I usually redo my twists and as I complete each, I stretch the twist feeling the end for the same small section and then snip. I do this whenever I think of it. I believe in prevention so I don't wait to see the split ends. I just dust all my hair as part of my regimen.
BUMP! Any advice for a curly 4a/some 3c? BSL I think...

I don't normally do twists anymore period so I wonder if that's the best metho...
I use the search and destroy method once a week trimming any splits or single strand knots.

but i deep trim, twice a year I straighten and part into section trim, then twist each section and trim.
My answers are below:

To those naturals who trim/dust, or do "search and destroys" on their own hair, what is your method? With S&D's I'm very thorough and take my time. I use Feyes Hair Trimming instructions when I cut my ends. Here is her website. When I do dustings I just cut a section of ends as I take off my rollers.
How long does it take you? Don't get scared LOL but I do S&D's section by section so sometimes it can take me 2 days. I take my time, take breaks, and I literally do section by section.
do you do it on wet or dry hair? I find it easier to do on straight hair. Its easier to section the hair without pulling it.
If you do it on dry hair, is it on dry natural hair, or pressed or "blown out" hair? Dry natural hair that has been rollerset. I may or may not flatiron.
What kind of scissors/shears do you use? I bought my scissors at Sally's. I don't know the name, but they were $10 bucks.
What tips do you have for other naturals wanting to trim/dust their own hair? Its not that hard but you'll need some patience. And I know exactly how much to dust. You'll never complain about a stylist cutting off all of your hair. I literally DUST and you'll never see more than that on the floor. I don't play LOL The more you work at it, the better you will get. You will notice that most of the DIY'ers with long hair do their own S&D's, trims and dustings.

HTH! :drunk:
My answers are below:

To those naturals who trim/dust, or do "search and destroys" on their own hair, what is your method? With S&D's I'm very thorough and take my time. I use Feyes Hair Trimming instructions when I cut my ends. Here is her website. When I do dustings I just cut a section of ends as I take off my rollers.
How long does it take you? Don't get scared LOL but I do S&D's section by section so sometimes it can take me 2 days. I take my time, take breaks, and I literally do section by section.
do you do it on wet or dry hair? I find it easier to do on straight hair. Its easier to section the hair without pulling it.
If you do it on dry hair, is it on dry natural hair, or pressed or "blown out" hair? Dry natural hair that has been rollerset. I may or may not flatiron.
What kind of scissors/shears do you use? I bought my scissors at Sally's. I don't know the name, but they were $10 bucks.
What tips do you have for other naturals wanting to trim/dust their own hair? Its not that hard but you'll need some patience. And I know exactly how much to dust. You'll never complain about a stylist cutting off all of your hair. I literally DUST and you'll never see more than that on the floor. I don't play LOL The more you work at it, the better you will get. You will notice that most of the DIY'ers with long hair do their own S&D's, trims and dustings.

HTH! :drunk:

When you trim out of a roller set, do you straighten after or just trim the curls? If the latter, does that mean pulling the curl taut and snipping the ends off?
@bostonmaria i pretty much do it just like kissseventyseven minus the her taking a week ill sit down for about three hours and search and destroy.