Naturals:When did you fall in love with your hair!?!?


New Member
I just bc'ed a little over a month ago and I have fallen in love with natural texture! I love the way it shrinks...and how black it is..and how it curls up when it's wet. So anyway..when did you all fall in love with your hair??
I've loved my natural hair since I was born! :rolleyes:

lol but just because I loved it didn't mean I treated it right...until recently. :grin:
About 2 weeks after I BC'd and figured out how to keep the moisture in. Before that it was dryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy :lachen:.
I bc'ed in feb with 6 months of newgrowth, about a month later I was in love with it! Now the single strand knots are starting to make me fall a little bit out of love :-(
i fall in and out of love with it ,i generally like curly hair on others more than on my self especially big puffs ,twists out and coily luscious curls,i ve always loved bangs and structured looks on me (which i could never really achieve ) but eventually after years of "forcing" my hair to stay straight when it desperatley wanted to be curly I learned to just let it be and the health and fullness of my hair improved enormously within a short period of time ,I m now in love with it and if i straighten my hair it would be with a wet rollerset or stretch it with a bun .
Vive le Curls !
The first time I laid eyes on it is was love at first sight:love: I cut my hair off after transitioning for 5 months. That was almost 2 1/2 years ago and I never looked back :grin:
I BCd with a caeser cut I ejoyed my hair, but really fell in luv with it once i had enuff length to start doing decent twist out, twists etc .... abt 5 months after I BCd.

Im like madly in love with it now :drunk:
Years before I did the BC. My new growth was so much softer than the rest of my hair. I used to go as long as I could between relaxers because I loved my texture. I would feel this weird sadness on my relaxer days.
Umm... I'll let you know when I get there? :look:

JK, JK, JK!! ...Well, mostly. :perplexed I've always had a love/hate relationship with my hair, and up until I went natural, it was mostly hate. Now I have a different kind of appreciation for my hair, and I do like it, I just occasionally find myself frustrated with the different cycles it is going through as it grows. At first it was super easy to deal with and never even got tangled. It was easy to define the curls and pretty much looked cute with minimal effort. Now that it's gotten a few extra inches to it, it tangles like nobody's business, is iffy about whether or not it will curl this day or that one, and recently I've been seeing a bit more breakage than what I am strictly comfortable with; some of which has little knots on the ends.

I'm hoping this is just a minor manipulation issue from wearing my hair out too much. :ohwell:

Again, I really do love and appreciate my hair, I guess I'm just finding this learning stage to be a little challenging. Not to mention that the things I am learning now will become useless in a few months or so because my hair will be longer and doing something else I have to learn to deal with. :rolleyes:
I fell in love as soon I made the decision to go natural again. The thoughts, the possibilities, the freedom from chemicals - that was enough for me, regardless of what my hair texture looked like.
I just fell in love wth my curls in 2008 once I started listening to the ladies on here. Even though I was not relaxed I still would find ways to straighten out my curls by roller setting or trying to loosing up my curls to fall straighter.
I have learned to except my hair for what it is and love it. Since not everyone in my family had my hair type they didn't know what to do with it. I was taught that water and grease. there would be so much grease in my hair to make it straight in the pony tail.
I loved my hair the minute I felt my NG and decided it was time to transition .. now I continue fall in love each time I cowash & DC!!
I don't know if I fell in love with my hair but I LOVE not going to the salon and being able to wet my hair at anytime, walk in the rain, not worry about if my hair is going to look a mess that much, cancel going places because my hair looks a mess. I LOVE all of that!
Just last month when I cut out the last of the blond hair!! Whew!! I am in love with my totally natural color...finally!
I fell in love with mine when i was taking my braids out and I saw that all my ng was in little spiral curls.. that's when I started officially transitioning
Well, I fell in love with my natural hair when I first did the BC. I loved the wash-n-go lifestyle, the curly, kinky tight roots, the thickness, etc...
Whenever I felt the new growth I LOVED the waves and wouldn't relax for months just for them. When I transitioned I loved it even more. When I BC'd I was head over heels. I've yet to NOT love my hair. It's so beautiful to me!!!
The day I cut it I was instantly in love with it and had hands-in-fro disease. I was so happy to get rid of the stringy ends.

Actually I'd started flirting with it while transitioning (I loved to play in the new growth after I washed my hair).