Naturals/Text: More Definition after pooing?


On the Grow and Keeping it Simple
This week I've been volunteering my time helping to build a park in my neighborhood. Due to the sweat, smells, and bugs I've had to shampoo twice this week instead of my usual once or twice a month. After pooing my hair is more defined and springy. Instead of looking flat it looks full.
Also, since my leave in leaves a white cast that takes too long to fade I had to rinse most of it out under the faucet. Voila, more definiton and the best hair day I've had since the chop.

Ladies, are there any of you that poo once a week? Would you suggest that or should I stick to the original method?

Do any of you use little to no product? Does it work for you?
nubianqt86 said:
This week I've been volunteering my time helping to build a park in my neighborhood. Due to the sweat, smells, and bugs I've had to shampoo twice this week instead of my usual once or twice a month. After pooing my hair is more defined and springy. Instead of looking flat it looks full.
Also, since my leave in leaves a white cast that takes too long to fade I had to rinse most of it out under the faucet. Voila, more definiton and the best hair day I've had since the chop.

Ladies, are there any of you that poo once a week? Would you suggest that or should I stick to the original method?

Do any of you use little to no product? Does it work for you?


I bc'ed in August so I'm growing out my TWA. I'm textlaxed and find, as you have recently, that my coils/curls are more defined and springy after washing. I have also found that the more often I wash and deep condition, say, 3 times a week, the better my hair looks (if I'm sporting a wash and go). The kind of conditioner I use has been key: Those cheapie conditioners for shampoos/co-washes have not been effective. They have dried my hair out. On the flip side, the more moisturizing conditioners have been the ones sisters on LHCF have traditionally used for deep conditioning.

You seem quite pleased with the results you are achieving with shampooing your hair more often (even though out of necessity at this time) and I would suggest that you continue with that since it works! To find pieces of a routine that work for you is so golden a discovery one has to cherish it!

Now... Let's see some comparison pictures!

You only wash your hair one or twice a month? YUCK. Girl, I wash my hair often. My hair is very full and healthy. I may go a 1 1/2 week to two weeks without washing if my hair is in twists. When I wear wash & Gos, I wash frequently. My hair loves and craves water. I would highly suggest doing conditioner washes once or twice a week with one good shampoo. You do need to get a very good clarifying shampoo because the CW causes buildup.
I shampoo about once a week to remove build up from my conditioner washes. It definitely curls up more I think because shampoo removes build up from products that could be weighing the hair down.

BTW: that's the ONE thing I'm NOT looking forward to in these summer and warm months....BUGS GETTING CAUGHT IN MY HAIR!!! I'm almost terrified of bugs, and I had a BAD experience last year while at a park supporting a friend playing soccer. Let's just say me and my other friend looked like a bunch of apes in the stands as we digged through each others hair, picked and flicked tiny nats and crap out.
Country gal said:
You only wash your hair one or twice a month? YUCK. Girl, I wash my hair often. My hair is very full and healthy. I may go a 1 1/2 week to two weeks without washing if my hair is in twists. When I wear wash & Gos, I wash frequently. My hair loves and craves water. I would highly suggest doing conditioner washes once or twice a week with one good shampoo. You do need to get a very good clarifying shampoo because the CW causes buildup.

LOL! I was trying to do some modified cg thing! I thought everyone was...I guess thats just the other forum. :lol: Ok, once a week sounds good to me.
I rinse my hair daily now that it's getting warmer but I shampoo everyweek with a mild shampoo and once a month with clarifying shampoo. CG method left my hair and scalp feeling gross.
I guess I'm old school. I couldn't go completely poo less but I switched to gentler formulas that are SLS free. I poo once a week to every two weeks. I guess you could say I use little to no products, b/c I mainly use my leave in for styling. I rarely use anything else other than a little coconut or avocado oil. This routine works great for me.:)
I get the most defintion and fluff after clarifying and doing a protein treatment. The curls pop always.
Unlike others, the less I shampoo the better. It takes my hair about 3 or 4 days to recover from shampooing...and I've tried many kinds, including diluting it. I CW daily so I do not use conditioners with cones and I am currently using a conditioner that also has no protein and is very light on the oils. I don't use gels or other styling products. This way, I don't have build up that requires me to shampoo weekly. But I can understand why shampooing would make some people's hair more defined, fluffier, more behaved. It just doesn't happen to do that for me, unfortunately.
I shampoo once a week w/ a gentle sulphate free shampoo & Deep condition weekly w/ a no-protein deep conditioner...

I tried the CW method and it's ok..I think it's probably better if you're doing wash & go's..but I do flat twists in the back w/ top twistouts most of the time so I only wash weekly.

I used to think that my hair acted better the dirtier it was ...that was when I was pressing it and only washing every 2 to 3 weeks...

But now that I wear my hair in it's natural state I always have great hair days after pooing, as long as I don't use a harsh one that will dry my hair out.
I wash my hair when it needs to be washed. I'm not on a set time schedule. If I'm in twists every two weeks between each set of twists. If my hair is loose like in braid outs maybe once a week. My hair gets too wild and tangled and big if I do a wash and go.
I wash once a week. My natural curls look shinier and my hair actually bounces in its natural state with absolutely no additives.
I don't want to dry my hair out thats why I only shampoo every 2 weeks, or I clarify once a month. In between that time I conditioner wash at least 5x a week if I'm wearing a shake n' go, or once every other week if I'm wearing box braids, twists, etc.

I haven't noticed any difference in texture definition when using shampoo. It all looks like nappy hair to me, but with the exception of a squeaky clean feeling. :)
My hair curls up the most if I wet it every day in the shower and apply Kenra Moisturizing Conditioner to soaking wet hair as a leave in. I've been washing and deep conditioning once a week thru my transition, so I'm going to stick with that. I may even start shampooing every 2 weeks.