NATURALS: It finally Happened to Me.. I can't believe it...


I had the dream.

You know the dream where someone sets you up and relaxes your hair and you go crazy.

Well, here is how it went. My mom (who hasn't had a relaxer in about 15 months thanks to me) said TrustMeLove you need to do something with your hair, get a new style or something. I said yea you know your right. She said lets go to the salon.

We go and I am in the chair getting a wash. Some how I see my mom talking with the stylist, but I can't hear what they are saying.

I come from out of the chair and sit where they usually do your hair and my mom says, "Now thats what nappy hair is suppose to look like".

Another stylist looks like huh, her hair isn't nappy.

I said what are you talking about I HAVE NAPPY HAIR! I get up to look in the mirror and my hair is A HOT MESS! The bangs are straight and broken off slightly than their are 3c curls random places and straight hair random places.

I started screaming and crying and screaming and crying. I could not believe my hair was relaxed. :mad: :swearing: :angry2: :cry2: :cry2: :cry: :cry: :crying3: :cry3: My heart was broken. I felt soo lost. I couldn't breath my heart rate had shot up sooo fast.

But practical and reasonable me thought.
No this is a dream it just has to be. So I fight my way out of my sleep and my hands go straight to my head...and I was happy to feel my nappy hair. Sad that my satin scarf came off, but I was fighting hard. Than my breathing went back to normal and my heart rate slowed down.

I slept the rest of the night in peace. :sleep:

Well, I know you Naturals know what I am talking about.

Oh and Relaxed heads yall know the feeling too..the night before your relaxer you just praying that the the stylist gets there on time and doesn't screw up your hair. lol I know thats what I use to do.

those are the types of dreams where when you wake up you are MAD at the person in the dream.. LOL.:lachen:

I actually had a dream where my hair was relaxed and it was down to my tailbone and exactly how I would have liked it, but I'm sure if in my dream my momma made me get a relaxer... it'd a been on:angry2:
Ok. You guys have just given me material to have nightmares. I never dreamed anything like this but now I'm sure I will. :ohwell:
I had a dream that I went to use my beloved Maxiglide on my bangs (not really bags, just the front part of my hair) and it burned them off about 1" from the scalp!

Needless to say I was EXTRA careful next time I used it!

I've also had dreams that I go bald in the front and top of my head! (That's b/c my temples are thin & my XBF was going bald, so when we broke up I was angry and wished he would go bald really really fast, so that when I saw him next I would have long, swingin' hair, have dropped 25 lbs and HE would be almost completely bald! Ha ha. Karma.)

HAHAHAHAHA Yeah I know exactly what u talking bout! Id be so hurt if all mynew growth was in vain! Its like growing your hair out and then getting a 'trim,' and it really ist a trim but a CHOP!
LOL! I've had a dream like this...

My sisters and mother were all standing looking at me and I remember have relaxer on my hair and then I remember it straight... then I woke up... I almost cried until I realized it was a dream and felt my hair. It was sooo real.
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Eiano said:

those are the types of dreams where when you wake up you are MAD at the person in the dream.. LOL.:lachen:

I actually had a dream where my hair was relaxed and it was down to my tailbone and exactly how I would have liked it, but I'm sure if in my dream my momma made me get a relaxer... it'd a been on:angry2:

I've had this dream, except my hair was mid-back. I just kept staring in the mirror getting upset that somebody had put a relaxer in my hair. The dream just skipped to the part where my hair was relaxed; I didn't go to a salon or anything. I'm dreaming about something else and then, bam! straight hair. I know I didn't do it...
I had that dream too!

Every natural that I have spoken to that has gotten over the
"What have I done to my hair" hump has had that dream.

Not exactly the same but were :mad: hopping mad in the dream because they were going to have to start all over!
Yea, the dream seems like a rights of passage. Thats when you know you are natural inside and out.

I was happy to finally have it because for me it meant that I was really accepting it all now.

I went natural for a reason and I stay natural because I love it. But its like REAL NOW! Because my inner-sub concious believes it now. I say this because I had the dream and you know we don't have control over what we dream and even in my dream I fought like crazy, when I found out that I was relaxed.

I've had only a couple of dreams where my hair was relaxed. In one dream, my cousin relaxed my natural hair and it was all the way to my waist. After a few minutes, my hair started falling out in clumps. I was crying and everything. After I woke up, I was relieved.
I had the weirdest dream a couple of years ago where I was fully aware (that I was dreaming) and I looked in a mirror and I could turn my hair from straight to fro with just a shake of my head. :lol:
I wonder why we do dream about hair like that, lol are we obsessed? I have had perm dreams a few times, and that is the craziest mess in the world, but they are so freaking vivid. It's quite scary, ok, I'm scared now and I'm not sleeping, ok let me stop talking about it :look: