Naturals, how do you knock out those ssk?????


Well-Known Member
This is really anoying me more and more. My hair is now softer and well moisturised after finding the right method for myself. BUT is it because of ssk that i feel like im not growing hair fast?

I mean, when i was young my hair was long thick and grew so fast.
guess what: my aunts always used to hot comb my hair! i was with straight hair 90 % of the time!

so what is going on? im so confused, im asking myself if i should straighten more often.....blow dry on low heat? im lost!

second thing : 2 years back i had damage which makes my middle hair shorter and thinner than the rest. Now that my longest layers have FINALLY reached APL,do i really have to cut everything (i trimmed already this week, and a month ago)

HELP ME LADIES : im so lost, pissed off even though apl has come...:perplexed
coolsista-paris, you need to tell us more about your regimen. How do you wear your hair day-in, day-out? Do you dust/trim regularly? How do you wear your hair to bed?

SSKs are not something I seem to have trouble with but I keep my hair twisted or braided and dust regularly. If wearing my hair out, I comb it and I make sure to braid it every night. Just being meticulous about never letting my hair tangle or just curl back on itself as it might want to but stretching it, seems to help me never have to worry about SSKs.
@coolsista-paris, you need to tell us more about your regimen. How do you wear your hair day-in, day-out? Do you dust/trim regularly? How do you wear your hair to bed?

SSKs are not something I seem to have trouble with but I keep my hair twisted or braided and dust regularly. If wearing my hair out, I comb it and I make sure to braid it every night. Just being meticulous about never letting my hair tangle or just curl back on itself as it might want to but stretching it, seems to help me never have to worry about SSKs.

hi Nonie: i never wear my hair out since a year ive been protecticve styling.either im in twists (moisturize every day...just found out s curl gel is the best moisturizer for my hair). now im in 4 big cornrows. I never sleep without my satin scarf. On wash day, i do it in sections. (finally found out a better method last friday to keep it softer after wash)....

i mean, ive been trying my best to make this hair healthy and grow. of course it is way better than before (i was stuck at neck length for over 10 years)lol.

But im wonderning if i should start blow drying....
I mean, when i was young my hair was long thick and grew so fast.
guess what: my aunts always used to hot comb my hair! i was with straight hair 90 % of the time!

Sorry I can't help with your question, but your hair sounds like mine from back in the day!! My granny used a hot-comb on me a lot and used blue magic grease on my scalp a lot but my hair grew fast! O.o

Then again...She never let me wear my hair down out of those pigtail knocker thingys -_-



So I wasnt playing in my hair until I got older so that helped with the little/no manipulation :look:
I've been meaning to share this with the board for a while...

Before the last month, I don't think I'd ever gotten an SSK. I didn't even know what it was lol. In the APL 2011 thread, I'd even asked faithVA to show me a pic b/c I was fairly certain I'd never even seen one on my head or any of my DDs' heads.

Fast forward 1 month- I'd been applying MT to my scalp for about 7 months, but I'd run out of the garlic pills I've also always taken to counteract the shedding it's known to cause. For 3 weeks, I didn't take any garlic pills, and when I finally took down my cornrows, I had all of these horrible knots in my hair- the dreaded SSKs! It took me hours of detangling, and a good pair of sharp shears to rid myself of them, but I finally did.

Lesson learned? I'm not normally a heavy shedder, but as long as I use MT, I have remember to take garlic pills for the shedding. The extra shed hairs clearly had co-mingled with my hair and wreaked all sorts of havoc on my strands, resulting in hundreds of SSKs :( I promptly got back on my garlic pills, and the SSKs disappeared. Just like that.

Then a lightbulb went off. Maybe those of you who frequently struggle with SSKs are also heavy shedders! And if that's the case, maybe taking a garlic supplement will cut down on your shedding, which will in turn reduce the SSKs. It's worth a shot.

You didn't answer the part about dusing/trimming. Getting regular trims is important for keeping the ends healthy.

hi Nonie: i never wear my hair out since a year ive been protecticve styling.either im in twists (moisturize every day...just found out s curl gel is the best moisturizer for my hair). now im in 4 big cornrows. I never sleep without my satin scarf. On wash day, i do it in sections. (finally found out a better method last friday to keep it softer after wash)....

i mean, ive been trying my best to make this hair healthy and grow. of course it is way better than before (i was stuck at neck length for over 10 years)lol.

But im wonderning if i should start blow drying....
[USER=250254 said:
bride91501[/USER];15165055]I've been meaning to share this with the board for a while...

Before the last month, I don't think I'd ever gotten an SSK. I didn't even know what it was lol. In the APL 2011 thread, I'd even asked @faithVA to show me a pic b/c I was fairly certain I'd never even seen one on my head or any of my DDs' heads.

Then a lightbulb went off. Maybe those of you who frequently struggle with SSKs are also heavy shedders! And if that's the case, maybe taking a garlic supplement will cut down on your shedding, which will in turn reduce the SSKs. It's worth a shot.


I am a heavy shedder. I didn't know what SSKs were either until I wore kinky twists for about 2 months. When I took them out my hair was destroyed.

I don't do the MT or garlic but I have been dealing with my shed hairs in different ways. And I am noticing I have fewer and fewer SSKS, what was left over from 2010. Between removing the shed hairs regularly, keeping my hair stretched and keeping my ends sealed properly, After I cut the remaining off, I don't think I will have the issue.
I've been meaning to share this with the board for a while...

Before the last month, I don't think I'd ever gotten an SSK. I didn't even know what it was lol. In the APL 2011 thread, I'd even asked @faithVA to show me a pic b/c I was fairly certain I'd never even seen one on my head or any of my DDs' heads.

Fast forward 1 month- I'd been applying MT to my scalp for about 7 months, but I'd run out of the garlic pills I've also always taken to counteract the shedding it's known to cause. For 3 weeks, I didn't take any garlic pills, and when I finally took down my cornrows, I had all of these horrible knots in my hair- the dreaded SSKs! It took me hours of detangling, and a good pair of sharp shears to rid myself of them, but I finally did.

Lesson learned? I'm not normally a heavy shedder, but as long as I use MT, I have remember to take garlic pills for the shedding. The extra shed hairs clearly had co-mingled with my hair and wreaked all sorts of havoc on my strands, resulting in hundreds of SSKs :( I promptly got back on my garlic pills, and the SSKs disappeared. Just like that.

Then a lightbulb went off. Maybe those of you who frequently struggle with SSKs are also heavy shedders! And if that's the case, maybe taking a garlic supplement will cut down on your shedding, which will in turn reduce the SSKs. It's worth a shot.


I think you actually have helped me by reinforcing what I thought. I've been dealing with a lot ssk for the last year and a half like never before and it has been preventing me from reaching my goal of waist length. I had tried not to comb my hair to often in an attempt to retain length, but the only thing I seem to be doing is causing ssk which in turn causes me split ends. I'm a heavy shedder and I'm going back to combing my hair on a more regular basis of at least once a week and sometimes twice to remove the shed hairs and hopefully avoid ssk and split ends. I'll be trimming regulary this year and hopefully reach my goal by the end of 2012.
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I am a heavy shedder. I never thought of that! I do wear my hair loose so that could be it as well. I can't do the pills they taste bad. I do love the real many cloves are = to the pills?

I've been meaning to share this with the board for a while...

Before the last month, I don't think I'd ever gotten an SSK. I didn't even know what it was lol. In the APL 2011 thread, I'd even asked @faithVA to show me a pic b/c I was fairly certain I'd never even seen one on my head or any of my DDs' heads.

Fast forward 1 month- I'd been applying MT to my scalp for about 7 months, but I'd run out of the garlic pills I've also always taken to counteract the shedding it's known to cause. For 3 weeks, I didn't take any garlic pills, and when I finally took down my cornrows, I had all of these horrible knots in my hair- the dreaded SSKs! It took me hours of detangling, and a good pair of sharp shears to rid myself of them, but I finally did.

Lesson learned? I'm not normally a heavy shedder, but as long as I use MT, I have remember to take garlic pills for the shedding. The extra shed hairs clearly had co-mingled with my hair and wreaked all sorts of havoc on my strands, resulting in hundreds of SSKs :( I promptly got back on my garlic pills, and the SSKs disappeared. Just like that.

Then a lightbulb went off. Maybe those of you who frequently struggle with SSKs are also heavy shedders! And if that's the case, maybe taking a garlic supplement will cut down on your shedding, which will in turn reduce the SSKs. It's worth a shot.

Im taking maxi hair vitamins right now.when i finish in three months im gonna start the cod liver oil. I alernate with both this i dont know if taking garlic peels is dangerous at the same time as another compliment vitamin
I am a heavy shedder. I never thought of that! I do wear my hair loose so that could be it as well. I can't do the pills they taste bad. I do love the real many cloves are = to the pills?

I'm not sure, but I take (1) 1000mg softgel per day. I *think* I remember reading somewhere that it was equivalent to 1 clove of garlic, but again, I'm not 100% sure.
In addition to stretching and sealing properly, I pay attention to the type and material my shirts are made of (cotton, wool, synthetic, silk etc). For me natural materials(with the exception of silk) + my hair is a huge NO. Synthetics are better for me. The majority of my SSK were at the base of my neck. When I noticed this I wore more shirts w/o collars. I'm already in PS 90% of the time so that made a huge difference for me. When I noitced SSKs in the front of my hair it was b/c I was sleeping with my scarf on. The scarf moved a bit as I moved at night which allowed my hair to twirl around itself= SSKs. To combat this I place my scarf on (holds hair around hairline down) and place a satin bonnet on top of the scarf (helps keep scarf in place). I have greatly reduced the number of SSKs I usually have over the past 6 months or so.
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I keep my hair stretched 100% of the time and I still were getting some SSKs soo in November and Dec I blowdry my hair on low heat once a month before getting it braided. I am not having any problems with knots but I feel like something is different with my hair. its not a texture change or anything but its something I can't put my figure on.

Because I am worried about damage I am not going to do it again. I just dont want to take the risk of doing more harm than good.
I keep my hair stretched about 85% of the time (mostly twist outs), and keep the ends well moisturized. I get very few SSK's, not enough to be concerned. :yep:
I use heat every two weeks to strech my hair. I've had to cutt off at least 3 inches last year due to single strand knots and midshaft splits (caused by ssks) :nono: I've been doing a S&Ds for the past two months now and I'm still finding them (some as far as 6" up the strand) :cry:
Oh forgot: i trimmed last week and 1 1/2 month gonna wait a few months now . long had it been before you trimmed? (BTW thanks *CherryPie* for pointing out the missed question :kiss: ) Because if it'd been a while since you trimmed, then the wear and tear on your strands may be further up the hair than a small trim would remove so that initially you may need to cut more or just dust more frequently before you can spread it out.

I see a lot of people find moisturizing ends prevents splits. Here's another POV that others have found (in case the moisturizing isn't working for some):
Moisture and lubrication... My mind jumped into the gutter for a sec. But really a consistent regimen that contains a moisturizing dc and the right oils or butter go a long way. Also washing hair in sections. I recently straightened and trimmed and I off no more then 1/2 inch because my ssks were almost nonexistent.
I'm not gonna lie...i was starting to have SSK issues until i did a light blowdry/ flat iron a few months SSK's have disappeared! So if i start having a serious issue with them again i will blowdry bc heat seemed to help....low heat was enough tho:yep:
gennatay said:
I'm thinking about stretching my hair or straightening more to combat this.

Im also thinking of doing that.ive bot a new hair dryer last week. My hair was soft and stretched.i did it on low heat. Just a little bit on one section.
I think they form from manipulation/washing the hair and severe dryness. I notice them forming as I'm detangling my hair during wash days. And don't let me have a poo session where my hair gets extremely tangled--I end up cutting them out for days. What helps me in minimizing them is: pre-pooing either with oil or an oil/conditioner mix, flaxseed gel to help smooth my hair, sealing my ends (which I can sometimes get lazy about), washing my hair in sections, and NOT twisting my hair as much. Twists/twistouts don't work for me. So I moisturize, seal, apply flaxseed gel, and let my hair dry on it own. (I do wear twistouts sometimes, though. But I do so with the expectation that many SSKs will follow.)
Regarding garlic pills: they make several deodorized versions that I have used with success: no smell through the pores, etc. They also make some with combos, like parsley, etc.
Nonie : yes i guess i need to dust more often. This year im gonna try like every 3 months for a trim or dust...(ill never reach my goal if i keep cutting)grrrr

SmilingElephant: 2 weeks ago i blow dried for the real first time on low heat but just on 1 section to see how it comes out. it was soft, nice looking and seemed to avoid tangling.

Arian: i have also put pre pooing with oils before washing hair. This is sooooo good! then after washing with my poo, i add condit and on top of that last week i applied oil again... rinsed everything in 6 braids. towel dried, added a tiny bit if s curl. my hair has never been that good after a wash !! i also think that my hair doesnt love twists as much (it used to give me knots, but i kept doing it telling myslef everyone does it as we have to protective style)

We have to listen to OUR OWN HAIR : that is lesson number 1 that i didnt follow for 3-4 years. i didnt listen enough.
@Nonie : yes i guess i need to dust more often. This year im gonna try like every 3 months for a trim or dust...(ill never reach my goal if i keep cutting)grrrr.

coolsista-paris...not true. Depends on how much you're cutting. I dust every 8 weeks and I'm slowly but surely getting further than I ever was for the first 30+ years of my life. Before I started regular dusting I thought that my nape just barely touching shoulders was the longest my hair could get.
@coolsista-paris...not true. Depends on how much you're cutting. I dust every 8 weeks and I'm slowly but surely getting further than I ever was for the first 30+ years of my life. Before I started regular dusting I thought that my nape just barely touching shoulders was the longest my hair could get.
Nonie: really !!!!? i guess i was to afraid to stay on same length so i stopped trimming/dusting. Mistake right? i guess with our ssk its giving even more chanced to shred up to the top. ok then im gonna start dusting more oftenly (like every 10 weeks or before depending on what my hair feels like) im trying to reach BSL or bsb this year on deceùber (im having doubts on that)...
@Nonie: really !!!!? i guess i was to afraid to stay on same length so i stopped trimming/dusting. Mistake right? i guess with our ssk its giving even more chanced to shred up to the top. ok then im gonna start dusting more oftenly (like every 10 weeks or before depending on what my hair feels like) im trying to reach BSL or bsb this year on deceùber (im having doubts on that)...

I have never had issues with SSKs so that wasn't my problem. Hair wears and tears the older it gets. Your ends are like the open end of a cylinder. Moisture loss happens there easily...and also because the ends are the oldest part of your hair the cuticle is vulnerable to damage and so it tears off and splits develop. The tears travel up the strand so what starts off as a small notch because a tear:


Each of those arms tears up the strand till it tapers to a thin part that breaks off. This happens without you even noticing it. You scalp continues to grow new hair but the ends which are thinning from wear break off bit by bit...first just the torn off sections...till a very small thin part strand is left which is too weak to withstand daily grooming so that breaks off.

In several posts I've shared what happened to me when I stopped dusting. Here's one of those posts, coolsista-paris: