Naturals: how do you keep your hair straight?


New Member
I recently just flat ironed my hair and about an hour after I finished, my hair roots puffed up something fierce lol What products do you use to keep you hair straight w/o flat ironing it every day? Also, what can I do about my rough ends? Even when I have a recent trim and I moisturize and seal my ends are always rough after I flat iron.
Bumping for you!

I'd like to hear some tips as well on the issue of ends. I JUST trimmed my hair about a week ago but when I blowdried my hair yesterday, the ends were still rough.
I think the secret is not to use any product but heat protectant/serum. All your moisture should be from DCing during your wash.

After washing my hair, I airdry in Curlformers to stretch my hair, with very narrow sections per Curlformer. I use about 80 of them! I then take each section at a time wet it fully with John Frieda Heat Defeat (protectant spray) and then pass the flat iron over it once. I do that to all sections. My hair looks at this point as if it's been airdried. Then I take narrow sections at a time and meticulously apply serum making sure to coat every inch (I use John Frieda Thermal Protection Serum) and pass the flat iron once again. That's it.

Hair doesn't revert until I shampoo it.
I've been using the Million Dollar Pressing Cream by Willie Morrow. I live in the Oakland, CA area so I am able to get it at a local, Black-owned beauty supply. Keeps my hair straight until my next wash and I have VERY moisture reactive hair. I love the fact that my hair is still light after I use it......soft with lots of body.
Before I found this I used Elasta QP Curl Wax and that worked really well too.
i just flat irroned my hair today. (4b) um :
last night i hot oiled my hair, then shampoo it, and deep condit with and egg added in my mayonnaise. then slept with my hair in 4 sections (braided) the next day it is stretched.

how i flat iron : i do it =by sections (the 4 braided ones) i first add a spray protectant for heat + a serum to make he straightening easier and also protecting it again.

do small parts at a time (takes long but works better).the first time i straightened didnt look that goo (i was lazy and the parts were bigger).

when i feel my ends are dry i added the protecting spray just a tiny bit then passed the iron with the chasing method.

at the end of this i put my oil muxture (for ends) to the ends. made them look better.

i sleep in 1 braid and my hair stays straight till i wash it.

the thing is: i cant moisturise it like usual cause moisture= water= hair will start puffing back.
This time I used Sabino Moisture Block with excellent results. Flat-iron job still looks brand new, no reversion, and my hair feels soft to the touch. I just wrap it up at night. I miss my curlies, so I'm debating whether to wash it out now or wait till this weekend.
I've found that one pass with high heat (400 degrees) gets my roots & ends straight && keeps the length of my hair from reverting until wash day; using a blow dry creme by Zotos also helps, but the serum I use (super skinny or silk infusion) has little impact.

My roots eventually always revert too soon though because my scalp sweats.