Naturals: Have YOU Experienced Scab Hair??


Active Member
Ok Ladies.. I have been researching online this thing called scab hair and I think it hit me...
Most of my hair is very curly and for the most part soft.. responds to conditioners and moisturizers well except for the very sides of my head and a strip of hair behnd the back of my ears...
The back is more curly than the front... the middle is about 2.5 inches long and only has one curly rotation..(if that makes sense to ya'll)

Anyway I think Have Scab hair because the sides , this one spot in the middle of my head and hair behind my ears is sooooooo rough:wallbash::wallbash:... doesn't respond well to anything and its too straight... some parts feel like they want to curl but :nono:

This is what I read online from other boards & websites:

Who knew?? I’m telling you - when you seek, you really do find. Apparently there’s a term called “scab hair” which is the new-grow hair that grows out after a perm. Scab hair is not like your true texture. It is drier, rougher, and possibly harder to manage.
If you’re transitioning right now and still roughly under 3-4 months, you likely have scab hair. Yes, you may exhale a sigh of relief but don’t exhale too much. Although your scab hair texture is rougher and drier, after your hair follicles have fully released all of the embedded cell altering chemical relaxer, you still will have kinky hair.
Some people experience scab hair and some don’t. I guess its a roll of the dice. Looking back, I did have scab hair while transitioning but I was still amazed and managed to fall in love with it. My texture now is not completely different from scab hair but THERE IS a difference. I likely experienced scab hair because I wore my hair relaxer for about 16 years.
Scab-Free Hair responds to products and soaks up and retains moisture more. Also, I’ve noticed that my remaining scab hair tips are a different color (a lighter hue). Just as the scab hair was darker than the relaxed hair, my scab-free hair hair has a deeper, richer color to it.
In order to know if you are experiencing scab hair, you simply have to let it grow out. If you’re transitioning, this is a great time to learn how to manage scab hair. If you can master scab hair, you can enjoy the laborious fruits with your beautiful kinks and curls. Cheers!

and here are some other links

The areas that I have this dry, rough hair is the same area that would apply my relaxer first after parting my hair in for sections..From what I remember in Junior H.S when I had natural hair for a short time...All of my head was curly, including the sides and it was much softer. Even now, the curly parts feel softer and more defined at the roots than at the ends...

Have any of you natural ladies experienced this and what did you do/use to help cope with it until it grew out?

BTW... I did try a search but it didn't work for me :nono:
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I had it when I was transitioning and a little while afterwards. I did not know what it was called. I was at the epicenter or my crown and it was a section of hair that was about one inch long, coarse, scaley, wirey, dry. It was awful. My entire transition was horrific, though, because I did not know how to transition (which was why I was woefully unsuccessful with it three previous times), but two years after my last relaxer I found LHCF and never looked back. The scab hair is long gone, but I never knew what that patch of hair was until I found this site.
Oh yeah I'm experiencing it... And it's at the very front of my head which makes it worse so it's on display for everyone to see! I know it's scab hair because I have transitioned once before about 5 years ago and the hair growing out of my head then is very different to what's growing out now. I'm slowly seeing a change now - my last relaxer was in November so I guess that makes me about 20 weeks post...

Wow my first post ever after :newbie:
Scab hair is what stopped me from transitioning. 3-4 months post relaxer I quit, and decided to relax. I can't even begin to explain how horrible my scab hair was. It hurt like hell to part..Couldn't keep it moist...If it wasn't moist it was tangled..It felt so dry @ times it was like crisp. I tried Sta Sof Gro, S Curl, Wave Noveau, Care Free Curl & tons of cowashing and this nappy scab mess was still horrible. But I heard once you get past that, the natural hair is indeed lovely. :cupidarrow:
I had/have scab hair. It wasn't all over my head though. More like patches here and there. I went scissor happy for a while and I got most of it off. Now I still have probs with the front of my hair but to cut it would mean having really uneven hair.
As for the rest of it my hair can now retain moisture, isnt as course and curls in a completely different way than it did before I cut it off. I'm glad that wasnt my real texture though because I would've felt the need to go straight back to that relaxer and just count it as a long stretch
So are you more likely to experience scab hair the longer you've been relaxiing prior to transitioning?

I was only faithfully relaxed this past time for about a year and a half...and then I had a sorry excuse for a touchup about 7.5 months into my previous transition attempt. I've been relaxer free now for about 15 months and I don't think I have any scab hair.

Did any of you notice the scab hair before you chopped, or only after?
I don't think I did on the second transition. But I was only relaxed for about 3 years. On the first transition I may have, but that was before hair care boards, I knew nothing about moisture anyway...
So are you more likely to experience scab hair the longer you've been relaxiing prior to transitioning?

I was only faithfully relaxed this past time for about a year and a half...and then I had a sorry excuse for a touchup about 7.5 months into my previous transition attempt. I've been relaxer free now for about 15 months and I don't think I have any scab hair.

Did any of you notice the scab hair before you chopped, or only after?

From what I have read... the longer you have had a relaxer.. the MORE LIKELY you are to have scab har and it takes some people up to a year to grow out?!?!? Kind of like if you been relaxed for 20 years or have been relaxed from when you were 4 or 6 years old... and your now 30 trying to go natural... you may have scab hair before you see your true texture..
I think that scab hair (hair that is different in texture, porosity, thickness etc from one's normal hair) can result from trauma (ex: a chemical burn) to the scalp.
I think that scab hair (hair that is different in texture, porosity, thickness etc from one's normal hair) can result from trauma (ex: a chemical burn) to the scalp.

Ok I have had a number of these scalp burns from stylists that decided that didn't want to listen to me when i said my scalp is burning... They first ask how much and then wanted to get some dayum oil sheen and spray it on my head...WTF:hardslap:... When i realized this can't be right I started doing it myself...and the burns are in the same area as my rough spots so maybe:yep:

Has anyone found a way to ease the roughness? Any products or techniques until it grows out?
I still have it. It feels disgusting and it's dry and rough and possibly the reason why I'm losing more relaxed hair than needed. It will be getting cut off soon so I'm not worried.

ETA: BTW, I've had a relaxer ever since I was 6 and got relaxers at least every 3 months. I'm so glad I stuck it through past those first 3-4 months. I just kept hoping that my natural hair did not look like that and it doesn't.
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I just have to take my hair as it comes out because I've been relaxed for about two decades and got chemical burns nearly every time :ohwell:.
My mom relaxed my hair when I was around 7? I would go and get it relaxed once or twice a year at the most.

Yes, I had scab hair during my transition mostly on the sides/edges though. I knew thats what it was 'cause after a few months or so, the hair that grew in had a different texture (in terms of strand feel) and was rough no matter what I did to it.

I just moisturized those areas more and was a little more care when styling/combing. Though the moisturizers didnt do much for the feel it just made it easier to get through. I didnt have a lot..maybe about half an inch?
I had scab hair the first time I transistioned. At that time, except for two separate year-long periods, I had worn relaxers for about 20 years. This time around, I don't have scab hair because I only had a relaxer for two months before I started transistioning again.
The sides where the rough parts are about 2 inches long so I hope this scab hair ends soo because when I trim later on this year... those ends are going to be gone and I don't want to cut off too much progress...
hold up lol can someone look at my fotki or "fake shingling results" thread and tell me if the front of my head is "scab hair" i think it pretty much fits the description given (diff texture, rough, drier than the rest) but its a lot of hair about 10 months worth lol maybe its just my texture im not sure how long scab hair can actually grow. I would post a link to the thread but im typing from my phone at work.
hold up lol can someone look at my fotki or "fake shingling results" thread and tell me if the front of my head is "scab hair" i think it pretty much fits the description given (diff texture, rough, drier than the rest) but its a lot of hair about 10 months worth lol maybe its just my texture im not sure how long scab hair can actually grow. I would post a link to the thread but im typing from my phone at work.

Im not sure if you can tell by a pic but if you have some of the issues here they you may... I have read where some people had scab hair grow for a year before there natural texture started coming through.... I hope im not one of those...
Ok I have had a number of these scalp burns from stylists that decided that didn't want to listen to me when i said my scalp is burning... They first ask how much and then wanted to get some dayum oil sheen and spray it on my head...WTF:hardslap:... When i realized this can't be right I started doing it myself...and the burns are in the same area as my rough spots so maybe:yep:

Has anyone found a way to ease the roughness? Any products or techniques until it grows out?
Love the smiley use. :lachen:I've had that same urge myself with stylists. It is possible that you've sustained some scalp damage from successive chemical burns, but it might not be permanent. Be gentle with your scalp from now on and be patient. A lot of what people consider scab hair 'disappearing' is the scalp thriving once it is no longer subjected to pH disturbances (relaxers are too basic) and wounds from misused chemicals. A healthy scalp is the sine qua non of healthy hair.
I thought scab hair was a myth:hide: is this really true?
I think that the idea that all hair growing out after a relaxer is necessarily scab is a myth. That idea can be a crutch for people who do not want to accept their natural texture, and decide to hope against hope that time will change it.

However, that trauma to the scalp can alter hair texture is not a myth. So, if chemical burns or very tight styles or other forms of trauma have injured the scalp, it is possible that the hair that grows out initially will be different - a test run of sorts - as the scalp heals. Just consider waxing; waxing over time can not only make the hair growth in that area more sparse, but also make the individual hairs finer. That is the result of trauma.
I thought scab hair was a myth:hide: is this really true?

I do believe scab hair to be true.. just from some of these responses and also think of it this way: (this is going to be long ya'll)

Our skin is one of our largest organ and skin breathes (meaning it can expels liquids and toxins such a sweat and alcohol and also absorb them such as lotion and a relaxer) Our scalp is no different.. and I don't care what anyone says... at some point, the relaxer gets on your scalp whether it was intentional or not. So why wouldn't it be absorbed by your scalp???

And since relaxing hair is basically a chemically induced alteration of hair shaft...and its absorbed by my scalp and hair folicals...wouldn't they be chemically altered too?!?!

And the only reason I think scab hair is not permanent and can grow out because the folicals that produce them are alive and over time can heal themselves and produce healthy hair. Hair itself is dead and cant heal itself back to its orginal state...

whew... :yawn:
I think that the idea that all hair growing out after a relaxer is necessarily scab is a myth. That idea can be a crutch for people who do not want to accept their natural texture, and decide to hope against hope that time will change it.

However, that trauma to the scalp can alter hair texture is not a myth. So, if chemical burns or very tight styles or other forms of trauma have injured the scalp, it is possible that the hair that grows out initially will be different - a test run of sorts - as the scalp heals. Just consider waxing; waxing over time can not only make the hair growth in that area more sparse, but also make the individual hairs finer. That is the result of trauma.

Thank you for your response. When i first went natural i thought i had scab hair but it was just a different texture than the rest of my hair. I had no idea at the beginning that people could have 2 or more different textures. My hair is mostly coily but then i have places that are just fluff. This scab hair thing had me really confused and ready to cut hair that did not need to be cut. But this is a good explaination of how scab hair can occur.
I think that the idea that all hair growing out after a relaxer is necessarily scab is a myth. That idea can be a crutch for people who do not want to accept their natural texture, and decide to hope against hope that time will change it.

However, that trauma to the scalp can alter hair texture is not a myth. So, if chemical burns or very tight styles or other forms of trauma have injured the scalp, it is possible that the hair that grows out initially will be different - a test run of sorts - as the scalp heals. Just consider waxing; waxing over time can not only make the hair growth in that area more sparse, but also make the individual hairs finer. That is the result of trauma.

Isn't the second thought in this quote what we are talking about and naming it "scab hair"? I don't think it has anything to do with not accepting my hair because if this how the natural hair on my sides grow then I will nourish it the best I can.. Its not going to make me run back to a relaxer. But the fact that the rest of my hair is softer to the touch (especially at the roots even under what I think is my scab hair) leads me to believe that thats what is ..It not even all over.. just on my sides... and it grows out to be softer but not as curly like the rest.. im cool with that...I think we are talking about the same thing.. I just have a name for it and you dont:rolleyes:
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Isn't the second thought in this quote what we about and naming it "scab hair"?
First, depends on who 'we' is. That you're thinking of the second thought doesn't mean that everyone else who uses the term 'scab hair' is. As you can read above, I responded to a general question about the existence of scab hair, not a question about you.

I don't think it has anything to do with not accepting my hair because if this how the natural hair on my sides grow then I will nourish it the best I can..Its not going to make me run back to a relaxer. But the fact that the rest of my hair is softer to the touch (especially at the roots even under what I think is my scab hair) leads me to believe that thats what is ..It not even all over.. just on my sides... and it grows out to be softer but not as curly like the rest.. im cool with not...
Um, I'm glad you got a chance to say all of this? That post wasn't about you, so please don't make it about you.

I think we are talking about the same thing.. I just have a name for it and you dont:rolleyes:
It's ridiculous of you to roll your eyes when you're the one who jumped the gun. It seems to me that you were waiting for someone to attack you in this thread, so when an attack didn't come, you manufactured one to work yourself up. Take a deep breath.
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Thank you for your response. When i first went natural i thought i had scab hair but it was just a different texture than the rest of my hair. I had no idea at the beginning that people could have 2 or more different textures. My hair is mostly coily but then i have places that are just fluff. This scab hair thing had me really confused and ready to cut hair that did not need to be cut. But this is a good explaination of how scab hair can occur.
You're welcome. :)
Ladies please don't lucious, sonce was awnsering my question, it wasn't about you. And i apologize if my question has started anything but i truly didn't know. This information could help someone else who does not know about scab hair.