Naturals, has this happened to you?


New Member
Okay ladies,

I had a weird experience today. I had been wearing a wash and go for about a week and a half. Today I decide to wash and flat iron my hair. I did all of this and when I finished......I didn't like the way my now flat hair looked. :eek: I mean I did it the way I always do and in the pressed style I always like, but for some reason it just didn't suit me anymore. :lachen:
My hair felt really good and silky, but I missed my curly fro. I wore the flat iron style for a while but later on I put my head in some water to curl it back up. All that hard work down the drain, but I sure loved having my curly fro back.

Holla back if you have experience this.
YES! I straightened my hair once, and I thought it was cool at first, then I missed my normal hair. I don't know what to do w/ my straight hair, and I didn't like the way it looked on me. Not that it looked bad, it just wansn't for me anymore. :)
Yep, happens to me all the time. February was the last time I straightened it and it was for a few days only because oddly enough, I was uncomfortable, lol, and I missed my hair! Before then, it had been 2 years since I wore it straight.
It's been a long time since I've worn my hair pressed. I'm going to have Balisi do it at the end of the summer to get a precision trim, but I know I'll be right back to my natural texture muy rapido. :) The one time I blew it straight(blow dryer and shea butter) was about 7 years ago. My students were uniformly NOT feeling it. LOL!!!!

My sister went through this too. A few months after undoing all her locks, she had a stylist in Chicago press her hair and precision trim it. Her man was not feeling it and neither was she. I think I look better with a lion's mane or a clean head.

ceedeelight said:
Holla back if you have experience this.

Girl, please. It takes too darn long for me to straighten my har. I hardly ever get it pressed anymore, but when I do I keep it straight for 2 weeks.
Yup the last time I straightened my hair I ended up dampening it with condish and doing a braid out. I look better with big hair. I like my flat ironed once it's starting to revert! Oh well!
ceedeelight said:
Okay ladies,

I had a weird experience today. I had been wearing a wash and go for about a week and a half. Today I decide to wash and flat iron my hair. I did all of this and when I finished......I didn't like the way my now flat hair looked. :eek: I mean I did it the way I always do and in the pressed style I always like, but for some reason it just didn't suit me anymore. :lachen:
My hair felt really good and silky, but I missed my curly fro. I wore the flat iron style for a while but later on I put my head in some water to curl it back up. All that hard work down the drain, but I sure loved having my curly fro back.

Holla back if you have experience this.

lolllll i hear you Ceedeelight! girl i been experiencing this at this right minute. i havent used heat in my first year so i was so happy to buy my first flat iron and change looks. i kept the straight look for a hot long minute and i loved iti can go from bone straight with my sedu like this:

to a thick 4b fro in the blink of an eye by like this:

(I love the versatility of being able to swtich though from straight to nappy to coils, curly styles though.)But after a while i do find my hair too flat straight (except when i dont use the flatiron but just the curling iro, on afrod hair and get my hair really big like the new year pics, this i really like. so lately i been missing my naps like crazy . I just miss it dont get me wrong i liked it straight but i fell like i had lost all the volume and the thickness. i forgot how much i loooooooove my twistouts! i think everything for me is about moderation and saturation be it straight or nappy i hate to keep the same style too long i get bored easily so it s great to alternate for now i m sick of the straight look. i ll do it once in a while or if i start missing it; now i m back loving it just as is lollllllll:grin: :lol: :lachen:
every single time i straighten. for the first hour i like it... i keep thinking of how much better my flat ironed natural hair looks compared to my flat ironed relaxed hair.

after that... my hair won't stop blowing in my face... it gets snagged under my purse strap/diaper bag/bookbag... i have to wrap it at night... it kinda needs to be re-ironed after a few days cuz it starts to revert... my scalp starts feeling itchy from not co-washing. i'm lucky if i make it a full week...
This always happens to me. I use to wear my hair straight all the time but now I keep my press for a few days and then I want my curly hair back.
I don't think the look of straight hair suits me anymore which is not a problem because my hair reverts instantaneously
All the time. I got a maxiglide, and before I went in my next set of twists I tried it out, and it came out really nice, but I was looking at myself and I felt weird, like naked. The next morning I couldn't figure out what to do with my hair, so I ended up just putting it in the same old bun. It nice to straighten it so you can see the length, but beyond that...
I guess I am in the minority. I love my fro but I love my hair straight as well. I have never had that feeling when I straightened my hair.
That is so me I like it straight all for a good hot second and then back into the water I go. Right now I am trying to figure out what to do with it. I want to wear cornrows and wear a wig over it but I will miss my daily cowash and so I do nothing. I had my hair straight twice once for two days and the next time five minutes thats it.
ceedeelight said:
Okay ladies,

I had a weird experience today. I had been wearing a wash and go for about a week and a half. Today I decide to wash and flat iron my hair. I did all of this and when I finished......I didn't like the way my now flat hair looked. :eek: I mean I did it the way I always do and in the pressed style I always like, but for some reason it just didn't suit me anymore. :lachen:
My hair felt really good and silky, but I missed my curly fro. I wore the flat iron style for a while but later on I put my head in some water to curl it back up. All that hard work down the drain, but I sure loved having my curly fro back.

Holla back if you have experience this.
It's happened to me. That's why it's an extreme rarity for me to straighten it. I miss my natural texture within a matter of minutes.
chocolate01 said:
I guess I am in the minority. I love my fro but I love my hair straight as well. I have never had that feeling when I straightened my hair.

.......but not by yourself. I like my hair equally as well either way. :)
Yep, last time I straightened my hair I looked in the mirror and thought "this isn't me".
But because of how long it took me I wore it like that for a few days. The lack of effort for those few days was nice, but I noticed the damage from using heat.
So, it might be a while til I next flat iron. I don't want to wear my hair straight, and my hair can do without the damage!
Yep, I've had this happen. It's funny cuz I'm always thinking "Gee, I should get my hair straightened." Then when I do, it just feels so FLAT to me. :ohwell: Plus when I try to do it myself it NEVER comes out right anyway and I wind up back in the shower after like 2 hours of struggling.

BAH! Women... They're never happy. :lol:
yea, im experiencing this now
i straightened my hair this past weekend
and im misisng my curls already
but i will wait it out till this weekend
All the time! The only reason why I straighten is to see the length these days. :ohwell: I keep it for about 4 days, 5 days max and then I wanna jump in the shower with some conditioner.
It happens to me all of the time but depending on how hard I worked I may keep it longer. At the very least I will put my hair in bantu knots and let the steam from the shower take me from sleek straight to huge voluminous waves.