Naturals, can someone PLEASE tell me what I'm doing wrong?


New Member
Background info: It's been since June 08 since my last bc was in November and I've been natural for 2 months, and my hair type is 4a/b, and I have a twa...

I'm trying to brush my hair down really smooth and flat, so you can see waves, and so it'll lay down under a head band or whatever...I've used Fantasia IC gel, KCCC, water, and tying it down with a doesn't wanna go down! My hair will puff right back up and laugh at me! And yes, I do detangle before trying this...I just don't get it! I feel like whenever it does happen, I'm gonna scream out "DOWN GOES FRAISER!" I wanna get this ish down before I have a pony puff! H-E-L-P!
Well lil sista', it's like this. Natural hair is puffy. My experience has been, the shorter the hair, the puffier. I would try using castor oil on wet hair and slicking with raw shea butter. This works for my hair.

ETA! Castor is heavy and moisturizing, raw shea is heavy, moisturizing and a good sealant.
I agree with naturalgurl. Try some raw butters and heavy oils. That's what I use for waves when I'm slicking back.
She is right though natural hair is poofy. It may be better if you give it time to grow out some more. Maybe then you can get a good slick back.

Elasta QP Mango Butter


Fantasia Thick N Shine Gel
I cowash my hair first before I slick it back in a pony. On soaking wet hair, I appy fantasia ic gel or Aloe vera gel and CCO on the ends. I use my denman brush and brush it back and put a scarf on.
I agree about the puffy bit, but also wanted to ask, have you tried applying the gel in sections? With my hair being so thick, just dabbing some gel, butters or anything just doesn't work for me now, First I'd mist a lil water on my hair, then I'd apply the stuff in sections instead and once doing that, I can easily smooth the hairs down to where it's wavy with or without a scarf.
I cowash my hair first before I slick it back in a pony. On soaking wet hair, I appy fantasia ic gel or Aloe vera gel and CCO on the ends. I use my denman brush and brush it back and put a scarf on.
How could I forget aloe vera gel. It's light so you would have to add a heavier substance on top, but it makes the hair so ready to lay down.
Thanks for the tips all! :yep: and thanks Op for asking this question.... I didn't think I could really wear my hair back... but it has grown... and I am going to try this weekend.... :yep:
Background info: It's been since June 08 since my last bc was in November and I've been natural for 2 months, and my hair type is 4a/b, and I have a twa...

I'm trying to brush my hair down really smooth and flat, so you can see waves, and so it'll lay down under a head band or whatever...I've used Fantasia IC gel, KCCC, water, and tying it down with a doesn't wanna go down! My hair will puff right back up and laugh at me! And yes, I do detangle before trying this...I just don't get it! I feel like whenever it does happen, I'm gonna scream out "DOWN GOES FRAISER!" I wanna get this ish down before I have a pony puff! H-E-L-P!

I don't mean to laugh but you're funny. Maybe you need to break out some hair grease on sopping wet Posner's or something and take a Denman through it to flatten it...then tie down with a scarf. You poor thing!!!
I agree with whoever said try applying the gel in sections. This video may be helpful. When I was natural I found I was able to work better with my 4a/b hair with this method, the only difference is that I did have to sleep overnight with a scarf on to keep the edges from hair would laugh at 20 minutes with a scarf.

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