Natural who had/have twa


New Member
I am wondering how you sleep. Since my BC I have been just moisturizing or cw before bed then putting on my satin cap. Then I wake up in the morning it's matted down or dry.

What can I do? I am thinking of bagging at night but when I don't what can I do to stop the compressed effect?
I used to just wear a bonnet. Now that my hair is longer I usually loosely plait or twist it before sleep. When it was shorter I didn't bother. I never had any problems. Maybe you can try twisting or plaiting it?
If I don't braid my hair or something, it gets matted. Then I cowash in the morning, so it wouldn't matter anyway
I wear a satin bonnet and my hair is matted in the morning but like another poster said I co-wash in the morning anyway. On the weekend when I have more time I put plaits in or cornrows.
If for some reason I don't rinse my hair in the morning, I take some moisturizer and smooth my hair with it, fingercombing from the root.
I'm 5 mo post my BC, so it no longer feels like a TWA--so don't worry this time will pass quickly! When I first cut I was putting conditioner on every night and then putting a plastic cap on. In the morning I would just "fluff" with my fingers--basically just a massage since I had so little hair! I was also "co-washing" (rinsing out the previous nights conditioner) every day: I looovve washing my hair!!
Thanks so much for this! I BC'ed not too long ago and I am looking for ways to keep my TWA from matting to my head the morning after. I will be trying this Cap n' go method and see how it works. :)
I water rinse or co wash my hair then use a plastic shower cap with no product then cover with the bonnet. When im ready to go i take the cap off moisturize and go. The bonnet alone dries out my hair no matter what product i use. Im also going to invest in a satin pillow case so i can sleep with my hair out sometimes, so it can breathe.
I am wondering how you sleep. Since my BC I have been just moisturizing or cw before bed then putting on my satin cap. Then I wake up in the morning it's matted down or dry.

What can I do? I am thinking of bagging at night but when I don't what can I do to stop the compressed effect?

When I had your length just 2 years ago, I would put my hair in plaits at night and baggy. Until I joined hair forums, I had no idea any naturals ever went to bed without plaiting your hair. It's almost a sin to me not to plait your hair at night. Even when my hair is pressed, I plait it at night. Even if it's just one plait in the back.

Plaiting my TWA (I didn't use anything on my hair but S Curl) and then baggying would make my hair so soft and fluffy in the morning. I'd have the cutest 'fro, and it'd be so easy to comb. No pancake effect. Not shrunken hair that's a pain to comb.
Thank you ladies for the advice. I am going to try these. I did cornrows last night to see how it goes, but I think I will move to plaits if I can.