Natural twisters how do you...


New Member
Apply your butters, gels, leave-ins etc when twisting? Do you apply to each section to be twisted or massage into the whole head then twist each section.
I also add to each section before twisting but wanted to confirm that was ok, thanks for your help.
I usually twist while wet/damp. I spread the butter all the way through. If a section is too dry by the time I get to it I use a spray bottle to mist it. I have twisted on almost dry hair and if I do that I apply a lil bit at the base of each twist and smooth any residue down it as I twist.
Thanks for all the helpful responses. I thought I was applying the product the wrong way, especially the Qhemet Heavy Cream which seems heavy to apply to each twist. Maybe I am adding too much.
I love using the Heavy Cream on each twist, I couple it with the Soft Hold Gel. My twists have never looked better
Wildchild453 said:
I love using the Heavy Cream on each twist, I couple it with the Soft Hold Gel. My twists have never looked better

Wildchild, do you pre-mix both together and add to each twist or just add a dab of each to the twist?
debb said:
Apply your butters, gels, leave-ins etc when twisting? Do you apply to each section to be twisted or massage into the whole head then twist each section.

I apply the product to the individual hair section right before each twist. I like to rewet sometimes. So I just go twist by twist. It seems to work for me.
It's this procedure --- applying the butters and such that causes me to spend more time than necessary when twisting my hair :(. I only twist on damp hair. I make one large part ear to ear, apply coconut oil to that whole section and then apply gel or some type of moisturizer --- maybe both to each individual section. It usually takes me 2-3 hours to do my whole head because I make my parts smaller, and the applying of products takes time as well.

This past Sunday I just condition washed my hair, lightly rinsed some of the conditioner out and then proceeded to twist. This process took me about an hour and a half! This method was far less time consuming :). I think it was due in part to me not parting each individual section (just one large part ear to ear) and grabbing pieces of hair to twist and also because I used no products, just the conditioner left in my hair. I may have to try this next time!
I just smooth whatever product on my entire head and proceed to do whatever. Maybe that's why my twists have been looking so jacked to me lately.
As I make my parts I add product before takes me about 2 hours...the longer my hair grows the longer it takes me. :look:
debb said:
Thanks for all the helpful responses. I thought I was applying the product the wrong way, especially the Qhemet Heavy Cream which seems heavy to apply to each twist. Maybe I am adding too much.

i also saturate each twist with the heavy cream, where it almost look like it is just going to sit on top of my hair, but shortly after, my hair completely absorbs it.
I twist my hair while it still damp. I section my hair in five parts and add shealoe to each part as I start to twist. I tried adding the shealoe as I did each twist and it took me over 5 hrs (I like tiny twist) but now its takes about 2-3 hrs.
I like to add a little Qhemet's heavy cream...and some soft curl creme (Garnier) to each section, comb it through and twist. My twists last all week and stay soft for about 5 days like that.
ajargon02 said:
I apply the product to the individual hair section right before each twist. I like to rewet sometimes. So I just go twist by twist. It seems to work for me.

Ditto! Although sometimes, I use no product at all when twisting. This works well too.