Natural Remedies for Itchy Scalp Relief......


Well-Known Member
Yes it can be extremely annoying and embarrassing having a scalp condition like dandruff, eczema, scalp infections or a nasty itchy red rash on your scalp.

If you are suffering from:

  • is your scalp flaky itchy or do you have dry scalp with redness and rashes that drive you crazy ?
  • scalp picking - do you constantly find yourself picking at & scratching your head?
  • oily scalp and limp hair leaving you feeling less than your best
  • embarrassing dandruff falling on your clothes
  • or even a fungal infection of your scalp…that can lead to lesions or scalp sores.
  • Hair falling out & patches on your scalp
Your instinct might be to pick up a product from the store shelf or your doctor. Most of these scalp treatments that promise relief from dry scalp conditions sound very attractive until you start reading the fine print.

Sodium Laureth or Lauryl Sulphate (SLS) What’s that? Why do you have to call a Poison Control Center if you accidentally swallow shampoo? And what are those warning labels on the back all about? What does it do to your head if it’s that toxic?

Stop! What you must know is that several chemicals, especially SLS, strip the natural oils from the skin and even corrode it, along with your eye membranes. Have you also noticed that your hair has been thinning? Well hair follicle damage is another little known but very common symptom of these chemicals.

Actually, most commercial shampoos & scalp treatments are designed to meet people’s “sensory" expectations…offering instant gratification and the illusion that they are doing their job. So therein lies the problem. For example adding silicone to conditioner induces an artificial shine but in truth can create problems long term including sensitivities.

Most people expect a shampoo to:

  • Foam up nicely
  • Smell good
  • Take all the so-called “nasty" oiliness out of their hair
  • Make their hair feel squeaky-clean
And that’s a reasonable ask - think about it…if your shampoo didn’t foam up, smell good, or leave your hair feeling squeaky-clean, would you trust it? Well, here’s the thing: 90% of commercial shampoos achieve the foaming effect using the equivalent of engine degreasers to strip off not only dirt and grime but also valuable natural oils that your scalp needs.

Yes —your scalp needs natural oils. Without them, your body has no natural defence – those oils are there for a reason! Your scalp needs to maintain a natural PH balance that if disturbed - can develop into a dry, itchy irritated scalp. The good news is that there are many natural remedies you can use with moisturising oils and natural powerful alternatives to heal & reverse any scalp problem by restoring balance safely. You can easily repair follicle and damage - even boost hair growth and use your own home remedy for scalp cell regeneration. There are also the artificial aromas that are added – its alarming the huge percentage of people who are mildly to severely averse or allergic to artificial scents – and we don’t even know it.

So what non toxic itchy scalp treatments and natural remedies can help? Well there are many non toxic shampoos which are nourishing and conditioning while still giving you’re the “foam effect", they smell devine with the addition of the natural oils they contain. So you do have a choice and it does NOT have to cost you more – in fact most of them are less – you just have to know what to look for.

So lets have a look at natural oils for treating your scalp…

Here are some of my favorite natural oils you can use for hair & scalp treatments.

Zinc Pyrithione: Wonderful stuff for scalp conditions. First synthesized in the 1930’s, this is the most widely used active ingredient from a natural source. It’s used to treat dandruff, seborrheic dermatitus, psoriasis, eczema and numerous other skin and scalp disorders. It has strong anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties.

Jojoba: Is excellent as a scalp moisturiser and helps to rebalance sebum.

Tea Tree: Oily hair … Treatment for dry scalp, dandruff, lice, and underactive sebaceous glands, enlivens the scalp and brings the cells & follicles to attention

Basil: Oily hair … promotes growth

Chamomile: Fine to normal hair … gives golden highlights

Clary sage: All types of hair … dandruff treatment

Lavender: Normal hair … Scalp treatment for itchiness, dandruff, and even lice!

Lemon: Oily hair … Gives golden highlights; treatment for dry scalp, dandruff, lice, and underactive sebaceous glands

Myrrh: Dry hair … Treatment for dry scalp, dandruff, lice, and underactive sebaceous glands

Patchouli: Oily hair … Dandruff treatment

Peppermint: Dry hair … Promotes hair growth

Rose: Fine hair … Soothes scalp

Rosemary: Oily hair … Dandruff treatment; promotes hair growth

Tea tree: Oily hair … Treatment for dry scalp, dandruff, lice, and underactive sebaceous glands

Ylang-ylang: Oily hair … Dandruff treatment

Neem: … a wonder oil from India. Neem is amazing for all of the wonderful “stuff" it does. It’s also derived from a type of tree bark. Neem is an effective fungicide and insecticide (great for head lice when used with geranium, rosemary, lavender and eucalyptus oils). In clinical studies Neem extracts and oil were found to be as effective as coal tar and cortisone in treating psoriasis with none of the usual side effects accompanying the use of Neem as there was with Coal tar and cortisone.

Neem extracts and oil removes redness and itching when applied directly to your scalp…and it’s a great skin conditioner.

The best part of knowing that there are alternatives is that you can have mix these into super powerful blends like a super moisture boosting home remedy for dry scalp, or soothing itchy scalp treatments. Dry itchy scalp can be dealt with fast and permanently without spending a ton on traditional scalp med products.

Here’s just one easy remedy you can make today:

Home remedy for dry itchy scalp Take ¼ c oatmeal and soak in water for 20 mins. Mix well and then strain the liquid adding it to a cup. Add 5 drops lavender oil (or lavender stalks steeped in ¼ cup hot water. Add 5 drops rosemary (or rosemary stalks steeped in ¼ cup hot water. Allow to cool until tepid.

Mix the liquids together and dab on your scalp…leave in for 10 mins to soothe the itch. This a good temporary soother for itching. Chamomile tea is also soothing!

There are hundreds of ideas that are excellent scalp treatments from dandruff to scalp infections like scalp sores & psoriasis. These remedies combined with the knowledge of what causes itchy scalp and other scalp conditions will enable you to be free from itching, dryness and allow you to grow fabulously thick, shiny beautiful hair also… have fun experimenting and “luxuriating" by giving your hair a treat using the many natural gifts from nature that are right under our noses! There are also many natural shampoos that so not use these ingredients and do wonders for your hair such as Akin shampoo, and Thursday Plantation which is fantastic as an effective anti-dandruff shampoo.

SOOTHING & HEALING ANTIFLAMMATORY REMEDY: Apply a mixture of 1 teaspoon of Neem oil (antifungal & antiitching) 1 teaspoon Teatree or Manuka (also antifungal) which much stronger than teatree, one teaspoon of Rosemary oil and one teaspoon of Lavender oil together in 3 tablespoons of carrier oils such as Olive or Almond oil (Wheatgerm and Macadamia carrier oils closely match your natural sebum) and apply to your scalp daily.

GARDEN REMEDY: Go to your garden and get 3 sprigs of Rosemary, and chop up and add to 3 tea bags of Chamomile tea. Boil gently, let cool, strain and rinse your hair with this liquid for a calming antiflammatory effect.
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For me a combo of coconut oil or jojoba oil and then some tea tree oil and a few drops of lavender are working great so far. I wet my scalp put it on for 1 hour covered with a plastic cap/bag and a microfiber hair turban. After the hour shampoo, vinegar rinse, and condition. I did that Sunday and I haven't had to wash since... I was diagnosed with seborrheic dermatitis so for me going 5 days is an amazing accomplishment.
I don't think the vinegar was the cause of the relief because I've done vinegar/peroxide rinses a few times with no relief. I've also been taking DE (silica) not sure if that helps or not.
This is definitely timely information because ever since I tried that French Perm Stabilizer Plus my scalp has been itching like crazy.
I suspect that my itch scalp came from Candida so, I did a bit of research and found a recipe exactly like the one in your post. Using Coconut oil as a base and adding Lavender, Rosemary and Tea Tree Essential Oil to it. I also added Neem oil.

Anyhow, by dipping my fingers in the mixture and rubbing my itchy scalp, it worked. It soothed it and stopped hair loss in that area. I do it rough every second day.

I'm waiting for the mixture to be used up so I can make a fresh batch with less Neem Oil as it pongs (half to 1 teaspoon instead 2.
I too can attest to the fact that the use of coconut oil and essential oils have helped me with an itchy scalp. About 3 months ago it was so bad I wanted to rip my head off. I can't believe how well it worked.

I wash my hair with Dr. Bronner's castle soap, then apply a mix of JBCO oil, coconut oil, and essential oils to my scalp and damp hair.

I wash my hair every day. I have a TWA so I guess I can get away with that. My hair feels nice and soft all day. Hardly any itch at all. :clap: