Natural hair salon or cut the rest myself


Well-Known Member
I'm having issues with my hair. A few weeks ago, I got plenty fed up with my hair - relaxed ends tangling all up and making it VERY difficult to comb through. Stupid anemic ends. Sooooo, I got the scissors out and chop, chop, chop. Man, it felt sooooo good.

But, I just pulled and chopped, pulled and chopped. So, I missed some spots. I did a twistout that I hated because I didn't realize just how much relaxed ends that I STILL had. Daggumit!!! I really thought I got them all, but I didn't. So, back in the low ponytail it went.

So, the other night, I got the scissors out again after I conditioner-washed. And I STILL missed some. :mad: I'm ticked. I went all over my head and I still missed some strands. And I'm hating every minute of it.

My natural co-worker had given me a card for a natural salon here back when I first chopped and I was looking at it yesterday thinking - I need to call them. Then, this morning, she gave me another card. She went to the salon yesterday and they have these new postcards for 10% off any service.

I really don't want a style, but I do want ALL the relaxed ends gone - preferably before I drop this load.

Should I go or should I try it one more time myself. Keep in mind that I am REALLY cheap but don't mind spending money if necessary and I don't quite know if it's necessary. Just aggravating knowing that I didn't get it all.

Help me!!!
I say treat yourself to the salon. Besides they might be able to trim off the relaxed ends and shape your hair in a way that it grows out beautifully.
When I chopped, I gave myself an unexpected shape. What I did was I stretched each section and cut my hair. Here's the result:

It is not this shape anymore since it has grown out though. If you do consider going to a stylist, don't be shocked if you still have a few straight ends. After I gave myself the cut, I went to a stylist and I still ended up having a few straight ends. In the long run, I had to cut a bit of my natural hair to get all of the relaxed ends.HTH
There is also the possibility that some of your hair is just naturally straight in some areas. In my crown and nape areas I cut nearly daily for the first few weeks, assuming I still had relaxed strands of hair. Just recently I realized that I was cutting in the same spots and that my hair was becoming very short in those areas. I'd cut off the straight strands, only to have the hairs that used to curl right above them stick out straight the next morning.
I just had to finally accept that even though I am natural and expected nappy, curly hair that some pieces just aren't going to conform.
Now I just try not to apply heavy or excessive products on those sections since they are straight at the ends and just get weighed down, making the straightness more obvious. I just do a scrunching method and try to camouflage them into my napps.
SweetP said:
There is also the possibility that some of your hair is just naturally straight in some areas. In my crown and nape areas I cut nearly daily for the first few weeks, assuming I still had relaxed strands of hair. Just recently I realized that I was cutting in the same spots and that my hair was becoming very short in those areas. I'd cut off the straight strands, only to have the hairs that used to curl right above them stick out straight the next morning.
I just had to finally accept that even though I am natural and expected nappy, curly hair that some pieces just aren't going to conform.
Now I just try not to apply heavy or excessive products on those sections since they are straight at the ends and just get weighed down, making the straightness more obvious. I just do a scrunching method and try to camouflage them into my napps.

What???!?!?!? Tell me this isn't so. My husband suggested the same thing. But the pieces that I'm pulling are telling a different story. I can FEEL the difference.
SweetP said:
There is also the possibility that some of your hair is just naturally straight in some areas. In my crown and nape areas I cut nearly daily for the first few weeks, assuming I still had relaxed strands of hair. Just recently I realized that I was cutting in the same spots and that my hair was becoming very short in those areas. I'd cut off the straight strands, only to have the hairs that used to curl right above them stick out straight the next morning.
I just had to finally accept that even though I am natural and expected nappy, curly hair that some pieces just aren't going to conform.
Now I just try not to apply heavy or excessive products on those sections since they are straight at the ends and just get weighed down, making the straightness more obvious. I just do a scrunching method and try to camouflage them into my napps.

I agree. I cut my hair when my hair was freshly washed, and when I wash my hair, I usually pull on my hair. By pulling, I was actually pulling the ends straight, so when I got out of the shower, some of my ends looked straight. To make a long story short, I continued cutting those ends that looked straight, until I realized that's just the way my natural hair acts after being washed. Now I have some strands that are longer than others.
Yeah, I am gonna treat myself to the salon eyes are so bad I cannot do it myself and if I let my mom do it, I'll be I would rather let a "professional" do it. Plus, i like my natural salon! That day, I am gonna let them wash, cut, and braid me up! The shock of the chop won't last that long....I am still thinking about BCing over the summer....but I am not sure.
A professional may be the answer but if you are really cheap and are scared to give up control to a stylist, I say be patient. It took me a few weeks to get rid of all of my relaxed ends. I would just snip snip whenever I saw any. And yes, I did discover too that some of the ends that I thought were relaxed were my natural hair--so I finally had to stop snipping and learn to deal with all of the textures on my head. Good luck GodMadeMePretty.