Natural hair and transitioning sites?


New Member
A friend of mine is considering going natural...does anyone know of any sites that have good, short summaries/tips on the transitioning process?

Of course I want her to join here but I know she won't spend the time researching the threads here :look: Just looking for a few short links, sites, or even fotki's/youtube's that have info she can get started with.

I've wondered this for the past 2 years - and asked a few times - with no responses :sad:
Can't find a long-term (2 years+) transitioning fotki, either. Only person I know who transitioned for 3+ years is CelinaStarr. Sadly, I haven't been able to contact her.

By the time I find some inspiration, my 3 1/2 year transition will be over! :lachen:
A member on here has a website with plenty of tips and photos... I think her user name is naturalmanenyc maybe? or something similar to that. She documented her long term transition and turned it into an ebook you can download. I found it to be very helpful. She even shares which products she used and discontinued.

She also has another website about her journey to natural hair but I can't find it. It's mostly pictures and shows different styles and techniques used during the transition.
Nina Pruitt's channel is a good one for transitioning. Although she ended her transition, she was a long term transitioner and has good videos that may help your friend.
Southern Tease (Mane and Chic) also has a blog and an e-book documenting her transition. I believe she transitioned for 15 mos.
ITA with the selections from ediese and sipp100.
Last edited: - she transitioned for 2 years and her site documents some of her transition.

Laila-Jean or FusionofCultures on Youtube has a Tumbler, Fotki and YT channel that documented her 2 year transition. This is her fotki-
Only site I knew was Napturality, but they have strict rules on what to do with the hair during that time. I don't know if your friend is a heat user. They frown upon using heat tools on the hair. It is a good site if you are purely focused on natural hair. is good with style help.
I recently started putting together a blog about my 2 year transition from relaxed to natural for this very reason. I had so many people (friends & family & coworkers) asking about my transition (4 a hair) and none of them wanted to take the time to read the various hair boards that I wrote down for them to visit.

I currently have a free newsletter with tips I learned from my transition. I am working on an ebook with photos (over 160 pages written so far).
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