(Natural) Album Update -- Including my first Puff!!!


New Member
Yeah, that's right!!! I'm very excited because it was an unexpected surprise :grin: . I updated my album with pics of my first lil puff baby :). -- jainygirl
Thank you so much everyone :).

honeycomb719 said:
Nice puff jainy :) . What did you wrap around it?

I secured it with a black hair band just like these. They came in a pack of 6 for like $5 at American Outfitters.

They are very loose and comfortable; it hardly feels like you have anything in your hair :). -- jainygirl
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jainy, u r such an inspitation! Just when I was wondering what can I do now, u come up w/ a great post! I have made it 6 weeks with no relaxer! A huge milestone for me! I don't know what my hair type is anymore and I've been searching all natural posts and threads to see how to and learning that natural hair can be styled beautifully. Thanks again for the style info! :notworthy
Thank you so much everyone :) your compliments are all so nice. I'm way excited; I feel like a big kid :lol:

For those in transition, it really does go by fast after the chop. Even if you chop down to a short twa like I did your hair WILL grow back. Dont get discouraged and just keep your eyes open for information and your mind open for things you can do and try with your hair as it grows. Thanks again :). -- jainygirl
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Dang, jainy! I can't view your album. It says, 'member has been blocked due to reaching excessive traffic limits'. Stop tagging her album so I can look too, ya'll!! :lol:

Your puff is sooo cute in your siggy! I have those same headbands and yes, they're quite comfy. Not to mention, you get about 10 in a pack for about $2 at Walmart!!!

Lookin' good fellow 4b-er. Well done.

REPRESENT!!! :woot: :woot:
You are too pretty Jainy! I can't see your album but I see the pic Jessy posted and your puff is quite elegant. I meant to send you a pm but I loooooved your last sig pic- you and your dh are a beautiful couple I just love black love! :dinner:
TigerLily said:
Dang, jainy! I can't view your album. It says, 'member has been blocked due to reaching excessive traffic limits'. Stop tagging her album so I can look too, ya'll!! :lol:

Yes, let's all share Jainy's album!! :grin: I want to see as well so please, lets take turns.
Jainy, your hair must look that good if Fotki had to shut ya down! :lachen:
:( I keep getting this message when I try to view your album:

Member's account has been blocked
Member's account has been blocked by the system due to exceeding its traffic limit.
We apologize, please try viewing this page later.

But from looking at the pic you have in your signature, your first ever puff looks great! ;)
Divastate said:
You are too pretty Jainy! I can't see your album but I see the pic Jessy posted and your puff is quite elegant. I meant to send you a pm but I loooooved your last sig pic- you and your dh are a beautiful couple I just love black love! :dinner:

Awweeee Thank you so much Divastate :).

lovelymissyoli said:
Yes, let's all share Jainy's album!! :grin: I want to see as well so please, lets take turns.
Jainy, your hair must look that good if Fotki had to shut ya down! :lachen:

:eek: Oh wow!! It's open again; I didnt think it would get that kind of traffic :lol:. -- jainygirl
girl your hair is looking great! :up: :grin:

on another note, you can find those same hair bands 8 to a pack at the $.99 store. the brand is halsa.