Natural 3c,4a & 4b ladies that are shoulder length or longer


Well-Known Member
ladies I am trying to put together a 'favorite' list of albums for inspiration and would love some help. I asked this questions once before but I can not seem to find it now :(. If any of you ladies know of any albums/ladies that are 3c,4a/b that have SL or longer hair could you post their album link here for me, please? Any help ladies would be awesome.

tia ladies,
Wassup tishee? How is the growth. Thank for posting these because I do the same thing. I will be adding these to my friends list in FOTKI. Although EKOMBA has not reacht eh shoulders yet (or maybe she has) you should add her.
Zeal said:
Wassup tishee? How is the growth. Thank for posting these because I do the same thing. I will be adding these to my friends list in FOTKI. Although EKOMBA has not reacht eh shoulders yet (or maybe she has) you should add her.

hi sweetie,

the's going. I had the WORST breakage from a protein treatment that I have ever had....send me a pm w/your email addy so I can send you some was the WORST.

adding ekomba to the list.....thanks Zeal
You can scope my journal/regime I'm natural, and I have a couple links in my albums page.
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KiniKakes said:
You can check out my album. Password for the locked album is silkytresses.

HTH :)

thanks to take a look now!

ETA: KiniKakes do you mind telling me where I can find the hair typing system you used?

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Lucia said:
You can scope my journal/regime I'm natural, and I have a couple links in my albums page.

Lucia thanks!

once I get the little one to sleep I am going to take a look at all the albums......thanks so much.
tishee said:
thanks to take a look now!

ETA: KiniKakes do you mind telling me where I can find the hair typing system you used?


Tishee, I just use the regular system (Andre's) that other folks use. :) However, when I first started perusing hair boards I noticed that ladies with fine-textured hair would add "Fi" to the end of their Hair Type to differentiate between regular and fine textured tresses. So that's why I started doing it. I have actually done searches on line to find a more detailed break-down of this hair-typing system, but I don't know if it really exists. I think the "Fi" addition may just be something that folks came up with on their own, and eventually it became gradually accepted/understood.
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hey tishee!!

i don't know how much of an inspiration it is but i started my 1st fotki album! my hair is below shoulder length:) the link and password is in my siggy
