Natruals: Do you have a problem with your ends?


New Member
I am so frustrated and starting to wonder why this keeps happening :confused:. Okay, let me first start off saying that I baggie, use Alma oil overnight and extra saturate my ends with coconut oil. I bun, twist and braid my hair most of the time so my ends are rarely exposed. So, here is my problem. Whenever I straighten my hair my ends are shot. My ends look dry and frizzy. I do get my ends trimmed regularly. The last trim I got I had to get about an inch off due to frizz & split ends :whyme:. I just do not know what I could do to fix this. All I want is for my ends to look healthy when I decided to wear it straight. Do any of you natural ladies have this problem? If so, what have you done to improve the condition of your ends? I am tired of trimming so much of my hair. At this rate, I will never really acheive BSL...and I am so close.

Ladies please help
when ur ends are getting trimmedare the scissors extra sharp? Dull blades can do more harm than good :nono:
I am right there with you! I don't baby my ends as much as you do but I do a lot of wash and go's and when I straighten my hair the ends are rarely smooth and frizz free. I don't know why that is. One thing I've discovered is that if I saturate my hair with conditioner and olive oil and let it sit for a few hours when I do straighten my hair the ends are more under control and not as rough. This is a must every time I straighten my hair.
I straighten about once a month ,just so I could see where I am at length wise.
When I straighten I do not use anything until after I apply heat. I will use coconut or Almond oil for shine.
I get my hair trimmed professional...I'm quessing they have the proper scissors.

So, what gives?
okay that really hurts my feelings, because i know when i self-trimmed my hair in December i got all the frizzy ends. but then when i got my hair trimmed and re-layered this month, she had to cut off an inch of frizzy ends.

i thought i just didn't do a thorough enough job, or that since i was wearing my hair "out" all the time, the ends were taking a beating. now you're making me think the ends are just kinda frizz-prone... :(
Is there a such thing as frizz prone? Especially, if the ends are conditioned and moistured daily.
lyphe said:
I am so frustrated and starting to wonder why this keeps happening :confused:. Okay, let me first start off saying that I baggie, use Alma oil overnight and extra saturate my ends with coconut oil. I bun, twist and braid my hair most of the time so my ends are rarely exposed. So, here is my problem. Whenever I straighten my hair my ends are shot. My ends look dry and frizzy. I do get my ends trimmed regularly. The last trim I got I had to get about an inch off due to frizz & split ends :whyme:. I just do not know what I could do to fix this. All I want is for my ends to look healthy when I decided to wear it straight. Do any of you natural ladies have this problem? If so, what have you done to improve the condition of your ends? I am tired of trimming so much of my hair. At this rate, I will never really acheive BSL...and I am so close.

Ladies please help

girl, that was my problem too..i had to chop them..u can do it slowly, when i texlaxed my ends where dry and yuk..i had to clip them...and i decided to keep it strait , i can care for my ends better this way..
I had this problem... no matter what I did my ends were SHOT. and I didn't even straighten my hair but once a year when I was natural. Unfortunately, I dont have any advice for you. I just gave up and relaxed. :ohwell:
lyphe said:
I straighten about once a month ,just so I could see where I am at length wise.
When I straighten I do not use anything until after I apply heat. I will use coconut or Almond oil for shine.
I get my hair trimmed professional...I'm quessing they have the proper scissors.

So, what gives?

This might be the problem. You really should use a heat protectant when straightening hair in order to protect it from damage. What do you put on your hair before the oil? If you just put oil, you should moisturise first before sealing with an oil.
lyphe said:
Is there a such thing as frizz prone? Especially, if the ends are conditioned and moistured daily.

maybe frizz-prone is not the right word... :perplexed i just mean, that the ends don't seem to want to get straight and stay straight. the ends of my hair coil the most and have the most shrinkage... and will revert faster than my roots if exposed to moisture. so maybe that has something to do with it? :confused:

i'll press again in May and see if i have the same problem...
My ends are dry also. I have been protective styling (twists) since January and when I moisturize now, I pay special attention to my ends.

I've been using Surge 14, Scurl or Curl Junkie "Curly Boost" and Qhemet Instant Detangler to moisturize may hair and ends sometimes 2 or 3 times a day. I thought at first that might be excessive, but today after washing and conditioning my hair and ends were nice and smooth. So these products seem to work for me.
HTH :)
Moisturizing, conditioning, hot oil treatments ..there is such a thing as doing something beneficial to an excess! I used to treat my hair (wash, deep condition, detangle, oil scalp, moisturize hair) once a week. Throughout the week, however, I would use a light moisturizer on my ends and oil my scalp as needed. Doing something everyday is A LOT of manipulation and defeats the purpose of protective styling. Make sure to run a light moisturizer through your hair (I used keracare) prior to straightening, too. If you're straightening soley for looking at length, dont worry about getting it BONE straight.
This is what works everytime for me:
Part hair into about 6 sections. Put sections in ponytails. Dampen the ponytails. Use med. to large size rollers and roll upward. Leave rollers in till hair is totally dry. Apply tiny bit of oil. repeat the process. Do this for about 3 days. My ends are no longer dry or crinkly. I do this only when I am having this proble. The other key is to make sure your ends are smoothed out by dampening your ends lightly before you pin them up. If they go up dry and crinkly that is exactly how they will come down. So PLAN your smooth ends in advance. Hope this helps someone. bonjour
big up on the thread... i've been having the same problem.
The ladies recommended chloesterol. I mixed it with oils ( alma, JOJOBA--->Keyword, and olive oil, but that is just what i used) and my Africa's Best Kids Organics Shea Butter Detangling Lotion) and prepoo'ed. Also, Wishin4BSL has been raving to me about the Qhemet Amla and olive Oil Heavy cream. If you cant/don't want to get at that... i know for a FACT that Carol's Daughter Healthy Hair Butter is the stuff... Keeps your hair sooooo moisturized.
i have a problem with my ends. for me, i think it is a result of not detangling properly. if i try and stretch my hair after doing a wash go, im left literally ripping my hair out (ie. today :(). it causes splits and knots...

at least i know what NOT to do after i trim all this mess off again
I rarely straighten, so I don't know how my ends look... but when I have, they're usually a bit jacked up.

My stylists (curly stylists) say that curly hair is simply going to have split ends... and no matter how much they cut, they're just going to come back. So they said just don't worry about them and let them be.

That's fine for me, but I could see how it would be a problem if you want to straighten somewhat regularly. I don't really know what to say...
I have this problem when i straighten my hair too(~4 or 5 times a year). I flat iron with the Maxiglide using any sheen spray. This still has my ends dry but I found the key is to put a little hot six oil(but i'm sure many other oils will work) on the ends and flat iron the ends again. I have to put the oil on and flat iron the ends every couple of days because the oil kinda wears off. Also I haven't had a trim in almost 3 years. Hope this helps!!!
Innocent_Kiss said:
Moisturizing, conditioning, hot oil treatments ..there is such a thing as doing something beneficial to an excess! I used to treat my hair (wash, deep condition, detangle, oil scalp, moisturize hair) once a week. Throughout the week, however, I would use a light moisturizer on my ends and oil my scalp as needed. Doing something everyday is A LOT of manipulation and defeats the purpose of protective styling. Make sure to run a light moisturizer through your hair (I used keracare) prior to straightening, too. If you're straightening soley for looking at length, dont worry about getting it BONE straight.

I think that's the best advice. Lyphe, it sounds like you're doing the right things to keep your ends moisturized and protected...but perhaps you're doing too much of a good thing. I'm also a natural (have been for years now, can't even remember how long.) I apply something to my ends every morning and every night...some jojoba oil or maybe a good leave-in conditioner. You could be doing too much conditioning. It is possible for some people to over-condition...others can't condition enough. Also, you might want to experiment with different types of moisture. Maybe what you're currently using isn't the best for your hair. My hair is fussy, so I've had to experiment to find my hair's likes & dislikes (for instance, my hair hates olive oil!!)

Also, I'd keep an eye on the scissors. You'd think that your stylist would have sharp scissors, but not necessarily. My stylist is horrible with that. When he cuts my hair, I leave with more splits than I came with. (I've also noticed that he uses the same combs on everyone and I've never seen him washing/sanitizing them.) My point is, just cuz they're professionals doesn't mean that they've got everything in order. I now take my own hair "utensils" to his shop. And I do my own S&D (seek & destroy) missions to weed out split ends. I get my scissors professionally sharpened every 6 mos.

Also, make sure to really dry your ends before putting moisturizer on etc. If you notice, when your hair is wet all the water drips down to the ends. We all know that water can be drying in many instances. Dry the ends (don't rub,pat) and then apply your leave in and moisturizer when the hair is damp. This may seem random, but you never know, fixing little random things can make a big difference.
You may want to use a split end mender. I use TIGI Ego Boost. After using my regular leave-in, I coat the last 3 in. of my hair with Ego Boost and seal with castor oil. When I straighten, 3x a year, my ends are smooth. I've been doing this since Sept 2006, and now I don't have splits or rough ends. Shout out to DSD for the Ego Boost suggestion.
Bunny77 said:
I rarely straighten, so I don't know how my ends look... but when I have, they're usually a bit jacked up.

My stylists (curly stylists) say that curly hair is simply going to have split ends... and no matter how much they cut, they're just going to come back. So they said just don't worry about them and let them be.

That's fine for me, but I could see how it would be a problem if you want to straighten somewhat regularly. I don't really know what to say...

That's true it is natural for a lot of natural, coily, kinky hair, no matter what you do!
I use to overmoisturize my hair to solve the problem but now I make sure to moisturize it well and i'm fine with it!
I have the same problem and I've tried everything under the sun. Currently I'm finding that detangling every time I co-wash helps to keep them to a minimum but I still get them no matter what. I just end of trimming when I straighten because other then that I'd be trimming every week and have only a few inches of hair on my head. I try to put extra leave-in on the ends as well but my hair is so coily I will probably get them no matter what I do.
My ends have their frizzy moments (usually in warmer weather) but it's never really bothered me. Most naturals I know have the same issue so I've always assumed our hair is prone to frizzy ends in it's natural state. Split ends concern me more than frizzy ends, and I haven't had a split ends problem since I've been natural. I just make sure to condition, detangle and moisturize my hair well so frizzies are kept to a minimum.
my hair does not like saturating my ends with oil!!!:mad:
i had to find out the hard way a couple of times! the lesson is learned and i will no longer baggie or saturate oil on my ends. i never quite put it all together until this last time, i got my ends trimmed last month and after a couple of weeks, the ends were horrible after i took it down to straigthen it out:eek: :eek: . what a nightmare! that was the last straw, i realized that doing this make my hair look like what you all are describing. different strokes for different folks but i now know my hair HATES all that moisture! my hair always did fine in the past using chi silk infusions or biosilk serums on a daily basis, just a pea size amount. i just thought after reading tips from this site that it would thrive more using all those moisturizers in my hair but thats a lesson learned now. my friend has natural hair and goes to the stylist every 2 wks and never even puts oils in her hair or wears protective styles and her hair is beautiful and now at apl. our hair was always the same length but i was always a little longer and thicker. due to these mishaps i'm having with the oils and dry, brittle, split frizzy ends, i'm not acheiving as much success. i'm just keeping it very simple and leaving the oils and baggies alone!!! well, i mean, not to say i wouldnt do hot oil treatments or anything like that but as for daily no:(
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Yes, I have dry, brittle, frizzy ends. I got my hair pressed last weekend at a salon and ended up having to trim 1 inch because of my ends. I was so surprised because I moisturize and seal my ends every day sometimes twice a day. I had just given myself a trim in December. I'm beginning to think this is just how natural hair is. It is good to know I'm not alone.
it may be the way it is but my question or observation is, why can my friend (the one i mentioned prior)and me BEFORE i saturated my ends with moisturizers have/had no frizzy ends:confused: :confused: :confused:
i just think theres a direct relation, cause.
my question is, does natural hair need special or different care than chemically processed hair?
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I have the same problem. I think it has to do with still having some relaxed ends though. In any case, I still moisturize my ends but it hasn't been a problem when straightening my hair.