Nap Balls/Vaseline Challenge/Matting...


New Member
As you all know, I LOVE my naps, but this time of year is especially harsh on my naps. I get these little tangled naps balls at the ends of my hair, even after trims, clarifying and moisturizing. At first I thought that there was nothing I could was just the nature of being nappy.

However, I've found the cure for nappy balls AND matting. When everything else seems to have failed, I tried the vaseline challenge for a few days. While I still struggle with some nappy balls, I am pulling out a lot less now than I have for the past several weeks.

My distilled water bottle is also helping with the matting. I added distilled water, olive oil, rosemary oil, ylang ylang oil, sage oil, wild chamomile, and geranium. Lemme just explaim, It's Working!!!!!

I found a cure for the winter weather nappy blues...
Good for you! I am glad vaseline solved your hair problem. I use vaseline once in a while on the ends of my hair and it's does a fine job.
i have A Fotki account dedicated to GREASE! i used to think it was evil but no... its my wonder/miracle product
. i cant get enough of grease. Oh thank u so much Leejure and Adrienne for turning me into the grease spokesperson!