My waves won't come back...I think they are permanently straight


Well-Known Member
I am never flatironing my hair again or using any type of heat. I have flatironed my hair 5 times since september and today when I was putting in my prepoo I realized that the left side of my hair doesn't have a single wave to it while the right side has waves going all the way into my ponytail. My left side grows a bit slower than the right but I have attributed it to a couple of things:
1. I sleep on that side
2. I wrapped my hair from that side
3. Overmanipulation

However I did notice that I had about 3 inches of ng on that side about 2 months ago. It was wavy but now its not. I believe it has gotten worst due to the flatironing.

Does anyone know how to get the waves back into my hair? Or is it going to be permanently straight forever?

I don't want to have to cut all of that side off unless I have to, my natural hair in all other spots of my head is midneck. The left side was earlength but now its straight.
I just examined it again and wonder weather it is possible to have 3B hair in all areas except for that one spot above my ear where I think could be 4B because its not bone straight but a little kinky looking. Its incredibly easy to manage though, is 4B hair incredibly easy to manage? Could this be what is happening to me?
It sounds like it's been burned straight. I wouldn't chop just that section though. Since you're transistioning, why don't you just wait it out? You're gonna have to cut hair off anyway right?
I've heard with conditioning and minimal heat the curls can come back, but it will take a while. Since youre transitiong anyway you can baby that side as you go further through your journey.hth
My hair is less curly after the first wash after a press. I find that a protein treatment like Keraphix followed by a deep conditioning brings my curls back. I CW daily for the next couple of days and then everything is back to normal.
My hair has always been like this, even when I was natural one side would never curl up right. It is straight for about an inch and then kinda has a slight wave but not as strong as the other side going back starting behind my ear. I dont have to do anything to it, I don't brush it or comb that side but it stays straight. I have a couple of inches all around and don't want to cut my hair down to the ng and then cut it bald on one side. Plus I doubt it would grow in wavy anyway.
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PatTodd said:
I think something similar happened to Poohbear which led her to BC.
The heat damage didn't happen to me while I was transitioning... I was fully natural when my mom burnt my hair straight with a hot stove comb... I had to do a 2nd BC because of this instance. ;)

I agree with bmoreflyygirl... grow it out, avoid heat, then cut it off when you're ready to get rid of the relaxed ends or comfortable with the length of your natural new growth.
This sounds a lot like my hair. I have a few pieces in the top that are always straighter than the rest of my hair. Sounds like you have 2 hair textures like me.
Good luck with bringing your waves back. I have 4a/b hair and about a year ago I went to the salon to get my hair flatironed to see how long it was. I saw a little smoke when the hairstylist went over a considerable section of my hair and she said "oh, child it was nothing". Well my hair was burned straight and it hasn't came back.

I have tried everything to bring my curls back from henna treatments, numerous types of protein treatments, and putting all types of lotions and potions in my hair except for the acv rinse which was mentioned earlier. If you find something that works please let me know. My nappies will forever be grateful. I will let you know how the rinse goes...