My variation on the chinese bun (slide show of pics)


LHCF addict
Inspired by Cichelle's avatar picture and this video:

My variation is done with two thick two-strand twists instead of braids. Mine isn't HALF as large as theirs though.

I haven't done a length check in so long because I've been disappointed with the last few I've done and I can't tell with my curly hair because it shrinks so much. But this is one way that I know my hair has grown. I couldn't get my hair twisted all the way around the stick for a long time. And when I did, the bun was puny. This is the first time I have done a decent one. At any rate, I'm so excited, I had to post. Click for slide show

It looks very nice to me. I wonder if my hair will do that.

Ms. Lala
I saw how long your hair is in a recent update.:yep: You can do a ponytail with two braids or two twists right? I definitely think your hair will do that. It would be so pretty. I want to see it if you try.