My TWA looks like "mini dreds"....


Well-Known Member
I have been trying to "define my curls" but whenever I put any products in my hair it shrinks to these dred like coils and looks like I have bald spots. My hair has always been fine but this is crazy. I feel like the only way that my hair looks decent is if I comb it out and I don't want to comb it everyday. Anyone else have this issue?


i feel like you just gotta let it do what it do. i know its frustrating but when my hair was that short i co washed everyday and my hair grew really fast. so it wont always have those spaces in between. before you know it itll be nice and full.
so for right now just let it be.
because like you said i wouldnt brush or comb it.
I don't think it looks bad, I like it. But what kind of products are you putting in it?

Thanks... I cowash daily with yes to tomatoes or suave. I use curls cream brule leave in on wet hair. Once dry I spray on s curl and seal with a little coconut oil. Sometimes I'll use some ecostyler. Should I do something different?
Um..your hair looks cute. And actually not like dreads @ all to me. Although I do think I get what ur saying. It looks like tiny comb coils to me. I dunno why you don't like it. Maybe you're just going for something different. I think it'll be more to your liking the longer it gets.
It looks cute. Tight little coils doing their thing. I love your texture, you're making me want to BC right now :lol:

I think the most important question is how does your hair feel to the touch. Does it feel soft and moisturized? If so then you are doing everything you should be, and all you have to do is keep it up and watch your hair grow :yep:
I actually had the same problem when I did my BC. My curls would coil up and leave empty spaces all up on my The problem goes away when your hair grows, trust.
I"m hatin' because when my hair was that length I used to spend hours w/gel to put in comb coils that looked like that. Have you tried picking out your hair w/finger once it's dry?
they remind me of comb coils so I guess like comb coils you can separate the coils? It might give you a not as defined look though. They looks cute though.

OT but I love Curls creme brulee I just like to open the bottle just to smell it at times.
they remind me of comb coils so I guess like comb coils you can separate the coils? It might give you a not as defined look though. They looks cute though.

OT but I love Curls creme brulee I just like to open the bottle just to smell it at times.

I never heard of comb coils before. I probably saw the style but never knew what it was called. :lol: at the bolded
my hair did that so i dont put gel products to define my coils. I pik it out on wash day and thats it.I don't comb during the week .
my hair did that and i kept it lined up. my hair still does that, but it's just fuller. it looks fine. stop trippin or pick it out.
I have been trying to "define my curls" but whenever I put any products in my hair it shrinks to these dred like coils and looks like I have bald spots. My hair has always been fine but this is crazy. I feel like the only way that my hair looks decent is if I comb it out and I don't want to comb it everyday. Anyone else have this issue?

Those are your defined curls. Maybe you should stop defining them if you don't like the look for now. Your hair is really short, so it's going to look a bit spacey when your curls clump together for definition.
Thanks ladies! My hair is soft and moisturized. This morning I combed my hair in the shower with the conditioner on it so when it dried it looked a lot better.