My transitioning dilema


Well-Known Member
I want to go natural but am so unsure. I like the look of relaxed hair on me but it is healthier and better for me to be natural.
I have been stretching for about 6 mos and really don't want to cut my relaxed hair. This would be my second time transitioning, the first time I wore a wig the entire time and I no longer like walking around with stuff sitting on top of my head:lachen:

I think it takes a boldness to wear natural hair or at least for me.
And sometimes I see natural hair that looks awful, yes even on LHCF. just ashy looking. How do you natchels keep it blinging?
For me I would not mind wearing it if was at least shoulder length. I by no means want to wear an AFRO. :nono: I also have gray hair that I refuse to wear. I love color, chestnut brown to be exact. I have fine hair, that really is fragile. Today I have a long side bang with a big puffy french roll. I dread doing my hair because I'm conflict as to what I want to do with it. Do I want to texturize it? Do I want to color it? Do I want to just wash it and curl it with a curling iron, :blush::nono:?

If I really want long healthy hair that would mean no chemicals :ohwell:

What's a girl to do? Anyone ever felt like this, what did you do?
Darlin, it is your head of hair... don't go natural or stay relaxed just because it is percieved as being better. Do what is convenient for you and what makes you feel comfortable in your own skin.
It seems like you heart isn't in being natural. I'd stay relaxed, or if your hair really can't take the chemicals you could become a (coloured) heat trained natural :yep:
I agreed with Zaz. You sound like you clearly don't want to be natural, that you wouldn't be comfortable with it. So stay relaxed. There are SO many women on this site with gorgeous, healthy, relaxed hair, that there's no reason to believe that you can't have it as well.
Don't be afraid to go natural, nothing to worry over. If you don't like it, you can always go back. Lol it's not a life sentence. I would say...give natural hair a try. I feel that everyone at least at one point in their life should get to know their natural texture. If length is a big issue, I would recommend transitioning at least 18 months honestly. Unless you don't have much shrinkage or a really fast growth rate. I'm 20ish months relaxer free and just started to get more comfy with my hair. Awkward stage was rough lol.
I like the look of relaxed hair on me but it is healthier and better for me to be natural.

Two things:

1) relaxed hair can be healthy hair. There are many examples of healthy relaxed heads on this board alone.

2) go for the look you like. It's more important to enjoy your hair than match some idea of what it is supposed to be

That said, there's no hurry to decide either. If your stretch is under control, then keep going for a bit while you do more research. For me, the more I looked at all kinds of natural hair, the more I was able to see its beauty - afros and all. (This tumblr is my daily pick-me up)

But most importantly, enjoy your hair in whatever state you wish. Do what makes you feel beautiful.