My Surge Smells Funny.......


New Member
Hello Beautiful Ladies,

I ordered a bottle of Surge plus 14 from my favorite site It came in the mail today and when I opened it and it smells funny, like they changed the ingredients or something. Spring Break of 2006 my family and I drove to Texas and I went to GiGi Beauty Supply specifically to get Surge plus 14 and I remember the smell of it like it was yesterday and the Surge I have now don't smell the same, this one has a nutty smell to it.

Just wondering if anyone else who regularly uses Surge plus 14 has noticed the change in the smell.

Have a Blessed Day and Happy Growing!!!!!!!;)
Hi, yes...I noticed. I've used Surge 14 for about three years now and the smell of the new formula was the first thing I noticed.

When I compared the labels of the two bottles I have, (one old and one new) it looks like they moved the ingredients around a bit and added Aloe Barbadensis Gel to the new and removed the PEG-7 DP. The old formula says on the label it has Aloe but it's not listed in the ingredients.

I just started using the new formula so I can't really say I 've noticed any major differences. I just hope it doesn't change the effect of the product. :)