My Sister had 2 huge dreds in her hair


Well-Known Member
Ok ladies since I have been taking care of my hair it seems like my sister interest in her own hair has dwindled down to nothing. She use to be the one who was always trying new styles and doing new things with her hair, now she doesn't even care. It's amazing to see how quickly hair can decline. When I started my journey in Feb. of 2007 her hair was BSL on its way to MBL and I was so envious. Now it's so thin and broken. I think if she got a cut like she needs to get rid of all the damage and broken ends she'd be neck length. She came to me last night with this giant huge dred and I didn't think I could get it out. I mean I have never seen a dred like this. She had washed her hair and the inside of this dread wasn't even wet. When she seen it was tangled she tried to blow dry the tangle. It took me a hour of working it with a wide tooth comb and the end of a rattail to get it loose and there were about 3 hand fulls of broken hairs in the sink.:wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:
OMG! :perplexed Is your sister depressed or having a hard time right now? Trouble at work, in her marriage/relationship? It sounds like something must be wrong for her to lose interest in her hair since she took great care of it before. Losing interest in things you once cared about is a classic sign of depression. :sad:

I hope she can nurture her hair back to health again soon.
I don't know what the deal is with her. She cares about everything but her hair. She is just lazy as I use to be. If she can't just leave it in she won't use it which is why she won't shampoo and condition. I taught her to detangle in the shower, but she don't want to get in to do her hair and so tries that wash in the sink. When I tell her about her she says it's my fault because I won't take care of it for her.
Tell ur sis to welcome to my world. I'm an expert at taking out dreds lol... A rat tail comb is your best friend. take it out just like you're upbraiding it,
What did she do (or didn't do) to let it get like that? Did she not even finger comb it?
Right now I'm tired of my hair, to the point that I'll leave a braidout in for way too long, just pulling it back in a bun. It gets ridiculously tangled but never that bad.

I'm about to go cowash now, so thanks.
I think the problem is she isn't doing anything with her hair. On days she has to go she takes a brush and brushes over the top layer of hair and puts it into a ponytail or shell flat iron the edges and hot curl the ends and not comb any part in the middle. She never really detangles. I don't think she combed her hair out before washing it, but I never seen a dred form from not combing before washing.
She tried to BLOWDRY the dred out??? :eek:

Why on earth does she not care about her hair anymore? I would imagine she put a lot of work into it to get to BSL, now she just gives up? Have you tried to have a serious talk with her about what's going on in her life?
She tried to BLOWDRY the dred out??? :eek:

Why on earth does she not care about her hair anymore? I would imagine she put a lot of work into it to get to BSL, now she just gives up? Have you tried to have a serious talk with her about what's going on in her life?
That is exactly how my eyes looked when she came wanting me to do miracle work. I have had a several serious talks with her. My mother too, but no one can get through to her at this point. She feels like she is an adult and can do what ever she pleases. She has made several bad judgement call in her personal life theses past months. I've noticed that she's also starting to let school slip.
Something else is going on with her. It isn't that she is being lazy. That is just the by product of whatever else is going on. Keep an eye on her and keep talking to her. Eventually she will tell you.
(I'm not an expert or anything) but I think when some people are depressed, they can obsess a/b smthg else. Bc right now I'm going through some things so I'm completely obsessed a/b my hair. If I have smthg else to fixate on, I won't really try to let the bad thoughts seep in u know? so have u noticed if she is completely dependent on someone or smthg? try to get her to focus on the good things she has in her life and try to help w/ getting her "crown and glory" back to the way it was
To me it's so strange. She is a very pretty girl. Where ever we go guys are always trying to talk to her. I know this is getting a little off topic, but she dates all these no good fresh out of prison for the 3 time, no job having, lying dudes. I mean the last one told her he knew T.I. and that T.I. be chilling at his house and sold him a car. I was like T.I is car salesman now?:lachen: He also had a muti-million dollar contract to play football. Then she found out he don't even play football. I keep telling her don't you know you're beautiful and deserve better, but it's like that's all she attracts and all she is attracted to.
I agree that your sister may be depressed. Depression manifests itself in many different ways, including a loss of interest in things that were once important to that person. You said that her hair was MBL, so I know that at one point in time, your sister valued her hair and looks. Now she won't even shampoo or condition it. She is failing to maintain basic hygeine. The hair is just a symptom of a deeper rooted issue. My suggestion is to assist her in finding professional help...FAST.
My sister is 23. My mother is concerned that there might be drugs involved. I don't know. We live together and I don't know how to recognize the signs. She seems to always pay her bills. She is always broke, but I think that is because she is trying to take care of a grown man.
Aww, I am sorry to hear that. I hope things get better for your sister and her hair. Maybe some cornrows or a weave or some other protective style might be good for her in the meantime until she recovers from whatever issues she's going through.
Is your sister going through something stressful in her life? It sounds odd that's she's shut-down on her appearance so suddenly