My self relaxing method....


Well-Known Member
...With many thanks to:

Myhairsos, for her "secured sections" idea
Peachtree, for being a longtime self-relaxer with the long hair to prove it can be done safely and well
Beana3, Kamilla16, Tonya and everyone else who said "Stick with what works"--you all helped me to make the switch back to no-lye and I'm loving the results!
So without further ado...

relax in 2 sections two or three days apart. (You can also do this the same day. I used a sprayer in the kitchen sink and realized after I was done that I had been so good at directing the water that I hadn't gotten the unrelaxed half of my head wet. However, it already had conditioner so it was too late to do it that day)

I do my hair in two sessions because it is very thick and getting a little long, and I have found it impossible to do my entire head all in one go.

1. Part hair down the middle (nose to nape). Take one side, coat in cholesterol conditioner and secure with a hair band. (skip cholesterol if you are doing the second half on the same day)
2. Detangle and section of the rest of the hair, 2 sections in each row. (Be sure to count the sections as you go and know how many you have, total). I had about 16 I think. I didn't count this time, this is something I thought of to do next time, to be extra sure all sections have been covered.
3. Clip each section where the relaxed hair begins. Rub cholesterol into the previously relaxed hair, lightly twist and secure end with a rubber band. (the kind used for braiding)
4. Flip all the sections forward onto your head.
5. Starting one section away from the bottom hairline, take a tint brush and brush relaxer onto underside of section, then flip down and brush onto top.
6. After getting to the sections at the front hairline, go back and do the back hairline section.
7. Flip all the sections forward again.
8. Starting again one section away from the bottom, remove the clip and the band and smooth using the back of a comb. Smooth the underside, flip down and smooth the top side.
9. Proceed up the scalp in this manner until all have been smoothed.
10. Go back and smooth the back hairline.
11. You should still have about 5 minutes left (If you leave it on 20 minutes). Go back and keep smoothing.
12. Rinse rinse rinse, neutralize neutralize neutralize. Apply your instant conditioner.
13. Place hair in a mini bun.
14. Rinse cholesterol from other half of hair, detangle well, dry and bun.

Repeat process in 2-3 days on other half.

Next time I also intend to start in the middle of my head, in other words do the crown first. Since I can see that part easily in the mirror it should be no problem.

I hope this method may help someone. For all you people that have found stylists to be untrustworthy, incompetent, uncaring, or just not a good fit for you, keep trying until you find a method that works.

Happy self-relaxing!
I do something similar to you, my friends and i call it 'half-half'. I part the hair from ear to ear, clip the back tightly and relax the front. You have to be very precise when washing out the relaxer at the front with the shower head. After all the relaxer at the front is washed out, relax the back. When you have finished this section, shampoo and condition the whole hair thorughly. Therefore, both sections of the hair get relaxed for 20 minutes and it comes out slick with no kinks. I have a lot of hair and my whole hair never takes properly in just one set of 20 minutes. I usually do my friends hair and she does mine so not to overlap the relaxer, but sometimes we do do it on our own. I'm suprised you could wait a few days with one side relaxed and the other not, but hey if it works for you, keep it up.
Wow...thanks so much for sharing! I didn't quite understand all of it, but I'm going to come back and read it again....if I still have questions, I may be PMing you, if that's OK.
THanks for sharing. I keep saying that I am going to give self relaxing another go. I may have to try this method.