My review of Joseph's hair salon in NYC!

My review of Joseph\'s hair salon in NYC!

Well where do I start? I got there early 5.15 for a 5.30 appointment. Then I noticed there was another 5.30 for Natasha too. Double booking strikes again. It was actually 'free2beme' from this board (waves /images/graemlins/grin.gif). Also, another girl arrived a few mins after also for Natasha! That alone doesn't look good to me.

It was obvious Natasha was busy and her assistant based my scalp and then left me in a seat for approx 20 mins so I could wait for Natasha. Eventually she came over and I told her to use Affirm Mild which she did but I noticed she combed the relaxer through the regrowth and just applied too much unnesscary combing all over in my opinion. She was v.nice to chat with and I told her about my dry hair (it's been this way since I had the sebastian cellophanes) she told me she doesn't like sebastian cellophanes and my hairs dry because the hair is sealed by it and so my conditioners can't penetrate anymore. It *does* make sense. So we agreed that I shouldn't use it anymore if I want my moisturized hair state to return. (This product works for others but I think I have wierd hair lol!! /images/graemlins/tongue.gif)

So anyway, she proceeded to wash out the relaxer and said she'd deep condition me for no charge. Well I was left with the conditioner on my head tipped back over the sink getting neck ache. No cap on, no heat! What kind of 'deep' condition is that? Her assistant came over 10 mins later and rinsed it out and I felt my scalp burning in the back part of my hair. I told the assistant who rinsed me out for 2 mins more in the same area. I've never been burnt with my usual hairdresser friend /images/graemlins/frown.gif So Natasha is now juggling 3 pr 4 diff heads now, alternating between them all. Free2BeMe will give you her post but she came to see Natasha as well but because she was triple booked she couldn't do her and so had an assistant do it instead. That's terrible. Wait for this: Free2BeMore brought her own relaxer to be used and the assisant who didn't seem to understand good English started to BASE Free2BeMe's scalp with relaxer by mistake instead of a base!!! She had to stop her and tell her what she was doing! /images/graemlins/mad.gif

I was rollarset, dried and had to wait in line with approx 5 other dried rollar heads for Natasha to blow them out. The other stylists had left for the night. I started removing the rollars myself in front of the mirror. Eventually Natasha blew out my hair with a round brush.

I felt the whole experience is no way worth the $98 (yes 98) I paid. My scalp at the back was burning, I was juggled alongside other appointments for Natasha's attention. For that price I was at least expecting a proper booking schedule, a few mins chat with Natasha first or something but she was clearly too busy. I didn't think the other customer's hair jobs was anything different done elsewhere for less $$$.

Free2BeMe was later apologized to by Natasha but I would've been livid if it were me. You book to see her, you should be done by her. Not an assistant who starts basing your hair with relaxer by mistake! WTF?

I wouldn't go back there. I would've at least expected a proper deep condition for the money. Natasha wanted to know if I wanted a trim but when she told me it was $40 I refused. Perlease!?

I'm glad I had an Amex Gift Certificate with me which paid for 90% of the bill so I don't feel like I wasted my own money.

I updated my pics with a shot of my hair after leaving the salon tonight. Its a bit frizzed as it was pouring rain when I left.
Re: My review of Joseph\'s hair salon in NYC!

Sorry you didn't have an enjoyable experience at the salon /images/graemlins/frown.gif. Just wanted to congratulate you on your hair progress - your hair has really grown since this summer! /images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: My review of Joseph\'s hair salon in NYC!

Oh my God. That sounds like a typical day at the rude salon. (But the price was not so typical) Really. 5 people booked for the same time? What is that? At some point didn't you just want to confront her and say something about her booking practises? When it came time to pay up I might have mustered up the courage. I mean who is Natasha?? Some sort of stylist to the celebrities??? Is your hair so much better? (By the way it has grown alot since august...) UMPH girl, better go to the corner salon than waste your time at Joseph's...
Re: My review of Joseph\'s hair salon in NYC!

Well from the previous posts from others I hear that celebs have been there but I don't see the extra service to justify it. I don't. My hair is not any better. Actually my usual hairdresser friend makes it come out much silkier with COMPLETELY separated strands etc etc. Also she uses more high end products than Josephs.

I'm glad I tried Joseph's. I was curious. Now I REALLY appreciate my usual hairdresser....

I nearly said something about the overbooking but didn't.
Re: My review of Joseph\'s hair salon in NYC!

Thank you for sharing BRH. I guess I will stick to my regular hairdresser or let my cousin do my hair. I was planning on going to Joseph's for my next retouch but I have changed my mind.

You also scared with me the Sebastian Cellophanes bit. I hope it isn't true becasue I bought it last week to put in this weekend. I can't retun it so I'll just hope for the best and if doesn't work for me, I just won't reapply it.

Have you considered e-mailing or sending a letter. ZThat would never happen to a celebrity so why a hard-working person?

I'm mad just thinking about it. You get the smae f%$#ed up experience cheaper anyhere.

Anyways, I'm sorry about both you and Free2beme's experience.
Re: My review of Joseph\'s hair salon in NYC!


I really am sorry to hear about your experience;-( I have a question though--I was debating whether or not to use colourshines on saturday. does it make your hair more dry? now, i'm curious AND scared!


Sorry again about your hair experience--no one deserves to drop a c-note and not receive any special treatment. crazy.
Re: My review of Joseph\'s hair salon in NYC!

Wow BRH,
Sorry your visit wasn't a good one. I'm so surprised. I have assisted for greedy stylists in the past who over book because they can't stand to see money walk out of the door. It's not fair. And basing Free2beMe's scalp with relaxer is completely unacceptable. On busy nights things in a salon can get a little crazy but for 100 dollars you deserved much more.
Re: My review of Joseph\'s hair salon in NYC!

I am so sorry you had a horrible experience there. I usually go on Saturday mornings but that is no excuse for triple bookings on Thursdays or any day. I feel so bad because I have had wonderful experiences there and ONLY Natasha does my relaxer and blow out.

Just out of curiosity. Who is your regular hairstylist and where does he/she operate from??? I love Joesph's but I like to keep my options open.

My mother always told me never to cheat on a stylist unless something was terribly wrong with them. So I like Natasha and am afraid if I go somewhere else I will get screwed. But I would like to know where this place is.
Re: My review of Joseph\'s hair salon in NYC!

wow! sorry your experience was so bad, but your hair does look fab to me. also, too bad about the Sebastians because your hair looked SOOOOOO good with all that shine and color. eh well... /images/graemlins/frown.gif

Re: My review of Joseph\'s hair salon in NYC!


I'm sorry your experience was so bad. That deep conditioning stunt over the sink would have had me saying something! /images/graemlins/mad.gif However, your hair has grown! It's really looking nice. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: My review of Joseph\'s hair salon in NYC!

That was completely unprofessional what happened to you!

I had a similar experience last spring. I was going to someone that was supposed to be a really good hair person. I called in advaced(on a sunday) and asked what time should I come so that I don't have to wait. They told me 10:00 am. Anyway, Not only did I wait they wanted someone else to do my relaxer (cause they overbooked the stylist!!) I said NO and walked out. I want what I want. I think the girl that got her hair done by the assitent should have walked out. I'm not afraid to do that. They are not providing any services for FREE...
Re: My review of Joseph\'s hair salon in NYC!

$40 for a TRIM! that is most offensive and scandalous!!! /images/graemlins/mad.gif /images/graemlins/mad.gif
Re: My review of Joseph\'s hair salon in NYC!

Sorry to hear about your experience(which is why I won't pay for a relaxer)...but girl your hair looks fabulous. It is really pretty. I also love the color.
Re: My review of Joseph\'s hair salon in NYC!

Hi Girls, Thanks for all the responses.

Pumpkin: My usual hairdresser is great for re-touches even though to dry she uses a hairdryer on a setting followed by curling irons /images/graemlins/blush.gif But I can live with that once per 8 weeks only for the results she gives. Like I said, they use good products, the BEST conditioners (I was sold on Mizani Moisturefuse from here first) and heat protectors etc. Plus she does me from start to finish. I've never burn't or itched. Its Le Var Hair Salon on the Upper West Side (72nd street and columbus, subway is 72nd and walk east along 72nd street, its on the 2nd floor). My friend is Marceea. Very quiet but nice. Celebs go there for extensions and colouring (what they excel in). They do people like Mary J Blige, Whitney, Missy Elliot, Models plus us regular folk /images/graemlins/grin.gif. The editor of essence has hair braids done there (I'm always seeing her in there). My friend who does me is great because my hair just comes out soooo soft, separated, slippery. Like a friggin' Pantene commercial /images/graemlins/grin.gif She smooths the relaxer with the back unteethed comb part (uses Affirm on me)but no pulling, excessive combing through of it like Natasha did (and was suprised about). She has v.gentle hands. She trims only if I ask her to. Its not cheap though. I think re-touches are approx $80 but I'd call to double check that. I pay much less since Marceea is a personal friend. Its a teeny no frills salon but I like that. More intimate and 'home' feeling.

Miss A: Yes the Sebastian Cellophanes did dry out my hair. After each rollar set since applying it, the mid section down feels a bit rougher and dry. Not soft and moisturised from root to tip like before. I know this is what's done that. I'm going to use ultra moisturizing conditioners mixed with olive oil for each deep conditioning from now on to try regaining the moisture. Natasha did say reg. deep conditioning will help although quote from Natasha: "cellaphanes never truly comes out of your hair once in". She suggested me buying their shea butter to help moisturize my hair but I didn't want to spend any more there. (Is it ultra moisturizing people??). Don't forget, some here LOVE cellophanes. For me its dried me out and Tracy (who recced it) is a hair twin so it shows whats good for one may not be so for another. Like I said, I think I have odd hair /images/graemlins/tongue.gif

FYI, I'll be at work all day so won't be able to respond to any more questions till I get back around 5.30 tonight but I'll be reading the posts through out the day /images/graemlins/wink.gif

Thanks for the compliments. I have noticed the hair has grown. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: My review of Joseph\'s hair salon in NYC!

I don't understand why hairdressers must charge that much for a simple touch-up! It is ridiculous. Luckily, my stylist only charges $45. Cuz if it's over $60, then I might as well perm my own hair at home for what...$7 or $8...Shooo....Those expensive salons are a sin! /images/graemlins/mad.gif
Re: My review of Joseph\'s hair salon in NYC!

Hey how are you brownrelaxed. My girlfriend went last night as well. I think you guys saw each other, but I'm not sure because she got there around the same time as you. She said that she got there maybe about 5:45 and didn't leave until a little after 9:00pm. She always questioned why her relaxer came out to $99. She said some man told her that the actual touch up's $75, but the special deep conditioner cost $15. lol

I guess once you tack on the tax, this is why you guys paid $99. But shouldn't it be a given, with any chemical service, deep conditioner's automatically added. She indicated as well that she didn't appreciate the deep conditioner that they left on her hair for 5 minutes after rinsing out the relaxer. Once again, she claimed she asked what was it and they told her it was Affirms 5 n 1 Reconstructor.

Funny that you say you had a problem with this, but I was reading somewhere, were they actually said it is better to put a conditioner on to counter act the relaxing process immediately after rinsing rather than washing immediately...then proceed with a neutralizing shampoo. However, personally I feel better with a good old fashion heat treatment conditioner.

By far the service was not worth $100 from my understanding for the both of you. I guess I wouldn't go there. I'll stick with my regular man. I think you guys will really like him.

He works in a salon, but its not a set up like Joseph's where he has assistants working for him. Marvin does EVERYTHING from BASING your scalp, to putting the relaxer on to rinsing to deep conditioning to styling and etc. His full name's Marvin Carrington and he's a certified Tricologist, someone who specializes in extensive hair care, hair health, scalp issues and etc. Marvin will analyze your hair and talk to you. He'll tell you what you should do to your hair, the condition of your hair and he will also make you fill out a profile card (which I really really like) to keep track of you progression and what works best in YOUR hair, not the generic everyone requires AFFIRM MILD Relaxer. He knows that he's very expensive and will recommend if you cannot afford him to go to the Dominicans for wash n sets, but for your professional serious services like Relaxers and etc, to come to him only. He'll tell you what kind of conditioner to purchase and why it is best for your hair.

Marvin was the one who initially suggest that I purchase either ORS Hair Mayo, Motions CPR or Affirm 5 n 1. He's the one who explained how the properly apply a protein conditioner and why it must follow with a moisturizer. For my hair he suggest protein conditioners every other week and the alternative weeks, use hot oil treatments. He even broke it down to the science and technology of that s hit lol about the chemist and everything.

Well to the point, he charges $100 and up for touch-ups, but I can say with him you will be thoroughly pleased I can guarantee. Yes its alot to pay, but when I left him, I came out with soo much knowledge and hair looking fabulous. Additionally, Marvin doesn't book 5 5:30appointments lol. However, he does book his appointments 30 minutes apart to an 1 depending on service because he likes to talk to you especially if its your first time.

My suggestion to those ladies out there that may consider Marvin, visit his website @ and read the article in Essence magazine about him. If your reluctant to pay $100 for a touch up, go for a simple wash & set w/conditioner, but that'll probably run you about $50. I think $35 for the wash & set and maybe like $10 for the conditioner. I dunno lol...But he's GREAT. I stick with my man....HE DA BOMBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBb kaboom hahaha
Re: My review of Joseph\'s hair salon in NYC!

I just logged in and was dying to read about your experience, BrownRelaxedHair. Wow, I'm sorry that it went so badly!!!Like Pumpkin, I have only gone on Saturdays. I'd love to know who the assistant is who tries to base scalps with relaxer!!! What's up with that?!!! /images/graemlins/mad.gif Maybe she has a different person helping her during the week. Either way, there is NO EXCUSE for that sort of thing.

Hmmm, maybe I need to check out YOUR salon on the Upper West Side at some point. Though my experience at Joseph's has been positive, no reason to put on blinders if there are other good salons out there.

Sooooo sorry, girl. I don't blame you for not wanting to go back.
Re: My review of Joseph\'s hair salon in NYC!

AmilLion, your guy also looks like he's worth checking out, at least once!!! Though I'd probably go in for touch-ups only and do my own maintenance at home. It's good to know that we have alternatives out there. Thanks for the info on your stylist.
Re: My review of Joseph\'s hair salon in NYC!

BRH, I'm sorry that you had such a terrible experience. It's things like that that have me doing my hair at home now. But, on the plus side your hair has really grown and it's absolutely GAWGEOUS!!! /images/graemlins/grin.gif Do you have your regimine posted anywhere?
Re: My review of Joseph\'s hair salon in NYC!

Sorry to hear about your experience! Your hair looks great and thanks for the insight on the Colourshine. I almost purchased a bottle but will ask my hairdresser 1st what she thinks of it.
Good Luck with it all and if this is any consolation ur hair looks GREAT!
Re: My review of Joseph\'s hair salon in NYC!

I made an appt with Marvin for Wednesday. He sounds really great. I spoke to him and he was extremely patient. Because of BRH's experience and that whole base with relaxer incident I am afraid to go back to Joseph's. I have not left Joseph's completely. I am just aiming for the best stylist.

KitKat you might have to follow me once more to this one.
I'll let everyone know how it goes. I can't wait for Wednesday!!!!

Re: My review of Joseph\'s hair salon in NYC!

Pumpkin, girl, you're right - basing hair with the relaxer?!! I just might be following right behind you. /images/graemlins/grin.gif Marvin sounds like the move!
Re: My review of Joseph\'s hair salon in NYC!


Marvin is good and he will answer all of your questions /images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: My review of Joseph\'s hair salon in NYC!

BronxDiva, you've seen Marvin before in the past?
Re: My review of Joseph\'s hair salon in NYC!

</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
I noticed she combed the relaxer through the regrowth and just applied too much unnesscary combing all over in my opinion.

[/ QUOTE ]

Girl...this alone would have been enough for me to tell her to move aside and let me do my own hair.

</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
I felt the whole experience is no way worth the $98 (yes 98) I paid.

[/ QUOTE ]

By the way, your hair has grown a lot and it looks very nice /images/graemlins/smile.gif

98.00!!! /images/graemlins/shocked.gif Has relaxing gone up that much?
Re: My review of Joseph\'s hair salon in NYC!

Hi Hairfanatic. No re touches haven't gone up that much. Its just a few select 'high end' salons that will charge that much. Even my regular hairdresser charges $70 but they do a terrific job as I mentioned in my earlier post. There are those that charge far less though like 40ish. Its all about shopping around to suit your pocket. And in my unfortunate case, curiosity

I hear you about the comb through. I was watching her and was gobsmacked to see her doing that. WTF?? That alone doesn't impress me about an apparent interest in hair health.
Re: My review of Joseph\'s hair salon in NYC!

About the Cellophanes don't listen to Natasha they DO come out, it'll wash out in 12-20 washes like a rinse. They do seal the cuticle so it's best to use it on well conditioned hair.
Sorry to hear about your experience at Joseph's but your hair still looks truly beautiful. /images/graemlins/wink.gif
Re: My review of Joseph\'s hair salon in NYC!

Ahh, thanks ms_kenesha, that's exactly what I wanted to hear!!!! Thank you thank you thank you!! woo hoo! I'll get my hair pre cellophanes back soon then.

Thanks, this makes me feel much better. Twice weekly washes in full force now lol!!! /images/graemlins/grin.gif /images/graemlins/wink.gif
Re: My review of Joseph\'s hair salon in NYC!

Hey Amillion!!

I wonder what your friend looks like? I'm sure I saw her. I looked around at everyone there. Can you describe her?

I asked Joseph's today why it was 75 for the retouch and then 98 to pay. I was told that 75 is for relaxers like (lower end ones). Its 85 up for relaxers like Affirm, Revlon and one other and if the hair is beyond ears e.g. longish hair then the price is even higher, 90+ (yeah okay,whatever /images/graemlins/mad.gif )

I did speak to a girl there who arrived after me and I spoke to her, asking if it was her first time. She said yes. She kept v. quiet so I didn't 'drill her' with more questions lol!!! /images/graemlins/tongue.gif