My relaxer touch-up, after using Henna...


Well-Known Member
What's good, my peoples! I still haven't completely made up my mind on if this is a good post or a bad post....but so far it is a really really GREAT review (on henna)....ok so after using henna 3 times (about 2-3 weeks apart). It was time for a touch-up. Firstly, my hair was shedding alot and breaking a little, but after my first henna treatment, all of it is very normal. Ok back to the story, so last weekend, i went to the Hair cuttery to get my hair relaxed with Mizani regular. (this is a new stylist) So the guy puts the relaxer in, blah blah blah...then he is rinsing it out and conditioning or whatever, and then he starts grabbing my hair as if he is analyzing it. Then he says that my hair didn't respond to how he is used to mizani working. He says my hair still wasn't smoothe. it was still somewhat rough. He kinda had a look like he was disappointed. but i felt my hair and it felt freshly relaxed, and not underprocessed. So i assured him that my hair felt good to my liking and because i hardly relax my hair bone straight, which is why my hair isn't as silky smooth as to what he is used to. I was a little nervous cause when i think of non-smooth hair, i think of mega breakage. But so far, it's been a week and my hair has minimal breakage and hardly no shedding. My hair has a texlaxed look to it and it is extremely extremely soft and fluffy, which is what i like. So, so far, this henna is a good thing. but i was really really scared when he said my hair was sorta rough. So i'm going to continue on this henna bandwagon, but i don't think i'm gonna do full henna's too drying.... I'm gonna do maybe like 1/3rd henna mixed with 2/3rd cheapie cond and oil.
Good for you, Mrs Mizani!:) I was contemplating trying henna, but it seems like too much work.:perplexed
Mizani_Mrs said:
What's good, my peoples! I still haven't completely made up my mind on if this is a good post or a bad post....but so far it is a really really GREAT review (on henna)....ok so after using henna 3 times (about 2-3 weeks apart). It was time for a touch-up. Firstly, my hair was shedding alot and breaking a little, but after my first henna treatment, all of it is very normal. Ok back to the story, so last weekend, i went to the Hair cuttery to get my hair relaxed with Mizani regular. (this is a new stylist) So the guy puts the relaxer in, blah blah blah...then he is rinsing it out and conditioning or whatever, and then he starts grabbing my hair as if he is analyzing it. Then he says that my hair didn't respond to how he is used to mizani working. He says my hair still wasn't smoothe. it was still somewhat rough. He kinda had a look like he was disappointed. but i felt my hair and it felt freshly relaxed, and not underprocessed. So i assured him that my hair felt good to my liking and because i hardly relax my hair bone straight, which is why my hair isn't as silky smooth as to what he is used to. I was a little nervous cause when i think of non-smooth hair, i think of mega breakage. But so far, it's been a week and my hair has minimal breakage and hardly no shedding. My hair has a texlaxed look to it and it is extremely extremely soft and fluffy, which is what i like. So, so far, this henna is a good thing. but i was really really scared when he said my hair was sorta rough. So i'm going to continue on this henna bandwagon, but i don't think i'm gonna do full henna's too drying.... I'm gonna do maybe like 1/3rd henna mixed with 2/3rd cheapie cond and oil.

Do you mean the process is too drying or the over all effects?
Oh dear. I love bone straight hair.

I don't use a flat iron or heat but am able to get my hair straight just by air drying.

I don't want any henna experimenting to ruin that.
I just meant that after rinsing out the henna and then applying a moisturizing cond for 30mins...i would expect my hair to be moisturized. But it wasn't, it was still somewhat dry. so i had to apply lots of oil thru the week. by the next weekend, i would do another moisturizing trtmnt and THEN my hair would be moisturized as to what i am used to. but my hair was like 10-13 weeks post when i used henna, and it is usually dry during this time so i can only partially blame the henna...

marie170 said:
Do you mean the process is too drying or the over all effects?
I was contemplating trying henna, but it seems like too much work.:perplexed

Ditto. That's why I haven't jumped the wagon yet.
I was contemplating trying henna, but it seems like too much work.

I'm with you Shunta. That's why I haven't jumped the wagon yet.
e$h, it really isn't too much work. it can be as simple as applying it like you do a conditioner..and leave it on for 30mins. As i more full henna treatments for me. i'm just going to boil some water, and pour henna in it...let it sit for 15mins, then pour in my conditioner, and deep cond for maybe 30mins..... believe still works!!!
Now that I think of it, my last relaxer was a little underprocessed. It was the only one I have done since using Henna.

I don't think it was too bad though. At least not enough to stop using henna. After my next touchup, we'll see. I don't want to assume it was because of the henna just yet.
Henna made my hair very thick and smooth. I used 2 tbs of henna, 1 tbs of amla powder, some evoo, 1 tbs of condition, and some jojoba oil. Immediately following, I rinse using NTM Conditioner which is so wonderful at returning slip and detangling. My hair was wonderful. My avatar pic has my results from that experience.

Good luck! I will be relaxing this week so I'll see if my hair seems more resistant to the relaxer -- something I've never experienced.
Yay, I'm glad your experience was a good one. My hair came out stick straight w/ only 11 minutes of processing time. :eek: It was very silky straight. I was so disappointed. But after my first henna treatment it recurled and started looking texturized. :huh:

I'm wearing a perfectly well-defined, but fluffy w/ a lot of body wash and go. I never expected stick straight hair to look texturized after a henna treatment. I had the opposite experience with henna pre-relaxer. :ohwell:

I know exactly what you mean about not looking silky. My hair now rollersets completely straight but my strands look like kids hair. You know when it's straight, but has really meaty looking strands. It's hard to describe. But I love it.
Mizani_Mrs said:
but i don't think i'm gonna do full henna's too drying.... I'm gonna do maybe like 1/3rd henna mixed with 2/3rd cheapie cond and oil.

This sounds like a good idea. I will be doing my 1st henna this week! I'm soooo excited. :D I'm glad you gave feedback on your experience!
I'll be getting my next relaxer touch-up tomorrow, after using henna for the first time (since my 'teens), last week.

I searched for this thread because I'm nervous about how the (lye) relaxer will respond to the henna.

I've been moisturizing and baggying for most of the week, so my hair's not too dry. It's weird how my extremely coarse strands look even thicker/swollen/wirey though.

I'm praying that my hair doesn't come out rough or underprocessed, but I'll keep ya posted.
sareca said:
Yay, I'm glad your experience was a good one. My hair came out stick straight w/ only 11 minutes of processing time. :eek: It was very silky straight. I was so disappointed. But after my first henna treatment it recurled and started looking texturized. :huh:

I'm wearing a perfectly well-defined, but fluffy w/ a lot of body wash and go. I never expected stick straight hair to look texturized after a henna treatment. I had the opposite experience with henna pre-relaxer. :ohwell:

I know exactly what you mean about not looking silky. My hair now rollersets completely straight but my strands look like kids hair. You know when it's straight, but has really meaty looking strands. It's hard to describe. But I love it.
The same thing happened to me. I like to leave a little curl...not this time. It was bone straight in 10 mins! Oh well.....
My hair was also somewhat underprocessed after my first relaxer after using Henna, which I had done a week before relaxing. I used Mizani, which always gets my hair straight. i too had went to a new stylist so I am not sure as to where to place the blame. The henna did make my hair a bit stronger so maybe that had something do do with it. Then again, new stylist. I guess I will see with my next touch up. :perplexed

Although my hair is a bit underprocessed, it isnt that bad, I just probably wont be able to stretch as long this go round.
I'm glad this thread popped back up. My hair is not relaxing straight like it used to now that I use henna. I originally thought it was the Silk Elements mild relaxer or that I had overbased my scalp and hair prior to the relaxer but now I know it was the henna. I came to this conclusion because I went back to my old relaxer - Designer's Touch Mild (which always gets my hair super straight) and my hair is texlaxed. I noticed it when I did my final rinse. I'm only a week and a half post relaxer and its like I'm 4 or 5 weeks post relaxer.

I'm a little nervous because I'm trying to hold out for 8 weeks before relaxing again but if I have this much underprocessed newgrowth right now I can't imagine what it'll be like by then. My conclusion is that I refuse to give up henna so from now on I will only henna one time a week after my relaxer that way by the time I do my next relaxer 8 weeks later, my new growth will not have henna on it but the rest of my hair will and I should be able to relax the new growth straight.
gorgeoushair said:
I'm thinking of trying henna..... what kind are ya'll using and what kind gives the best results and best recipes?

I use Jamila brand from My best results come from the following recipe (keep in mind my hair is mid neck length)

I shampoo first.

2 tbs Jamila Henna
1 tbs Indigo
1 tbs Amla powder
1 tbs honey
1 tbs EVOO
1 tbs conditioner (aphogee reconstructor or elasta qp dpr11)

This is pretty much it. I rinse in the shower and add Neutrogena Triple Moisture Conditioner and do a final rinse and my hair is moisturized and beautiful afterwards.
BRILLIANT!!! Bravo! I swear, we have the smartest ladies in the world on this board....I was just trying to figure out how i'll continue to henna without changing the outcome of my relaxer... thanks for this let us know how this works out when u try it... i'll do the same..

Cayenne0622 said:
I'm glad this thread popped back up. My hair is not relaxing straight like it used to now that I use henna. I originally thought it was the Silk Elements mild relaxer or that I had overbased my scalp and hair prior to the relaxer but now I know it was the henna. I came to this conclusion because I went back to my old relaxer - Designer's Touch Mild (which always gets my hair super straight) and my hair is texlaxed. I noticed it when I did my final rinse. I'm only a week and a half post relaxer and its like I'm 4 or 5 weeks post relaxer.

I'm a little nervous because I'm trying to hold out for 8 weeks before relaxing again but if I have this much underprocessed newgrowth right now I can't imagine what it'll be like by then. My conclusion is that I refuse to give up henna so from now on I will only henna one time a week after my relaxer that way by the time I do my next relaxer 8 weeks later, my new growth will not have henna on it but the rest of my hair will and I should be able to relax the new growth straight.
Mizani_Mrs said:
BRILLIANT!!! Bravo! I swear, we have the smartest ladies in the world on this board....I was just trying to figure out how i'll continue to henna without changing the outcome of my relaxer... thanks for this let us know how this works out when u try it... i'll do the same..

I'll definitely keep you posted. I look forward to my next relaxer and my next henna. Henna is like a drug. I keep looking at it because I want to use it sooooooooo bad but I gotta be STRONG!!:grin:
Cayenne0622 said:
I'm glad this thread popped back up. My hair is not relaxing straight like it used to now that I use henna. I originally thought it was the Silk Elements mild relaxer or that I had overbased my scalp and hair prior to the relaxer but now I know it was the henna. I came to this conclusion because I went back to my old relaxer - Designer's Touch Mild (which always gets my hair super straight) and my hair is texlaxed. I noticed it when I did my final rinse. I'm only a week and a half post relaxer and its like I'm 4 or 5 weeks post relaxer.

I'm a little nervous because I'm trying to hold out for 8 weeks before relaxing again but if I have this much underprocessed newgrowth right now I can't imagine what it'll be like by then. My conclusion is that I refuse to give up henna so from now on I will only henna one time a week after my relaxer that way by the time I do my next relaxer 8 weeks later, my new growth will not have henna on it but the rest of my hair will and I should be able to relax the new growth straight.

Let me make sure I'm understanding you correctly. Are you saying that you are going to henna once a week (right after your fresh relaxer) each week until 8 weeks? How is it that your new growth won't have henna on it? (forgive me if I'm having a blond moment, but I am trying to figure this out because I am going to use cassia with maybe a teaspoon of henna and I am trying to make sure it won't have any adverse affects on my next touch up).

Break it down for me a little bit more so I can adopt this strategy:)

Does that make sense? She'd henna after her relaxer and since it's permanent, her ends would be henna-ed and her new growth would not be. So if henna reduces the effectiveness of the relaxer, it would be best to have un-henna-ed new growth. Then she can simply repeat the process after her touch-up and all of her hair would be henna treated again.
I relaxed my hair the other day, after using henna 5 days before. I was very pleased with the results. The henna had made my strands feel a little thicker/coarser (I already had coarse hair to begin with), and after the relaxer, that was reversed. My hair wasn't at all underprocessed, and feels soooo soft and silky.

This is probably because I switched from "Dark and Lovely No-Lye" to "Silk Elements Lye" relaxer. I'm excited to see if my hair breaks/sheds less in the coming weeks. It will no doubt help me to determine if/when I'll henna again.
keluric said:
Does that make sense? She'd henna after her relaxer and since it's permanent, her ends would be henna-ed and her new growth would not be. So if henna reduces the effectiveness of the relaxer, it would be best to have un-henna-ed new growth. Then she can simply repeat the process after her touch-up and all of her hair would be henna treated again.

Keluric that is correct. Sorry if it sounded a bit confusing at first, BlackBarbie. Keluric is explaining it right on point. I hope that it will work...I don't see why it wouldn't. I won't be able to let you know until January though...that's when I'll be doing my next relaxer. Good luck everyone!
I relaxed 4 days after my first henna. She used ULI relaxer and when I say my hair was bone-silky-straight I was shocked. It was one of the best relaxer I ever had. I will henna again this tonight. My first recipe was Dulhan Henna, 1cup coffee, honey, water & coconut oil. It left my hair SEVERLY dry that an intense 3 hour deep conditioning didnt fix. So per Sareca's suggestion I will remove the coffee and do a oil treatment after washing out the henna. Hopeful I will have the same moisturizing turn out as Cayenne. I will post the results tomorrow.
Cholet112 said:
I relaxed 4 days after my first henna. She used ULI relaxer and when I say my hair was bone-silky-straight I was shocked. It was one of the best relaxer I ever had. I will henna again this tonight. My first recipe was Dulhan Henna, 1cup coffee, honey, water & coconut oil. It left my hair SEVERLY dry that an intense 3 hour deep conditioning didnt fix. So per Sareca's suggestion I will remove the coffee and do a oil treatment after washing out the henna. Hopeful I will have the same moisturizing turn out as Cayenne. I will post the results tomorrow.

Your hair looks great!!!
Cholet112 said:
I relaxed 4 days after my first henna. She used ULI relaxer and when I say my hair was bone-silky-straight I was shocked. It was one of the best relaxer I ever had. I will henna again this tonight. My first recipe was Dulhan Henna, 1cup coffee, honey, water & coconut oil. It left my hair SEVERLY dry that an intense 3 hour deep conditioning didnt fix. So per Sareca's suggestion I will remove the coffee and do a oil treatment after washing out the henna. Hopeful I will have the same moisturizing turn out as Cayenne. I will post the results tomorrow.

Your hair is sooooo pretty. Hope you'll have less drying this time around. I use oils, conditioner, amla powder and henna when I do it. I love this mix. I'll probably never change it.