my progress :( Pictures included


Well-Known Member
So, all summer I just let my hair do it's think with no straightening from May 2- September 22nd. It doesn't seem like much progress, but I'm hopeful!
So even though I can't see the difference, I figure I'll post pics for encouragement. The background story for those who don't know, I transitioned for 16 months and never did a BC. I had 2 mini chops brought me to natural.

Sept 22, 2009


Oct 16, 2009


Oct. 21, 2009

My signature includes pics from 2007 around the time I decided to transition to the first mini chop in Feb 2009.
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Arghhhh....screaming!!!!!!!! Look at your hair!!!!!!!!!! Just fabulous!

ETA: What's up with the frown in the title? Your growth is amazing!
soror! you're making great progress!!! keep up the great work!!! and your hair is BLINGIN' it baby! (go'head baby!!!) :lol:

Very pretty & I love the thickness in the September pic. Did you flat iron yourself & if so what type of iron did you use? Your hair looks fabulous!
Very pretty & I love the thickness in the September pic. Did you flat iron yourself & if so what type of iron did you use? Your hair looks fabulous!

THanks for the compliment :)

I haven't flat ironed myself since I've been all natural, so it's been over 6-7 months since I've done it myself. But I do have a CHI. The stylist I go to uses the FHI Runway and FHI blowdryer, but on Oct. 16 he used the H2Pro flat iron.

My hair was fuller in the Sept pictures because he curled my hair in spirals with the flat iron and had me wrap it overnight. THe results was a fuller straight look. While I love that look, my hair is very heavy and I wanted to do it straight straight for a little while.
So pretty and healthy! Is your hair naturally that dark?

Also I see a ton of progress since September. Like what-have-you-been-doing progress :3
So pretty and healthy! Is your hair naturally that dark?

Also I see a ton of progress since September. Like what-have-you-been-doing progress :3

I guess it is naturally this dark because everyone asks if I have a rinse, but I haven't done a rinse since December 08 and I typically do the rinse for shine and to hide the 3 gray hairs I now have :( But since I haven't had a rinse in nearly a year, I guess my hair is this dark.

Girl, I really haven't been doing much since September. I started going to a new salon in Sept and the pics are from my first time going and a trim he gave me then. After my Sept visit I kept it straight for 1.5 wks the shampooed and wore in curly/natural styles for three weeks. Then I got it straightened again in Early Oct.

My reg when I'm wearing it curly:
"shampoo" once every 2 weeks with Dr. Bronner's Magic soap
Conditioner wash as needed (1-2 times per week) with either Hello Hydration or what ever I have.

- Deep condition weekly. I've been getting hydration treatments since going to the new salon

And that's it... nothing special. Really don't think about my hair for the most part these days.
Great progress!

And what are you using to Deep Condition? Your hair has a really nice sheen to it.
Your hair is gorgeous! Very healthy. How are you keeping it from breaking? It's so shiny. What are you doing to keep it healthy?
Great progress!

And what are you using to Deep Condition? Your hair has a really nice sheen to it.

It depends. When I got to the salon they use Design Essential products exclusively. At home I use Phytospecific Vital Force Creme Bath or ORS Replinishing packs. I recently ran out of the vital force creme and need to get more. It's kind of expensive to me, but it does what it says it will do :-)


Your hair is gorgeous! Very healthy. How are you keeping it from breaking? It's so shiny. What are you doing to keep it healthy?

Thanks for the compliment!

To keep my hair from breaking, I keep it very moisturized. Now that I'm natural that was something I had to REALLY learn over the summer since I chose not to straighten all summer. I basically did a lot of conditioner washes, deep conditions, and used LOADS of coconut oil when my hair was wet to seal in moisture. One thing I must say is that my hair hated cowashes when I was relaxed and when I was transitioning; it was too much wetting, but my natural hair seems to love it! My new stylist did encourage me to use even more coconut oil and creamy leave ins when I'm wearing my hair curly to keep it hydrated. Apparently I wasn't using enough or applying correctly.

The part about it being healthy, some of that is just genetics (for me). Although I've never had hair down my back (the longest it's been is APL), I've always had healthy thick hair; at least as long as I can remember. There have been times when I held on to raggedy ends (not sure why), but overall my hair has always been healthy... even when I abused it with curling irons, etc. But I've never had a permanent color when I was relaxed and still don't. Now that I take care of my hair, it's still just as healthy, but now I tend to see growth to go along with the healthy looking hair :)
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