My new Vatika oil smells good!


Well-Known Member
I bought some Vatika oil this past summer and whew! It stank! It smelled absolutely rotten! Well I couldn't use it because it smelled so bad and I threw it out. Yesterday, I thought I would try it again so I bought some more. Well, I pierced the opening just now and put a little bit on my palm ready to be disgusted smells good! Like coconut oil! I wonder if I got a rancid, old batch last time. I got so excited that I just kept putting it in my hair and telling my DH to "Smell it! Smell it!"
I bought some Vatika oil this past summer and whew! It stank! It smelled absolutely rotten! Well I couldn't use it because it smelled so bad and I threw it out. Yesterday, I thought I would try it again so I bought some more. Well, I pierced the opening just now and put a little bit on my palm ready to be disgusted smells good! Like coconut oil! I wonder if I got a rancid, old batch last time. I got so excited that I just kept putting it in my hair and telling my DH to "Smell it! Smell it!"

It may have been expired. I purchased some vatika oil at an indian neighborhood near me and when i got home i read the back and it was expired and it wasn't as fragrant as it should've been
It may have been expired. I purchased some vatika oil at an indian neighborhood near me and when i got home i read the back and it was expired and it wasn't as fragrant as it should've been

...the one I had smelled downright pungent and rotten but I thought that was the way it was supposed to smell.
...the one I had smelled downright pungent and rotten but I thought that was the way it was supposed to smell.

some places try to be slick selling old stuff. the regular products we use don't have expiration dates.I guess because the items are herbal. I also had purchased shikakai shampoo the smell was kind of awful but again I am new at the ayurvedic products and bought it expired.

it did however stop my hair shedding/breakage immediately. I just couldn't take the smell.
Hmm, makes me wonder if I got a bad batch. I gave mine away because I couldn't take the farm animal smell :sick2:

Maybe I'll be brave and try it again. I just wish I could smell it in the store...:perplexed
Hmm, makes me wonder if I got a bad batch. I gave mine away because I couldn't take the farm animal smell :sick2:

Maybe I'll be brave and try it again. I just wish I could smell it in the store...:perplexed

That is EXACTLY how mine smelled!:barf: The one I got yesterday must be fairly new because I got a wooden brush free with my purchase.