My Mom Gets Pissed When I Give Her Hair Tips!


New Member
WTH? I was doing my conditioner/wash tonight and while I was combing my mop out, I was complimenting my aunt on how healthy and long her hair has become (she was all about keepin' it short for YEARS!)
My mom is also trying to grow her hair out, but for some reason she hasn't had much progress, after almost a six months, she has had no improvement and it still looks damaged.
I told her that she should just get a weave put in so she wouldn't have to manipulate it so much, and she got pissed and offended, insisting that her hair is healthy and growing!
I TOLD her that I was just trying to give her some consturctive criticism, but she still was annoyed. She can be quite the sensitive one... :rolleyes:
My mom gets annoyed when I offer hair advise too, then again my mom gets all crazy when I tell her that I don't eat pork anymore. Sometimes she even gets bent out of shape when I'm talking to someone else about any of the two topics.
mamas included i dont give advice unless solicited..and when i do they pretty much have to drag it outta me....i dont wanna debate on hair tips or get told i dont know what im talkin about or like one time i was told i was obssessed...all of the above r too pretty much sarcastic and part evil too so that type of back and forth gets ya nowhere with

some ppl juss dont want to hear what u gotta say...dont stress out about it....