My Mom Embarassed My Hair


Well-Known Member
Yesterday my sister had one of her baby showers. She is getting two because her boyfriend's mother wanted to throw here one and I am throwing her one. In general, and I know this is bad to say, we try our best to keep our mother away from our friends and people we know. Our mother pretends to never know what should be said when in company and what can be said when you are just around family, but I know she does because she has this certain look she gets when she knows she is saying and doing something she shouldn't/

They wanted to take pictures of just my sister and her belly, but my mom forced her way into each and every picture! When they gave her a play yard for the baby, my mother said, "Oh I was gonna buy that, but DD said she didn't want it. Didn't you say you didn't want that?" When it was time to open presents, my mom openned all the presents, but of course she presented hers like diamonds and everyone else had bought cubic zirconia:rolleyes:. And lets not forget how she brought 5 bags of baby stuff so she can out do everyone else.

My sister's friend has a thick head beautiful head of 3c natural hair that is WL. OMG my mom looked at my hair and front of all these random people I don't know and said," Your hair use to be like that until you started putting all them chemicals in it. Now it's all thin. It's gonna fall out watch. You should stop perming it." Then she went on and on about how thin and scraggly my hair looks. Everyone was looking like wtf. How you gonna show your @$$ at a baby shower?:sad: When I have my housewarming she will definitely not be invited. I will have to have a private family dinner just so she can come. My dad's response, " I told ya'll something was wrong with her. She got a mental problem."
Wow your mom really threw you under the bus!!!! What would possess her to do that? I'm so sorry.

Let me just say that I think your hair is beautiful. That wasn't very nice of her.
she sounds just like my mom. My older sister set her up a facebook page and she has became friends with all my friends :/ . And she always seem to show her behind on a daily basis. I have to delete her posts.
OMG, our moms must be related, because that's my mom 100%!!!! I too have to limit her exposure to my friends and gatherings where I feel that her unauthorized remarks might cause me embarrassment.

Your hair is great, take her comments with a grain of salt and keep it moving!!!!
What does your mother's hair look like? ...

Her hair has never been longer than Necklength and she currently has a jheri curl.

she sounds just like my mom. My older sister set her up a facebook page and she has became friends with all my friends :/ . And she always seem to show her behind on a daily basis. I have to delete her posts.

This makes me so glad my mom knows nothing about computers.
This makes me so glad my mom knows nothing about computers.

lol! This made me laugh. So I guess a little blackmail is in order. If you don't give me all the details of your reggie, Ima come over on your side of town, find her, and teach her all about the internet. AND gift her with a subscription to LHCF. :lachen:

That's not funny, huh?
Dang, what's going on with these mothers. Sorry bout your moms OP :bighug:
Did anyone address her behavior after the shower? She needs to know why people avoid her, but then she'll probably act clueless. She's obviously oblivious. *shrugs shoulders*
Her hair has never been longer than Necklength and she currently has a jheri curl.

I think it may be jealousy then.

I know, I know, lots of folks don't want to hear that, especially about your own mother, but looking at your avatar- your hair looks absolutely amazing. I see no basis in her remarks- especially since her hair (based off your description) cannot hold a candle to yours.

I could be wrong though- she may honestly think your hair is damaged:rolleyes:

I just don't see it though.
Aww OP don't worry about it. At the end of the day mothers will be mothers and there is nothing you can do about it. Its like they have this complex where they know they brought you into this world so they can say and feel however they want. Its not fair but maybe we will understand when we are mothers...:lol: [I don't know if you are a mother or not tho!] Just be grateful you even have a mom..some ladies on this board aren't even that fortunate :yep:
Leona, I am sorry this happened to you:hug3: Please don't hold a grudge against your mom for this. Remember that you only have one mother in this life. Eventually, you should let your mom know how you feel. I hope things work out between you two.
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aww... this reminds me of my grandma.... sometimes you just have to take what they say with a grain of salt. Like everyone said, based on your avi, you hair is bee-uuuu-tee-full!!
aww... this reminds me of my grandma.... sometimes you just have to take what they say with a grain of salt. Like everyone said, based on your avi, you hair is bee-uuuu-tee-full!!

Hey Le-Le!!!

I am sorry you mom tripped out like that on you (I know it can be hurtful) - but the beautiful thing about is your hair is NOT like anything she described!!! I am not even close to you and I can clearly see how healthy and beautiful your hair I know everyone at the shower could see that!

Love.Akihsoy summed it all up - u you know how mama gets down and I would just charge it to the game.
i thnk your hair is great.... some people just dont have any tact, it hard to even blame them cuz they prolly dont know any better.
LoL i know exactly how you feel girl!!! That's a Black mama for you!!!! Mine not so much with the hair but OMG don't get her started about my weight in front of people....but you know what, she's probably going to be critical like that for the rest of your life, I know mine is....:rolleyes:
I'm sorry about your mom's behavior.....that was so mean of her to say. :nono:
I wonder why she's so salty that she gotta ruin nice functions like that. No offense.

But your dad's response had me rolling! :rofl:
My mother would have done the same thing concerning the hair
she wouldn't come up off no money though :rofl:

The bibles says you are to honor your father and mother, but it didn't say you couldn't give them a swift kick in the butt when they lost da minds
only kidding
LoL i know exactly how you feel girl!!! That's a Black mama for you!!!! Mine not so much with the hair but OMG don't get her started about my weight in front of people....but you know what, she's probably going to be critical like that for the rest of your life, I know mine is....:rolleyes:

OP's mom sounds kind of like my mom and my mom used to do that to me when it came to weight when I was younger too. :ohwell: My dad used to say the same things about my mom too!

What can you do? They just drive you nuts sometimes! When my mom says something crazy to me I go pamper myself afterwards. I usually feel better. :spinning:
I know how you feel my mom is the same way and worse, it is to the point where no one wants to be around her because all she say is negative things about people and talk about herself. I don't know why they do that! Just Crazy! We have sat with my mother and told her how we felt, she got mad and cussed us all out! LOL!!
OP that sounds EXACTLY like mi adoptive mom...Maybe mi adoptive mom is worst. :( When I first was talking about going natural we were at a function and the only reason I was speaking about it was because a caucasian woman was asking about weaves and such. And here goes mi mom saying " If you keep listening to those hair board folks your gonna look like kunta kentey....ova here talking about you going natural psstt" IN FRONT OF EVERYONE....then mi sister and her husband started making jokes saying things like mi hair would be rough like sand paper and all types of stuff.

Remind you the caucasian lady is still sitting there with us looking like a confused chicken.
OP that sounds EXACTLY like mi adoptive mom...Maybe mi adoptive mom is worst. :( When I first was talking about going natural we were at a function and the only reason I was speaking about it was because a caucasian woman was asking about weaves and such. And here goes mi mom saying " If you keep listening to those hair board folks your gonna look like kunta kentey....ova here talking about you going natural psstt" IN FRONT OF EVERYONE....then mi sister and her husband started making jokes saying things like mi hair would be rough like sand paper and all types of stuff.

Remind you the caucasian lady is still sitting there with us looking like a confused chicken.

Girl that's effed up. That really bothers me. I don't know if I could be around those people.