My Mini Braids (no extensions)- Pic Heavy!


Well-Known Member
Hey all, :grin:
I never make threads over here but I posted a pic of my mini braid bun in the "Everyday Hair" thread and thought I'd add a few more pics and answer any questions. From my observation, mini braids aren't as popular as a lot of other protective styles. I've worn them moreso than any other style during my natural hair journey. I also wore them a few times when I was relaxed.

I'm still working on getting my blog on mini braids up and running and I'll also be publishing an ebook within the next few weeks that will go into detail on how to install, maintain, and take out mini braids. I'm working on formatting and layout and hope to do the final proofing soon. I can't believe it's over 30 pages without page breaks. :blush:

Anyway on to the pics!

Here's where I started:



Here's what my loose damp hair looks like. It's high porosity, fine textured, dense, mostly 4A with 4B around my edges and my bangs.


I braid on dry (mostly dry) hair that stretched overnight in large plaits. I section my hair down the middle then make 3-4 sections on each side. I work a section at a time and braid a few hours each day over a week or so. I take my time so they last. I'll probably keep these in all summer. I usually wait until my hair has grown one full revolution (the braid turns 360 degrees) at the root before considering taking them out.

A few styles:

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Thanks for tagging me. I usually don't like to be tagged but in this case I'm delighted.

I would love to be able to wear mini braids. Yours look so nice.

I know you say that you wear them until they turn 360, but how long would you estimate that to be 1 month, 3 months?

Is your hair medium density or high density? It looks like you have a lot of hair.
I look forward to reading your book.
Your hair is giving me life! lol If I had the patience, I would definitely do this for the summer. I love the way it looks.
I love mini braids! I would do them all of the time if mine didn't get fuzzy in 24 hours and start unraveling in 48hrs >_<

Yours are so pretty, you've got me wanting to try again
Thanks for tagging me. I usually don't like to be tagged but in this case I'm delighted.

I would love to be able to wear mini braids. Yours look so nice.

I know you say that you wear them until they turn 360, but how long would you estimate that to be 1 month, 3 months?

Is your hair medium density or high density? It looks like you have a lot of hair.
I look forward to reading your book.

I'm a slow grower. I get about a centimeter a month...occasionally more. How long it takes for it to turn 360 depends on the size of the braids as well. A larger braid will have a larger curl. I keep them in no less than 4-5 weeks.

I'm going to document this set on my blog. I plan to leave them in until August, maybe longer.

I would say my hair is high density. It's not as thick up front but I have a lot of bulk in the back (I also have a big head :lol: ).
I'm IN LOVE with mini braids and I tend to stay in them all summer. I look forward to reading about your process b/c I can't keep mine in for more than 2.5 weeks without having some matting :(

Thanks for the tag!

ETA: I'm over here drooling at your mini braids. They look so good!
Wow! You and your hair are beautiful!

How long does it take you to take them down?

Thank you! :grin:

I cowash them often- probably once or twice a week. They start to slowly unravel on their own. After a month, I probably have 2 inches of loose ends and I just let it go from there. By the time I'm ready to take them out I only have to undo a fraction of what I had to braid. I usually take 2 days but I'm not sure on the hours... It's significantly less time than it takes to put them in.
Gorgeous! Your hair is so dense! I think braids aren't as popular bc they're more time consuming and more compact (which doesn't work in favor of those w/ lower density hair) than twists. However, your progress is very inspirational and it's obvious that this routine/protective style should be included in the lineup of usual suspects - it's likely a great option that many simply haven't considered!

I'm looking fwd to the eBook - I'm guessing it will be very methodical and detail-oriented? :grin:
Omg, they are so pretty!!! :love:
You must be a very patient person to do all that work :lol:

It's actually second nature by now. I don't even need a mirror. And my hair is not done for at least a month.

I'm IN LOVE with mini braids and I tend to stay in them all summer. I look forward to reading about your process b/c I can't keep mine in for more than 2.5 weeks without having some matting :(

Thanks for the tag!

ETA: I'm over here drooling at your mini braids. They look so good!

MzSwift Can you tell me more about where and why your braids matte? I'm try to address all possible issues others come across so more details would be great!

Nice! I like but would dread taking them out

Taking them out is the easy part. :yep:
I have been thinking about doing mini braids. Your hair is beautiful! How long does it take you to remove them?

Eta: love your blog! It wouldn't let me leave a comment though.
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Gorgeous! Your hair is so dense! I think braids aren't as popular bc they're more time consuming and more compact (which doesn't work in favor of those w/ lower density hair) than twists. However, your progress is very inspirational and it's obvious that this routine/protective style should be included in the lineup of usual suspects - it's likely a great option that many simply haven't considered!

I'm looking fwd to the eBook - I'm guessing it will be very methodical and detail-oriented? :grin:

Yes! It's definitely very detail oriented. :yep: There are lots of lists, etc in the book, but the blog will be a great resource as well. I'll go more in depth on how to combat problems and anything else that concerns people. I'll also be able to add pictures to the blog that the book won't have at the moment.
I have been thinking about doing mini braids. Your hair is beautiful! How long does it take you to remove them?

I give myself at least 2 days to take them out. I'm a vet with this style so I can actually just take my denman and brush them out (though I strongly urge against it for those not familiar with this style). I'll put on a movie or listen to a few CDs so my hair doesn't feel like a chore. The hours just go by quickly. I'm not sure on the cumulative time.
manter26 Thanks for tagging me! I want to try these but I don't know if they will look right on me. Plus the take down was horrible for me. Yours look very nice though :yep:
Thank you so much for the tag. Your loose hair and braids are soooo beautiful. I'll be looking forward to your blog posts and progress pics. :lick:

Gorgeous! Your hair is so dense! I think braids aren't as popular bc they're more time consuming and more compact (which doesn't work in favor of those w/ lower density hair) than twists. However, your progress is very inspirational and it's obvious that this routine/protective style should be included in the lineup of usual suspects - it's likely a great option that many simply haven't considered!

I'm looking fwd to the eBook - I'm guessing it will be very methodical and detail-oriented? :grin:

This is why I can't braid my own hair. It's so scalpy and my braids look so skinny and malnourished. *sigh* I tried to braid last week actually, and I liked the ease of the braids, but not the look on me. :nono: I will have to continue to admire from afar.

During takedown, most of my matting is at the root of my braids along my nape and the ones right above my ears. I don't dilute products, I water rinse daily and I apply my scalp oil/aid daily. My hair is also more silky texture in those areas (vs. the cottony texture everywhere else) so I wonder if that plays a role.

I can't wait to read your regi b/c, if I could, I would rock them all year. I love them!

I dunno why I never take pictures of them. Shame on me! I plan to put them in next weekend though so I'll take pix then.
I love them, they look amazing and you've retained a lot of length with this PS! I wish I could do mini braids but my hair is very fine and wouldn't look as full as yours does.

Can't wait to see the ebook. Love the pics. My hair is not thick enough for this style. I would love to just see how you do the twists. Your bun is gorgeous!