My little update in my journey *Pics*

Qualitee that is some awesome progress with your ends! Did you cut them at any point ? How have you been babying them and how did the chi break off your hair ? Please spill the beans :grin:
wow, good job. =]
Did you ever cut your bad ends off, or did you just baby them?

^^^ I'd like to know too...but Great progress!

Talk about inspiring!! Great job. Kudos.

Burning ? Did you ever cut your ends or did they just fill in?
Thank you ladies :hug2: I never trimmed or cut my ends off, only dusted them. I dont think you have to have regular trimmings to gain thicker ends. It helps but its not a must.But uneven hair can make you hair appear thinner than it actually is. I just baby my ends and try to keep the protein/moisture balance together. I wear buns 99% of them time. I did this because I wanted my hair to grow back more evenly before I actually trimmed it.

Qualitee that is some awesome progress with your ends! Did you cut them at any point ? How have you been babying them and how did the chi break off your hair ? Please spill the beans :grin:
CHI Silk is a good product but its not for me. Its too strong for my hair, especially since I dont use strong sulfate shampoos to remove the cones. It left my hair nice, soft and tangle free, but at the end of the day too much cones build up on my hair, preventing the protein/moisture balance;hence breaking my hair off:sad:. To be completely honest,I think if my hair hadnt broken off from the over use of cones it would have been much longer and thicker than it is now. But you live and you learn ;)
That is some serious progress! Thank you for sharing! I've had a setback (okay two setbacks) and it's always good to see someone triumph after a loss.